How Strong Is Spider-Man?

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"With great power comes great responsibility." -Ben Parker

There are a lot of superheroes in the Marvel universe. Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, but when you think of real powerhouses, do you ever consider... Spider-Man? It turns out having the proportional strength of a spider can really come in handy when mixing it up with supervillains! But there might be more to Peter Parker's skill set than meets the eye... When you really start crunching the numbers... There's something AMAZING going on underneath all of that radioactive blood, and The Imaginary Axis is here to help us explain what that is!

Banner Artist: Kevin Christensen

Logo Artist: Jack Narey

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Spider-Man and all related characters, settings, and media are property of Marvel World Wide Inc.

No copyright infringement intended.
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He holds back so much when fighting villains it’s pretty crazy to think


Actually, spider man himself has stated that he has always been holding back, so he does not kill the people he’s fighting. He tells all this to king pin, he has just been punched through 14 prison walls by one punch. King pin ordered aunt May to be attacked, which put her in the hospital. Spider man found out, knew immediately who did it, and went into the prison, found king pin, who knew he was coming. King pin is all like “ I knew you would be here, and I have been preparing...” he then charges at Peter full strength, who then proceeds to LIGHTLY PUNCH KING PIN THROUGH 14 PRISON WALLS. King pin is dazed, not knowing what the hell just happened, and Peter slowly walks towards him telling him how he has been holding back, but now that aunt may has been hospitalized(again), he has no reason to hold back. After a few chapters of king pin getting knocked around like a plushie animal, Peter lifts him by the throat and tells him that the second May dies, spider man is going to fill pin with enough web filling to fill his body, killing him slowly, but Aunt May survives, and spider man lets King pin go. And that is one of my favorite Spider-Man stories ever.


Spider-Man can lift 50 tons yet he chose to hang out with Elsa and do questionable videos.


I also imagine that getting bit by the spider didn't just give him spider traits, but also boosted human traits. Spiders don't have adrenaline, but humans do. I bet the spider bite gave him a suped up adrenal gland, making him able to do amazing feats when fight or flight kicks in.


Hint: When Doc Ock became Spider-Man and didn’t know to hold back his punches, he knocked Scorpion’s jaw clean off


We're tired of seeing the origin story

Spider-verse: *hold my beer*


I wonder how difficult it is to hold back your super strength when fighting normal humans


I think people forget that Spider-Man is always holding back. It’s one of the reasons that make him so great.


Spidey's easily the most powerful street-level character in fiction. Absurd strength, crazy speed, and that damn Spider-Sense. Honestly, he's probably way above street-level.


I remember in the spider-man comic where he smacks scorpion’s face off, that doc ock thought to himself how much spider-man was really holding back


I believe that Peter is at roughly that human-spider level 10-50x human strength in his “base” level of strength. That’s what he can access readily, under normal circumstances. Under pressure, he can push, really push, himself to levels far beyond that. I haven’t seen any examples of Peter not needing to build up to a level of strength beyond what we would normally expect before we see him really “push”, or otherwise probably have adrenaline as a justification. Spider-Man’s true limits are far beyond what he can quickly tap into, but he normally operates at a much lower level than his max strength. The seemingly limitless ability to stretch his strength beyond his limits might as well be one of his powers. He’s like an American Shonen Anime character.


It's not the fact that Peter held the ferry together for a few moments that amazes me, it's the fact it didn't rip him in half. Or that he was completly fine. Like, imagine this much weight pulling at both of your arms for a few moments.


In that story about Aunt May dying, Spiderman was lifting more than a chunk of metal, he was also lifting feels


I always assumed his strength was Hulk-like in the sense that it can grow immensely if he is pushed hard enough. Either way, I love the spider boy.


Spider Man is one of the most underestimated superheroes ever. Not to mention, it is clear in the original comics that he always held back when fighting villains due to his sheer power, plus he is a genius!


finally someone acknowledging the best marvel super hero


Hmm... Both Spidey and the Hulk got their powers through radiation. Both seem to be more powerful when strong emotion is in play. Perhaps that's the link? Spider-Man can't generally lift more than a couple of cars at once, but if he's scared, desperate, or angry, the radiation element kicks in, giving him the added boost.


People always think Spiderman is weak, Im glad you made this video to show he's probably one of the most powerful heroes in Marvel, mentally and physically


Spider-Man has the potential to be the most terrifying person to fight. Not only does he have the strength that was described in this video. But he also has super human agility, so if he were to go all out, he could throw a dozen super powered punches in seconds. Not only that, because of Peter’s spider sense, he’s practically untouchable with some exceptions of course. And the most terrifying thing about spider-man is that his ability to stick to walls can also stick to almost anything….. including skin. In one issue, he was so furious at Kraven’s wife for killing Kane, that he ripped a piece of her face off just by using his sticking powers.

All villains must pray to god that Spider-Man has such a strong moral code. Because he could eradicate anyone if he truly wanted to


*His strength is whatever the writers dictate at a particular moment*
