I'm Never Using Tmux The Same Again!

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I built my most wanted Tmux feature - a floating pane!
I've been using Zellij with envy using it's incredible ability to load stacked floating windows, and while this may seem to be trivial or un-important to some, this truly changed the way I work and I LOVE it!

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⏱ Timestamps
00:00 - Intro
00:42 - Introducing Floax
01:20 - The "why"
02:23 - The "how"
02:49 - Sponsor: Wix Studio
03:47 - Used with SessionX
04:23 - Installation

#linux #tmux #zellij #vim #nvim #neovim #terminal #config #dev #devops #software #development #dotfiles
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Many people recommend using Zellij, but I've been a dedicated tmux user for over a decade. Given my fluency and comfort with tmux, I don't see a compelling reason to switch to another tool. Thank you for your incredible work. I have just included this plugin to my configuration. THANK YOU!


I love your content and immediately fell into the exact scenario you depicted in the "less key strokes" methodology. Using tmux has broken my habit for tabs or even windows. I tend to fire up panes and either zoom as described or I run something and exit.

I'm convinced and now I'll absolutely give this a try and see if I dig the workflow. I dragged my feet integrating lazygit with neovim due to my pane swapping, but I've gotten rid of that flow in favor of just a simple <leader>lg. It really does come down to minimizing flowstate interruptions.


This is the only thing from zellij I wanted in tmux. Thanks so much! I had been using a script I hacked together that did something similar but was limited in functionality due to my limited tmux scripting knowledge. Will definitely give this a shot and maybe pick a few things!


small hint: you don't need to zoom out. you can switch panes without it. i just wish i could switch panes while still being zoomed in.


If tmux didn't add such an render overhead. Since I noticed how much faster a vanilla terminal is, i can't not notice it.
But still tmux is a must!


I still don't quite get the reason for using floating windows. I can press prefix+c to create window and it's already full screen. Then just prefix+number to jump back where I left.


Great stuff as always, i admire the confidence and persistence it takes to make these plugins, very inspiring!


This is pretty cool. I built my own implementation of something similar a while back. I have some bound to their own keymaps. Alt-g opens up Lazygit in a float. Alt-c opens up the cwd in a float. Alt-q opens up a float in ~. On other thing I did is they are sessions essentially. So if I have a float opened with Alt-q but then I press Alt-g it'll chnage the float to lazygit. That way I can cycle my floats and go back to my regular work once finished. If I use any of those binds to open the float. Ie Alt-g, I can press Alt-g again to close the session. If I want to persist the float and come back to it later, I can press Alt-d.

Very nice plugin bruv!


Lmao oh that's sick with cmatrix under it! Good job dude! Will star it later


It's an interesting way to work. Will give it a try once i am free. Good work.


Thanks for all of the videos. Now using wezterm and tmux for the past couple of weeks and liking it much more than iterm. Tried zellij and while was super easy, it had a weird crash once (didn't take long) while tmux seems rock solid.

Now just need to get python working with neovim (and devcontainers) and I think I'll be done. And also some sort of vim motions for selection (I know wezterm has a little of this, haven't dove in yet) (a delete-in-word motion would be lovely).


The plugin is good, and it’s really good to have active new plugins. But I really think that you are creating your problem with the zoom functionnality. You could think about simplifying your workflow by having a short on Alt + j/k/l or ; to have quick access to to 4 panes at all times like a sort of tmux version of harpoon (alt f/d/s or a). This allows you to Build up muscle memory around it, which is always better than arbitrary controls based on what you see (zooming in, zooming out, floating windows).


Been using it for a while now and loving it. One thing that would make it even better is the option for multiple "floax". I.e I'd use C-p to open a scratchpad and C-n to open one with neovim automatically started in my notes dir.


Nice video, learned a lot from you. I finding no tutorials for setting up php for neovim, and i idk my configs are not working. Can you make a short video on setting up neovim for php. If not please name some lsp, linters n all for php


Ok i finally masterered sessionx yesterday and you decide to pull out a new plugin this very day!
One functionality I still miss from tmux is the auto resize of panes so that when you switch in a pane it slightly becomes wider and taller than others. This could be a very confy user exp functionality.

Btw My wife hates you


What made you switch from zellij back to tmux?


This is cool, what are the advantages of using it over a floating (and split) terminal system in Neovim itself though? That way you can benefit from all the quick key strokes, still do things like pane splitting, as well as using normal mode to yank text easily with vim motions.


Please make a video about your keyboard, layouts that you have and so on... it could nice to compare. Thanks man


How do you create multiple floating with a dedicated key binding?


using a TWM then move one of the terminal window to the special workspace ( using hyprland ) do a tmux attach and boom just switch back and forth
