Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

Chronic Neuroendocrine-Immune Vicious Cycle Disease
**Systemic Inflammation
**Mitochondrial defect
**HPA Axis Dysregulation
**Dysfunctional Natural Killer Cells(NKC)
**Barrier permeability

Possible Mechanisms Post-exertion malaise
Viral infections Fatigue
Autoimmune disease Cognitive Deficits
Chemical toxicity ============== Immune compromise ==========(ME/CFS)
Traumatic Brain Injury Autonomic Symptoms
Stealth Infection Stress Response Intolerance
Mold Toxicity

Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions in Massachusetts, 30 minutes north of Boston. He utilizes natural and alternative therapies to help manage complex cases such as Hashimoto's, autoimmune conditions, IBS, SIBO, chronic fatigue, brain fog, early Alzheimer's, etc.

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978 688-6999

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The content of this video is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with your physician before embarking on any dietary changes or taking any nutritional supplements.
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Please do make more, especially on how to combat it. Thank you.


ME/cfs is a cruel and debilitating illness . I liken it to being held in solitary confinement within your body - you’re entrapped and cannot get out . Thank you for spreading awareness about this devastating illness


All of that!!! Sitting here now wiped out after a few errands! PLEASE, MORE VIDEOS! Adaptogens help and beef liver supplements (for the full spectrum of B vitamins). The worst thing is how it's downplayed and how people are like, "yeah, I have that too, I'm tired." They have no clue!


I’ve had this for 30 years. I am 73. I’ve never found a doctor who wanted to discuss it.


Thanks for addressing this important issue ! And yes #MORE. The mitochondrial dysfunction etc. And yes, LOVE the short videos!


Please make more videos on CF/ME. I also have chronic LD. No I am not crazy or a hypochondriac. No I don't have MS. I have had many tests and this is what they finally figured out.


Yes, please make more videos on ME/CFS! I have had it for 30 years and it incredibly difficult to find any doctors who are knowledgeable about this, and how many of our systems it affects. And those who do know a little about CFS have such outdated thinking and treatments- that they end up doing more harm than good (ex. GET and CBT) This video was a great overview of ME/CFS. Thank you!


This month is my 41st anniversary of becoming severely ill with a viral infection that became ME/CFS - thank you for the video and if you follow up with more on this illness please address how severe the pain can be especially the pain that our inflamed spinal columns can generate. Only by living a very enclosed life with the help of a very supportive spouse, doing my own research and the grace of God have I been able to endure. As I'm getting older, 72 in May, symptoms are getting worse despite living as healthy a life as I possibly can - eat only organic, avoid EMF's, stay within my 'envelope' as much as possible and take supplements proven to help even a little. Thank you so much for treating ME/CFS patients with respect.


Great video! Please offer simple, effective solutions to combat this condition. It's horrible!


Thank you Doctor for the video. Please post more information on EBV and CFS. I was diagnosed 30yrs ago with these illnesses. Despite diet, exercise and an array of vitamins, I'm always very exhausted. Thank you.


Thank you so much! So many curable conditions causing major disability by not treating the root causes. People left for dead. Hang in there guys. The information is available, just so hard to find professionals to help you on the journey.


This was good. I wanted to just add, it is more than feeling wiped out or completely exhausted. It feels more like I’m dying when it’s really severe.
Also, PTSD and certain types of psychological trauma are now thought to injure the brain, creating areas of micro inflammation, just as one might see in a pt with post viral syndrome


Yes please give more information on this condition! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with this community, !


great video, very clear explanation of CFS. I would love more videos on this topic, especially about treatment, what are things that a person with CFS can do to help alleviate and even heal completely from this condition. Thank you!


Yes please...more I do on this especially remedies that may help us. Thanks so much!


Most definitely! Please do! We greatly appreciate your videos!


Please make more content about this. Where to go to get diagnosed? How to treat, maintain or even be cured? My doctor lacks information on this which is discouraging. I appreciate all your help.


I love all of your videos, would love more on ME/CFS as it as impacted my life so much. Thank you for explaining everything so well.


awesome. One take Sung. Never an edit in any video I've seen. Amazing. Not to mention incredible content.


More please !!!
Ive been diagnosed w fibromyalgia ... and suffer chronic fatigue which debilitates my life.
