Our CRAZY 72 Hours in Norway (17 May Celebration)

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In today's episode, we celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day in Oslo for the first time ever. As two Swedes, we've always wanted to experience this iconic celebration!🇸🇪❤️🇳🇴

This day is known as syttende mai (17 mai) or Grunnlovsdagen in Norway. We get into the history behind the day, how the Scandinavian countries have fought for hegemony and independence for decades, and how the day is celebrated these days. Then, we drive north to the mountains and stay in a cabin for two nights to immerse ourselves in the beautiful Norwegian nature.


We’re Oskar🧔🏻 and Dan👱🏻‍♂️, and we believe that anyone regardless of who they are deserves to live their dreams! For the past nine years, we’ve continued pushing boundaries by traveling and living all across the world, including places like Uganda, Brunei, and Saudi Arabia. In 2022, we reached a huge milestone by visiting 100 countries and we’re now on a mission to keep sharing our journey and hopefully make the world a little more open, compassionate, and peaceful along the way❤️

Thank you for being a part of the journey!



Norway was country 11🌍 (first visited together in 2016)

We began our road trip in Gothenburg, Sweden, where we drove to Oslo to celebrate May 17 with our friend Kaisa. From there, we drove north to Vestre Slidre and explored Jotunheimen National Park and Beitostølen.

Thank you for watching!🙏😍

0:00 Starting in Sweden!
0:43 Why we want to go to Norway on May 17
1:10 Driving to Oslo and finding (FREE) parking
2:17 First glimpses of the celebration
2:49 The history behind Norway's Constitution Day
4:11 CRAZY celebrations and finding Kaisa
5:08 Traditional dress (bunad)
5:34 Waving to the royal family
6:11 Appreciation for Norway!
6:49 One of our best travel hacks
8:04 Watching a concert and leaving the city
9:03 Quick cupcake break
9:26 Time for the mountains
9:59 Cultural differences between Sweden and Norway
10:51 Beautiful drive and toilet
12:38 It snow good
14:25 Arrived at the cabin
15:27 Cabin tour
16:54 Warning!
17:24 Insane drive to Jotunheimen (oh god...)
18:10 Norwegians are cool!
19:49 Time for a hike
20:30 Reindeer!!!
21:05 Testing the glacial waters
21:36 Pizzas for Norwegian prices
22:05 Oskar and Kaisa swim (Svalbard repeat)
23:27 Please don't ask
24:05 Some thoughts
25:30 Amazing Vietnamese food in Oslo?!
26:28 Deleted scene
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Thank you guys for watching as always and thank you for the love on our Life Update video❤ Videos looking for a home coming soon😍


I have heard this misconseption several times lately.. 17th of May is the constitution day, and we are celebrating the signing and agreement of the constitution in 1814. That was independance from Denmark, and we call that period for the 400-year long night.
As for the independance from Sweden, we have 7th of june, which is called 'unionsoppløsningen' which many of us put out the flag, but don't celebrate as 17th of May. The government building also has a room called the 7. juni-room.


You should visit the Western Fjords in Norway next time. Nature there is even more stunning than what you saw on this trip.


This is the difference between Norwegians and Swedes. The Swedes are always talking about money and prices. 😊! We are celebrating that we got our own Constitution - Law after 400 years with the Danes. 😵‍💫The first Celebration was 17. May 1820. Then we went in a Union with the Swedes. We chose a Danish Prince to be our King in 1905. King Haakon VII. Greetings from Oslo.


About to visit Norway (cruise from Tromsø to the Lofoten archipelago and Svalbard) for the first time in just a couple weeks! Can't wait!


I just got back from 12 days in Alaska. So clean and fresh air. Was there for the summer solstice so 2 hours of dusk that day only. What beauty. Would love to see Norway/ Sweden.


Interesting, excellent history lesson and details about Norway.🇧🇻 gotta visit there sometime. Greetings from New Jersey in the US!!!


Imagine the shock that I experienced last year when I visited Norway on May and saw frozen lakes and snow. I'm from Greece, so... Thanks for sharing this beautiful video.


Cool video, guys, and highly appreciated! You're right about the lack of Swedish tourists here in Norway. When I grew up in Bergen in the 60-70's, it was common for Norwegian families to spend summer holidays in Sweden, which had a more modern and innovative society then Norway back then. (And way better highways!) Later in life I realised that while most Norwegians knew quite a lot about Sweden, most Swedes knew precious little about Norway.
So welcome next time to beautiful Bergen and the majestic fjords and mountains of Western Norway!


Tusen Takk for driving 3.5 hours from Gothenburg with jet lag after an almost missed flight. I listened to your podcast!


Just discovered your channel & fell in love immediately! Thank you for sharing beautiful Norway, & love from California, U.S.!


It doesn't matter where you go, people are what make a place home, so make sure you're near people you love.


2:43 - 17th of May is our constitution day, so we're technically celebrating the constitution which was passed on the 17th of May 1814 - before our union with you guys. So one could in a way say we're celebrating entering a union with Sweden (despite almost going into a war with you several times during the 100 years to come). So, it's really exiting the Danish union we're celebrating.

Edit: Well, you explained all this very well afterwards...


Great timing. My husband and I are scheduled to visit Sweden, Norway and Denmark in three months. Lov you guys.


Thank you for bringing us to Norway. Living in the USA it’s the same thing. We travel more frequently to Europe rather than our neighbors Canada and Mexico.


I have been waiting for this for ages! What great fun. thank you


This was a particularly fun video. You both looked so relaxed and at ease. It was awesome to see. ❤️


You should visit the Western Fjords in Norway. They are even more stunning than what you saw on this trip.


Dan looks so handsome without his glasses. I almost couldn't recognize him. He is super handsome!
I sincerely suggest that Dan consider laser surgery for myopia! You can have the surgery on your next trip to Taiwan, where it is very popular and cheap!
The natural scenery in Norway is so beautiful, and the best thing is that they have a toilet called Dan, haha!
Your vacation cabin is truly beautiful, comfortable, and cozy! Your friend has a great sense of humor, and she is so lucky to know you!
Thank you so much for sharing, super great job! 👍😍🙌


ah nice the one day of the year when I can sit home in front of the tv and enjoy my time in peace, cause which sane norwegian actually enjoys being out and around so many people
