'MEN ARE USELESS!' - After Dark Edit

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Tired of all these people blinded by social media and influenced by society to hate or disrespect men. Men are useless they scream without thinking about it a mere second. Common sense and logical thinking are their enemies.
Don't listen to those who are delusional and keep working hard for yourself and the ones close to you.

Copyright Disclaimer:
I do not own the music and clips used in this video, all credit goes toward their respectives owners. This video was created for entertainment purposes only.

Thanks to @Yes2Day and @balkangains for inspiring this video.

Music used:
Mr.Kitty - After Dark
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We're nearly at 100k views, so I wanted to say thank you for every view, like, comment, share and subscription! Crazy to think that when I posted this I was at 24 subs. So again, thank you everyone and it would mean a lot to me if you checked out my other video too :)


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it"
-Mike Tyson
Edit : r.i.p my notification


women: " we can do it too "
men: " then do it "
women: " no "


Feminists when it comes to equal rights:😊
Feminists when it come to equal responsibilities:😢


Bro men made internet
Most firefighters are men
Men made iphone samsung android
Men made nokia
Most Men police
Most scientists men
Men made wi-fi
Men made your house
Most doctors are men


"We respect woman not b1tches"

- wise man


As a female, I always hated these type of women. My dad is a police officer (for 20+ years now) and I am so proud of him and what he is doing to protect us. We appreciate you guys, you mean the world for us!
Edit: thank u all for appreciation of his duty!


“Men are useless”
So what do you do for work?
“I post on social media”


My dad worked from the age of 14, he did countless jobs, worked hard hours, and accomplished great things all his life, he is STILL the most selfless and caring man I’ve ever met. He’s provided hundreds of amenities and helped hundreds of people no matter the cost. And he gets NOTHING in return, yet he still does it, and HIM and people like HIM are what keep the world turning. I love you dad ❤️


imagine being a single dad and raising a daughter all these years just to become woman like this💀


i wana see if men in a day will stop working and how women will react "we need men now"


If men has been erased with their work earth will look like a minecraft plains biome😂


Men don't need validation. All our achievements are around us.


We die in the dark so you can live in the light

That quote hits so hard every
Edit: wow 1k? Nice


this is a motivation for me to workout and protect my family thanks for making it


When I was younger I hated work and pain now I find suffering is the greatest thing out there because the harder you work the better your break is. Take my quote even though you’re only chipping away at life remember every chip builds a statue


