Deconstructing Dispensationalism by Steve Gregg

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Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraaff set me straight 25 yrs ago. Steve I stumbled upon your YouTube channel after praying for the Lord to connect me with other believers who do not hold the dispensation view!


I've just discovered Steve Gregg. Appreciate his approach, his grace toward those he disagrees with, and his humility toward difficult topics. Interested in hearing more. Thank you, Mr. Gregg.


After over 3 decades of believe of rapture / dispensationalism coming from South America I m today grateful to God for this brilliant and humble teacher !!!. I am growing finally in understanding about the power of the Kingdom and the beauty of Jesus the Lord!. Things now fallen in place …


Just gotta say, I’ve only recently discovered you Steve, but you are possibly the best speaker I’ve heard talk on Dispensationalism. I had seen you in the documentary ‘On Earth As It Is In Heaven’ but didn’t know about your ministry in this area. Your content is brilliant and has been super helpful for me in articulating the errors of Dispensationalism. Thank you for making this edifying and much needed content available!


I am 63 and have been fairly lukewarm in my faith up until recently. Now I have a real desire to learn the mystery of the revelation, and to rightly divide the Word and It's meaning. i am confused so much by the differing and conflicting theology within the body of Christianity. I had no concept of these terms; Dispensationalism, Predestination, Sola scriptura, Sola fide and so many others. I do believe in my heart that Christ died for our sins, was raised, and sits at the right side of God the father. That by Faith alone we are saved, and not by works. That with true faith we receive the Holy Spirit to help us discern His Word and guide us on the narrow path. I came upon your videos and was impressed by your knowledge, and conviction. I must seriously consider your interpretation of the Word. I will Pray to the Holy Spirit to help me in understanding all this, to be honest am truly baffled by the last chapter of the Bible other than the Lord is coming in his wrath to judge the world.


This Brother is not afraid to tackle what's become anathema to Scofield Dispensationalist. Appreciate ;his work and kind spirit.


I left dispensationalism a couple of years ago, when I hear pastors say..if your against Israel your against God, I cringe now that I know national Israel is not the focus.


Have heard that 80% of evangelicals are dispensationalists. Since most have been taught that view, the opposition is huge. I left that view a long time ago, and saw the Bible started falling into place much easier for me.


Pastor Gregg, I got saved in the late 90s. And from a simple reading of the bible, without any "evangelical interference", I never came to a belief in a pretribulation rapture or the primacy of the modern nation of Israel. I'm so glad you are showing a plain reading and understanding of the word without the confusion of Zionists and Judiasers. So glad for your ministry.


Very pertinent message for this time! Thanks, Steve!


I’m really struggling with so-called Christian friends, that are not even willing to have a conversation about this topic. So sad.


your topical lectures about this and church history helped me escape the heresy of dispensationalism


So helpful! Thank you for teaching so clearly!


"There's no danger of the promises being taken away from the faithful"

I think there would have been a better statement to be made here, personally. Because when looking at the question he answered:

"But if God took away his promises for the Jews, then he could also take away his promises from the church!"

I agree with the statement about the nation of Israel, but I think this is an interesting point:

Revelation literally talks about this exact thing happening. It says that if specific churches in Asia do _not_ change their ways, God will remove their lampstands (in other words, allow those churches to collapse or be destroyed). That's an interesting thing to note, because yes, the Bible does say that if churches fail to be faithful to God they WILL be removed.

The faithful believers as a whole will not, but on an individual level, or an individual church level? Absolutely it can happen. That's why Israel is a strong warning to Christians as well.

Paul even warns Christians grafted in that just as unfaithful Israel was cut off, so to can those who are grafted on.


Love you Steve. Dont agree with everything you teach, but it stimulates thought and consideration and hope for understanding.


Thank you for sharing Truth. Any “gospel” that omits a nation is a false gospel. How many Jews have gone into eternity without Christ because of this theory? Steve, what a blessing to the world your book on Revelation is!!!


Will you debate Robert Breaker? Or J.D Farag on this subject


Important to consider with the news this week.


Solo scriptura has been the cause of more heresy than we can imagine, not to mention thousands of break-away rebellious denominations. Jesus didn’t study alone, present day Jews still don’t and neither do serious scholars…a corrective voice is always valuable to prevent us from believing that last nights pizza was a visit from the HS.


I think the bloom is coming off the dispensationalists rose. I was saved in the Catholic charismatic renewal, and I never signed onto the Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsey craze. I never really bought into it. It all seemed too cute by half. Around 1980 I read a book called “The Blessed Hope” and discovered there was an alternate view. Dispensationalism is really elitism.
