The Dangers of Dispensationalism | 10-21-23 | Steve Gregg

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This whole series of lectures on dispensationalism are like a wonderful breath of fresh air and are greatly appreciated. ✔️


Amen! What a beautiful lecture, people of America, listen to what Brother Steve is saying, and be blessed.


Very helpful and persuasive. Dispesationalism is a great deception that has led to multiple wars, many deaths and so much suffering. Steve is too kind to those promoting this teaching. The kindest thing you can say is " Forgive them because they don't understand what they are doing. "


Thanks for your study Steve! So thankful for you!


♠♠♠ Well said about the past exiled Jews and their return in their era thousands of years ago. Dispensationlist are so blind to the obvious.


Thank you Steve. What about God’s promise to bless nations who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel?


These are such great points. I like how you prove everything with the scripture.I wonder if believing that modern Israel is good is the great deception. I agree, Jesus judged those pharisees... because they murdered Jesus..your house is left desolate, Jesus said, then 70 a.d. the temple was destroyed. God certainly fulfilled this prophecy. I agree the new covenant is believing the gospel; we are Abraham's seed and heirs according to his promise. All this time, everyone that gets saved individually by faith; so it's not possible to get saved any other way.


"Israel" means "God rules".The definition of Israel is those who are in a covenant relationship with God, who agree with God, those whom God calls His people and they call Him their God, b/c they are in agreement with God. The terms of the covenant can change, do and did when Christ became heir of the promises. All things become new. God changed Jacob's name to Israel when he prevailed with "the face of God".


Greg you mean to tell me that people are added to the church as you said in your video well my question is this with over 40, 00 denominations plus sects out there which church is the church?
Many people don't know where to go


I'd be interested in knowing what you think about Isreal now.


God said the world would never be destroyed again by water. Thats unconditonal sealed with a rainbow. God has many promises that are unconditional. God isnt dependent on man. God promised the physical land to israel forever based on Abrahams faithfulness. God has many promises to Israel, and when i say Israel i mean the faithful Israel which is saved jews and gentiles, which every Christian is part of, that are unconditional and will not be revoked no matter what man does


Yeah the Jews were not called back on Pentecost 😂
How can people allow themselves to believe this???
When the day is Pentecost was fully come is when the NT church were being gathered, not the Jews.


Hold on help me understand. Judaism and God's commandments are two different things. Judaism is man-made traditions added by men.

I commonly see these two things intermingled .

For instance in galations 2, Paul rebukes Peter for doing Judaism and calls it works of the law.. peter wasn't doing God's law he was doing Judaism


Dispensationalism is nothing more than the literal grammatical understanding of scripture. It is not " dangerous" on the contrary can you imagine where we would be if we applied the allegorical understanding to the rezurection or the virgin birth or the crucification? Allegirizing the prophecies is s slipping slop to herecy.


This Preacher and everyone posting on this thread don't seem to understand that you are posting on here today with each other at the speed of light because Bill Fernandez introduced Steve Jobs to Steve Wozniak through a Mystical Experience in a walk around the Neighborhood in Cupertino, CA in 1969. Read the 1984 Classic Book "Fire in the Valley" and start to connect the dots for yourself before the coming 2040's. Let the knower, KNOW.


Maybe it's just me, but the 1st 30 seconds are troubling to me. I believe God's promises and prophecies to be true - and it is not dependent on mankind's response. (That would put God in a box of "conditional" love. And throws grace of the Gospels out the window.)
Again, maybe I'm missing something - but it seems he puts little to no observation that so much prophecy was fulfilled in AD 70. Or, just a lack of emphasis?
It is GOOD he discusses that "faith" should NOT be grounded in - our perception of prophecy...which essentially ignores the Gospel message.
It seems important to consider if doctrines like disp. builds into it, too much anticipation or expectation of events. IMO, it's okay to consider a switch and bait, or fakery -the dark side may put on a show that has the appearance of "fulfillment". You know, powerful enough to deceive the very elect?
I do not mean to be too hard on him...just things to ponder...


I like your content on most things but you seem angry at dispensationalism. I don’t know what they did but you should love and respect your enemies. Love them to know their best arguments without resorting to sarcasm. Respect them by fearing making bad arguments based on what is no scholarship by people who are not dispensationalists. Good luck convincing anyone with this video.


read the bible prophesies about Israel. solid dispensational.

are there issues, yes.

has nothing to do with dispensation.

he is distorting the bible. trying to support preterism.

the mk is in Israel and future.


You can't say God has rejected Israel as you read the start of Romans 11, and then say Israel will not be saved when you get to the end. It's basic exegesis. The salvation of Israel is rejected on traditional and systematic basis instead of facts from Scripture. On a side note. podcasts over an hour get skipped. JMHO but I think a guy who makes his point in 5 minutes will be heard more often.


You don't have a clue about WHO "Yisra'el" truly is!

It has nothing to do with "Jews" and the man made state of "Israel".
And it has nothing to do with "the church" and "spiritual Israel".

You are touting the purest form of "replacement theology" in a bid to replace the Elohim [and His people] of your Bible with the god of this world and his followers.

And the terribly sad thing is...
you don't even seem to know it.
