Introduction and Definitions - Steve Gregg | When Shall These Things Be? (Eschatology) Lecture 1
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I. Definitions:
A. Eschatology — from “eschatos” (“last”) and “logos” (“word” or “subject”)
B. Greek vocabulary for the “coming of Christ”
1. nouns
a. parousia — “a presence” (from “para” [with] and “ousia” [being]) trans. “coming”
Of Paul (II Cor.10:10/Phil.1:26/2:12), of Stephanus and Fortunatus (I Cor.16:17), of Titus (II Cor.7:6,7) of the man of sin (II Thess.2:9)
Of Christ (Matt.24:27/I Cor.15:23/I Thess. 2:19; 3:13; 4:15; 5:23/II Thess.2:1,8/James 5:7,8/II Pet.1:16; 3:4,12/I John 2:28)
b. epiphaeia — lit. “a shining forth”
(translated “appearing” - I Tim. 6:14/II Tim.1:10 [of Christ’s first coming];4:1,8/Titus 2:13 and “brightness” at II Thess.2:8)
c. apokalupsis — lit. “an uncovering, or unveiling”
(usually translated “revelation” or “appearing” — Rom.2:5/I Cor. 1:7/II Thess.1:7/I Pet.1:7,13;4:13/Rev.1:1)
2. verb
a. erchomai — regular generic word for “come” (Matt.10:23/16:28/26:64/Rev.1:7; 22:12)
C. Millennial views
1. millennium - from Latin “mille” (“1000”) and “annus” (“years”) mentioned in Rev.20
2. pre-millennialism - Christ returns before the 1000 years
3. post-millennialism - Christ returns after the 1000 years
4. a-millennialism - The 1000 years and subsequent “little while” (Rev.20:7-8) represent the whole time between the first and second comings of Christ.
II. The Modern System (Dispensationalism)
1. Seven Dispensations (according to Scofield)
a. Innocence (Creation till the fall)
b. Conscience (the fall till the flood)
c. Government (Post-flood till Abraham)
d. Promise (Abraham till Sinai)
e. Law (Sinai till Pentecost)
f. Grace (church age)
g. Kingdom (millennium)
2. Israel’s eternal uniqueness
3. Professed commitment to literal interpretation
4. Hidden gaps in prophecy
a. Isaiah 61:1-2
b. Daniel 2
c. Daniel 9:24-27
5. Seven-year tribulation, pre-trib rapture (two-stage coming)
6. Judaic temple-centered millennium
A. Eschatology — from “eschatos” (“last”) and “logos” (“word” or “subject”)
B. Greek vocabulary for the “coming of Christ”
1. nouns
a. parousia — “a presence” (from “para” [with] and “ousia” [being]) trans. “coming”
Of Paul (II Cor.10:10/Phil.1:26/2:12), of Stephanus and Fortunatus (I Cor.16:17), of Titus (II Cor.7:6,7) of the man of sin (II Thess.2:9)
Of Christ (Matt.24:27/I Cor.15:23/I Thess. 2:19; 3:13; 4:15; 5:23/II Thess.2:1,8/James 5:7,8/II Pet.1:16; 3:4,12/I John 2:28)
b. epiphaeia — lit. “a shining forth”
(translated “appearing” - I Tim. 6:14/II Tim.1:10 [of Christ’s first coming];4:1,8/Titus 2:13 and “brightness” at II Thess.2:8)
c. apokalupsis — lit. “an uncovering, or unveiling”
(usually translated “revelation” or “appearing” — Rom.2:5/I Cor. 1:7/II Thess.1:7/I Pet.1:7,13;4:13/Rev.1:1)
2. verb
a. erchomai — regular generic word for “come” (Matt.10:23/16:28/26:64/Rev.1:7; 22:12)
C. Millennial views
1. millennium - from Latin “mille” (“1000”) and “annus” (“years”) mentioned in Rev.20
2. pre-millennialism - Christ returns before the 1000 years
3. post-millennialism - Christ returns after the 1000 years
4. a-millennialism - The 1000 years and subsequent “little while” (Rev.20:7-8) represent the whole time between the first and second comings of Christ.
II. The Modern System (Dispensationalism)
1. Seven Dispensations (according to Scofield)
a. Innocence (Creation till the fall)
b. Conscience (the fall till the flood)
c. Government (Post-flood till Abraham)
d. Promise (Abraham till Sinai)
e. Law (Sinai till Pentecost)
f. Grace (church age)
g. Kingdom (millennium)
2. Israel’s eternal uniqueness
3. Professed commitment to literal interpretation
4. Hidden gaps in prophecy
a. Isaiah 61:1-2
b. Daniel 2
c. Daniel 9:24-27
5. Seven-year tribulation, pre-trib rapture (two-stage coming)
6. Judaic temple-centered millennium