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We made 72 Hr. Emergency Kits for Adults, Teens, and kids 2021-2022!! Large Family of 20!! We made TWO MORE for A GIVEAWAY to a LUCKY SUBSCRIBER! Subscribe and Comment ANYWHERE on Not enough Nelsons to ENTER! #16Kids #LargeFamily #Emergency #Emergencykits



Welcome to Not Enough Nelsons! We Post a NEW video every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAYS!! We are the "NOT ENOUGH NELSONS" FAMILY! We are a big family of 18! We always get asked if they are all ours!!? 7 are biological and 9 are adopted! SO YES!! THEY ARE ALL OURS!! We sure love each one of our 16 kiddos! We hope you enjoy our videos! We have had a blast filming them! (except for the occasional meltdowns) Follow along with our crazy family on this great youtube adventure! Our videos consist of Vlogs of our crazy life, Dancing, Skits, and Challenges Etc.!

MOM- Tiffany
DAD- Benji
Kenn- 24 yrs old
Kass- 22 yrs old
Bridger- 22 yrs old
JourNee- 23 yrs old
Trey- 20 yrs old
Jaine- 19 yrs old
LiLee- 15 yrs old
SaiDee- 14 yrs old
NayVee- 13 yrs old
Luke- 12 yrs old
PaisLee- 10 yrs old
DeLayNee- 10 yrs old
PresLee- 8 yrs old
ElleCee- 8 yrs old
Beckham- 6 yrs old
Ledger- 2 yrs!!

Music: final cut pro free music, youtube audio free music, Artlist .io, Bensound, ZapsplatCategoryEntertainment, Epidemic Sound
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whats in the kit- Hope this helps!!🙂🙂
-wet ones
-tear gas mask
-filters (for gas mask)
-regular face masks
-first aid kit
-hand warmers
-body warmers
-water bottles
-water filters & water filtering straws
-food (snacks)
-tooth brushes & toothpaste
-duct tape
-rain poncho
-multi tool
-blanket &emergancy blanket
-hand sanitizer
-toilet bag
-pens & notebooks
-multi use radio
-batteries in water proof case
-feminine suplies
-1 outfit including shoes


I would add a tracker to each backpack just in case you get separated or somebody gets lost. I would also add hair ties because you never know what you might need to do and having your hair in the way makes everything harder. Plus they can be used to seal bags and as first-aid in some situations. And either a lighter or matches so you can light a fire for warmth, to get somebody's attention, or if it comes down to it to cook food.


Wow your 72 hour kits are awesome!
What I like best about this video is the example you are being to be obedient to the things you’ve been taught. Hopefully your family will never have to be in a situation to have to use these bags but if you are, being prepared is a great way to be. You are teaching that to each of your children and as someone who found your you tube page, I appreciate the examples you are sharing of being intentional in your life’s, prioritizing and sharing.
Thank you!
Keep it up, it’s a good work!

I’d add
tick remover.
Snake bite kit.
Redmond clay
Essential oils
Blister kits
Baby shampoo
Hair ties for girls
Some small toys for the little ones-maybe hot wheel car
Baby powder-helps with rashes
Eye drops
Allergy medicine


What they didn't add that I would recommend:

1. You did add outfits, but having 2 of each undergarment is a good idea (camisoles, bras, underwear, socks)
2. Trackers so if the family is split up, they can be found
3. Lotion, dry skin is annoying
4. Mini deodorant, sometimes we all smell
5. Hair bands, they can keep items shut or stuck together or be used to pull back your hair
6. A lighter (only for adults) to make fires to cook food, to keep warm, or to signal for help
7. Tissues, to clean up messes and to wipe our noses
8. A battery operated lantern, sometimes we need light when it's dark
9. Tick remover, ticks are everywhere
10. Bug repellant
11. Baby powder for rashes on any part of the body
12. Melatonin (sleep gummies)
13. Tide to go wipes and pen (accidents happen)
14. Thermometer (to detect fevers)
15. Asthma Inhaler ( even if you don't have asthma you might get outnof breath sometimes)
16. Sunglasses
17. Showercaps to protect your hair from bugs and water
18. A note with the kids name, their parents names, the parents email and phone number
19. A note with their doctors contact information *for emergencies where they need a doctor*


Love that you made this video! We added the Disaster Deck to ours. We had a winter storm last year that left us without power for a week as well as massive forest fires going on around us which caused us to be on standby for evacuation. In addition, we also had a heat wave with 120 degree weather for a week. Other than forest fires, these are all things that we don't normally have in the PNW. Our kids kept getting nervous about remembering what they needed to do for each type of emergency. So we found the Disaster Deck to add to each 72 hour kit. It's a pocket size emergency survival cards with Instructions for disasters. After reviewing them as a family, we added them to their bags and they are much more comfortable than before on what to do for an emergency. We also labeled names on each bag to make it easier for them to know which bag is theirs in case they panic and grabbed the wrong one.


