What is neoliberalism?

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This is one of my spicier videos, but I got a whole ass Economics degree and lemme tell you as soon as you get out of Econ101, a lot of the models they teach in that class are discounted as oversimplifications. It’s crazy how many voters rely on this elementary view of economics, and never learned the details. So I am going to explain exactly what neoliberalism is! In under a minute! #econ #economics #neoliberalism #definition #definitions #econ101 #finances #capitalism #neoliberal #economy_mommy
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In an older episode of a German cabaret TV show they basically broke down neoliberalism into three key points: "privatization, tax cuts and welfare state dismantling". It flows a bit better in German bc they're all single words; I would just add "for the wealthy" after the tax cuts. I think that also fits very nicely and broken down to some of its essentials.
In this episode they also showed how the Mont Pelerin Society, a gigantic network of neoliberal think tanks, worked for these political impacts for decades by changing the public zeitgeist and discourse on such issues. Perhaps they're worth another video if you want to get deeper into neoliberalism?

The major neoliberal reforms in Germany have taken place a bit later than in the US/Canada/UK I believe, under Chancellor Schroeder and his Agenda 2010. Sadly those actually came from Social Democrats and Greens, parties both considered to be centre left. I believe it was at that time that the chant "Who betrayed us? Social Democrats!" came up on protests against the reforms.

Our society still suffers from the shitfuckery back then. Sadly people seemingly don't realize that the solutions against this should come from further left. Since the refugee crisis in 2015 and a general frustration with all political parties has risen, only the right wing party AfD is profiting off of this. They're voted for out of pure spite, even though they have some of the hardcore neoliberal things in their programs.
But not enough with Germany. These reforms have even impacted the stability of the European Union itself, all bc of reforms made in Germany. So another reason of frustrations rising in other European countries are actually German reforms (I'm not saying it's all bc of our shitfuckery, it's only part of the reason of course). Anyways, it's all pretty frustrating.
I'm actually politically engaged and try to change things, but I'm very unhappy about the incompetent communication the Left party is using.

Sry this escalated a bit. Perhaps I was able offer some perspective to neoliberal effects in my country! Keep it up and have a nice day :)


John Maynard Keynes wanted the capitalist market to be the servant of mankind.

FA Hayek wanted the capitalist market to be the master of mankind.


The foremost intellectuals on neoliberalism wrote a book called "The Nine Lives of Neoliberalism". Phillip Mirowski of Notre Dame is the main guy. The key is that neoliberalism is more of a philosophy and general worldview than it is given credit for. Its about recasting what we think it means to be a human being as something that is essentially an individualist entrepreneur.

It is important to emphasize that neoliberalism is liberal because while it is right wing economics nominally associated with conservatives and members of the republican party, liberals and members of the democratic party for example are by this time also fully neoliberal in their worldviews. Even though the "liberal" part of the word "neoliberalism" has to do with the fact that the word liberal in Europe is pretty much what Americans mean when they use the word libertarianism, its also the case that being an "American liberal" is largely associated with a sympathy for the corporate agenda that is in every way neoliberal.

Liberals like to think they are not participating in the evil that is the right wing economics of neoliberalism (even though they are) so they take issue with the fact that neoliberalism contains the word liberal. Indeed this is exactly why there is so much resistance to the term neoliberalism and in turn people don't know what's going on and otherwise left wing factions end up supporting right wing neoliberal economics because they can't tell that that's what they're doing.

How do I know all liberals are neoliberals? Its because liberals hate positive liberty and the Hegelian state. The Hegelian state is the collectivist social contract based on a grand, shared vision of the future. This a positive liberty system, the opposite of a negative liberty system. Liberalism, like neoliberalism is committed wholly to negative liberty and in this agenda they become total allies to the point where they are indistinguishable.

Neolieberalism was historically born out of the horrors perpetuated by the 2 great positive liberty systems of the 20th century, the Nazis and the Soviets. Never again could such horrors occur and so the way that neoliberalism would set things right was to instigate a societal wide shift away from the psychological thinking function and towards the psychological feeling function. It was claims to rationality and the ability to know how to design society and improve people that was the foundation of how the Nazis and Soviets and their positive liberty operated. So neoliberalism was to be the most sophisticated form of negative liberty, where society could never be controlled by anyone claiming to know what's best for others. And so that's where we are today. No one can imagine a genuine positive liberty without imagining labor camps and genocide.

Yet negative liberty is exactly what the ultra wealthy wanted all along. Negative liberty is the freedom of the oligarchs from the reality of the collective. The reason why we need positive liberty is because we need quality people for a complex world and the only way to get quality people is a robust positive liberty state that goes out of its way to cultivate quality citizens. The ultra wealthy do not want the state to be empowered to cultivate quality citizens because their power relies on the ability to dominate masses of people living lower quality lives.


"neoliberalism" is simply a politically correct word for "fascism"...&thats according to mussolini himself, who defined fascism as the merger of state and corporate power...


Technically, it started under President Carter. Democrats and Republicans all mostly agreed with this doomed strategy. That's why it's often referred to as "the Washington consensus."


I find the whole _"will create losses"_ thing fascinating. Like _"will create losses"_ for big corporations in order to reduce wealth inequality? Yeah that's a f**king good thing


Reagan ruined everything. I wish John Hinckley Jr had better aim.


I am not a fan of neoliberalism. The major flaw is that it leads to exploitation of workers in order to gain profit. The name is super misleading. When I think of liberal, I definitly think of stuff like taxing the rich and legalizing gay marriage. When liberal is used too much it starts to lose its meaning. Maybe meolibertarianism is a better name. Libertarians focus on freedom. This can lead to freeing the market. Still that is misleading. Some libertarians are into capitalism and some aren't.