The dude who invented campfires:
The dude who invented the internet:
The dude who invented the light bulb:
The dude who invented vehicles:
The dude who invented blueprints:
The dude who invented firearms:
The dude who invented swords:
The dude who invented armor:
The dude who invented makeup:
The dude who invented fridges:
The dude who invented trash cans:
The dude who invented microwaves:
The dude who invented stoves:
The dude who invented money and coins:
The dude who invented ovens:
The dude who invented laws of gravity:
The dude who invented sports:
The dude who invented cars:
The dude who invented television:
The dude who invented electricity:
The dude who invented domestication:
The dude who invented livestock:
The dude who invented recipe books:
The dude who invented beds and sleeping bags:
The dude who invented hats:
The dude who invented clothes:
The dude who invented tools:
The dude who invented games:
The dude who invented buildings:
The dude who invented houses:
The dude who invented government:
The dude who invented towers:
The dude who invented castles:
The dude who invented paleontology:
The dude who invented geology:
The dude who invented communism:
The dude who invented democracy:
The dude who invented politics:
The dude who invented capitalism:
The dude who invented anarchism:
The dude who invented trenches:
The dude who invented wind turbines:
The dude who invented planes:
The dude who invented jets:
The dude who invented bomber planes:
The dude who invented helicopters:
The dude who invented tanks:
The dude who invented anti air vehicles:
The dude who invented missile launcher vehicles:
The dude who invented ships:
The dude who invented boats:
The dude who invented battleships:
The dude who invented guided missile destroyers:
The dude who invented destroyers:
The dude who invented heavy cruisers:
The dude who invented heavy destroyers:
The dude who invented steamships:
The dude who invented stories:
The dude who invented books:
The dude who invented science:
The dude who invented math:
The dude who invented ELA:
The dude who invented chemistry:
The dude who invented social studies:
The dude who invented philosophy:
The dude who invented Christianity:
The dude who invented Islam:
The dude who invented Hinduism:
The dude who invented Buddhism:
The dude who invented Zen Buddhism:
The dude who invented churches:
The dude who invented restaurants,
The dude who invented patrol boats:
The dude who invented bakeries:
The dude who invented parties:
The dude who invented manga:
The dude who invented youtube:
The dude who invented Twitter:
The dude who invented Reddit:
The dude who invented FaceTime:
The dude who invented settings:
The dude who invented discord:
The dude who invented AppStore:
The dude who invented camera:
The dude who invented photos:
The dude who invented speakers:
The dude who invented computers:
The dude who invented federalism:
The dude who invented spaceship shuttles:
The dude who invented space ships:
The dude who invented jewelry:
The dude who invented drinks:
The dude who invented foods:
The dude who invented emojis:
The dude who invented keyboards:
The dude who invented PCs:
The dude who invented jet skis:
The dude who invented yachts:
The dude who invented gloves:
The dude who invented radar:
The dude who invented t-shirts:
The dude who invented suits:
The dude who invented sauna suits:
The dude who invented space suits:
The dude who invented jet packs:
The dude who invented pants:
The dude who invented jeans:
The dude who invented shorts:
The dude who invented sneakers:
The dude who invented air forces:
The dude who invented Jordans:
The dude who invented flags:
The dude who invented countries:
The dude who invented states:
The dude who invented Navy:
The dude who invented marines:
The dude who invented self defense:
The dude who invented potions:
The dude who invented glasses:
The dude who invented living rooms:
The dude who invented stairs:
The dude who invented couches:
The dude who invented chairs:
The dude who invented bonfires:
The dude who invented daggers:
The dude who invented machetes:
The dude who invented kitchen knife:
The dude who invented axes:
The dude who invented hatchets:
The dude who invented fire axes:
The dude who invented pickaxes:
The dude who invented wigs:
The dude who invented naginata:
The dude who invented katanas:
The dude who invented longswords:
The dude who invented scythes:
The dude who invented sickles:
The dude who invented hammer:
The dude who invented bottles:
The dude who invented paper:
The dude who invented bags:
The dude who invented tables:
The dude who invented fabric and cloth:
The dude who invented new materials and resources:
The dude who invented pantries:
The dude who invented bookshelf:
The dude who invented cupboards:
The dude who invented sunglasses:
The dude who invented masks:
The dude who invented health care:
The dude who invented hospitals:
The dude who invented bunkers:
The dude who invented pipes and pipe systems:
The dude who invented heartbeat monitors:
The dude who invented satellites:
The dude who invented solar panels:
The dude who invented coils:
The dude who invented springs:
The dude who invented locks:
The dude who invented doors:
The dude who invented wheels:
The dude who invented keys:
The dude who invented air fryers:
The dude who invented cabinets:
The dude who invented devices:
The dude who invented engines:
The dude who invented gyros:
The dude who invented bullets:
The dude who invented light guns:
The dude who invented medium guns:
The dude who invented heavy guns:
The dude who invented light machine guns:
The dude who invented medium machine guns:
The dude who invented heavy machine guns:
The dude who invented turrets:
The dude who invented wires:
The dude who invented teaching:
The dude who invented haircuts:
The dude who invented pedicures:
The dude who invented manicures:
The dude who invented churches:
The dude who invented barber shops:
The dude who invented interventions:
The dude who invented traffic:
The dude who invented streets:
The dude who invented roads:
The dude who invented highways:
The dude who invented movies:
The dude who invented cartoons:
The dude who invented shows:
The dude who invented transportation:
The dude who invented steering wheels:
The dude who invented nukes:
The dude who invented b29 bomber planes:
The dude who invented spitfire bomber planes:
The dude who invented harrier II jets:
The dude who invented f35 Lockheed Martin lightning II jet:
The dude who invented panzer VIII maus:
The dude who invented Abrams II:
The dude who invented m3 Bradley:
The dude who invented abramsX:
The dude who invented m4 Sherman:
The dude who invented leopard tanks:
The dude who invented tiger tanks:
The dude who invented t-72:
The dude who invented Panzer I:
The dude who invented Panzer II:
The dude who invented Panzer III:
The dude who invented UH-72 Lakota helicopter:
The dude who invented MH6 little-bird helicopter:
The dude who invented KA-52 helicopter:
The dude who invented T-34 tank:

Please pin me this took so long
:Edit: 600 LIKES
:Edit 3: 800 LIKES WHAATT?!
:Edit 4: 900 LIKES ALMOST AT
:Edit 5: 1K LIKES
:Edit 7: I think my last edits we're kind of hype, but thanks for 1.5k likes :D


As a female, thank you men. I will proudly accept the fact that everything built around us are made by men.


Respect for this man who made this edit 🫡


As a woman, I’m ashamed to have people like that who have the audacity to call men useless. They should know that if anyone is being useless, it’s them! Because while they sit on their phone spewing nonsense on TikTok, there are men working their asses off to make the world a better place. Thank you to all men who work hard and provide! I give you my utmost respect.