I’d probably add like walk-talkies, mosquito spray or just a normal bug spray. By the way I’m not in the competition live too far away sadly! But congratulations for the ones that gets to be the winners!


I’d add:
Mosquito repellent-Prevents mosquito bites.
Asthma inhaler-you’ll never know when you need this.
Thermometer-Easy to detect fevers


I would love to have a mini bible with me! I believe it’s important to be able to relax and receive comfort from reading and remembering the promises of God in scary situations! 🤎 I also think it would be nice for the kids to have one small toy or booklet from the dollar store to give them something fun to keep them occupied ☺️💕


i would also add...
- bug spray - just incase you have to sleep outside (like where there's bugs)
- sunshades/visors - no one likes sun in their eyes!
- extra socks/undergarments - always helps to have a few extras :)
- portable sewing kit - (great if anyone's socks or masks rip)
- 4 in 1 shower gel (hypoallergenic) - it's nice to stay clean :) also, it takes up less space in your bag
- shower caps - if you don't want your hair to get wet; or if you are scared bugs will crawl on your hair
- lotion/healing ointment (such as neosporin) - if you are in a dry area, these help for cuts & cracked skin
writing everyone's names in sharpie on the inside of their backpacks helps too - just incase you have special items (ex: medication, vitamins, spare glasses :)


I'd definitely add: Matches, Lighters and even some coal. Perhaps with the tent I'd add a small carry stove with small bottle of gas. In case you need extra heat, cooking, heating water... As well as plastic bags. They always come handy. In fact I'd store the clothes and everything in the plastic bags (even double bag the clothes / shoes and have double socks.) or inside giant plastic bag inside the backpack, incase it got wet or you neededed to cross water / swim. Or heavy rain... Perhaps a rubbish bag or two would help as well. Clear plastic bags can also be used to cook in over an open flame. ♥ Loving these kits. Especially that wind up radio, simply brilliant. Makes me feel like I should & would need to make one in case of a tsunami, hurricane, cyclone or fire warning here.


A Hammock so you have a bed and so you don't get bitten by bugs or anything like spiders and snakes and it's comfy and it will keep the wind off you so you dont get hypothermia and you can fit two people so you don't have to spend as much money and it can compact easy so it can fit in your bags


Items we thought of was a hat for the sun or cold, small games that are packable, cash (just in case), walkie talkies.. We just love your family. My daughter and I recently found your youtube channels and love watching all of the Nelsons. Thank you for sharing your family and especially your tips to all of us moms. Would love a chance to win the survival backpack but am happy for whoever gets it also :)


This is so clever specially for emergencies!! I would add a hat and thick socks to keep warm or little jacket too


Me and my family just made 72 hour kits and something I would add is long lasting meals we added tuna fish because it dosnt go bad very quickly we also added things like beef jerkey ( yeah it might get hard but it does give you protein and fills you up!) 😋


I would add a timer to keep track off time so if they are lost and they need to know if they should stay at the place or see if they have more time to find maybe a safer place when there's light outside


One item that I would have is a hair tie or an extra pair of glasses, for me personally I'm always need my hair up, and I can't see without my glasses so I need glasses to add to my bag. Just in case I didn't have my glasses on in the time that I needed to grab my bag! I just love your guys's videos, you guys do such a good job on them and always make people that are down a lot more happy, Thanks for all the happiness you put out into the world! Good Luck to everyone that try to get into the contest! @NotEnoughNelsons


I would add:
Astma inhaler
Mosquito spray
A little chewing gum packed helps for stress you may have then
Self defense tool just a simple thing what can protect you
A belt can always be handy
And the last thing i would add is a old towel you can use it for almost everything
BTW love you're family I've been watching you for a while now but just realized I wasn't subscribed yet🤦‍♀️ love you all keep going with these fun and learn full videos😍❤️


Just a couple of tips that I’ve been taught growing up
1. NEVER write down where you’re going or the directions to get there. Someone can steal it and then it could get dangerous if it’s a life or death situation in the first place.
2. You should have maps and a backup plan incase of any emergency. You can use the maps to find where you’re going but make sure not to mark where you’re going or your route on the map.
3. Make sure you pack shoes that are broken in and sturdy. If you suddenly have to walk several miles in a day you don’t want to have shoes that you’re breaking in. Thick socks also help a lot!


An Emergency kit is a must especially where I live we have Hurricanes and tornadoes 🌪 plus tropical storms and sometimes we have to evacuate!!Tiffany I'm so happy you're planning ahead and keeping the family safe!


A sewing kit, a fire starter, a small waterproof map of local area, a waterproof deck of cards, for adults a small survival book, a laminated card with important phone numbers and addresses (nobody knows phone numbers anymore because they are stored in our phones), a chocolate bar because it lifts spirits in a stressful situation, laminated photo copies of ID, SS card, Birth Certificate. Container of a few instant tea, coffee, small hard candies for blood sugar. A small fold up knife saw (never know what you need to cut yourself out of or for cutting wood etc for building shelter.
