AG1 Long Term Review - Is it all HYPE? NOT SPONSORED!

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00:00 - Intro / Overview
02:00 - Purchasing Process / Pricing
02:47 - Unboxing / What comes with it?
05:35 - Ingredients / What's in it?
05:29 - Flavor / Drinkability
07:05 - My Background / Use Case
08:03 - Did it do anything? / Benefits I noticed
09:55 - Final Thoughts / Is it worth getting?
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I am 72 and have been taking AG1 for a month. I spent most of 2022 fighting colon cancer ……chemo, etc. I have Celiacs disease with constipation. Post chemo my immune system and energy level was toast. I also needed medication to maintain a daily bowel movement. Since taking AG1 my energy level has definitely increased. I am experiencing two bowel movements daily. Overall I feel great. I just had my one year colonoscopy and my G.I. Doc said whatever you are doing………keep doing it. I’m excited to see how I feel six months from now.


I swear to god, people who put timestamps are the best.
Thank you, you saved me a lot of time.


I am 53, I have hypothyroidism, I’m in menopause, and a basic active person. I’ve always taken over the counter vitamins, but I noticed that my nails, toe nails, and hair were suffering. I was losing hair, toe nails fell off, and my nails looked seriously bruised. To me these were all signs of nutritional issues. My daughter was taking this while pregnant because other supplements were making her throw up. December’22 I began taking AG1 because my symptoms were not improving. I did have bloat the first month, but now that’s gone. Five months later my hair is growing and looks full. It’s not falling out in gobs. My toe nails have grown back and only one is left to heal. My nails have all healed too. My daughter also retained her hair and had tremendous growth during pregnancy. I’d say that this is a great product and I have no problem spend the $$ every month.


I’ve been taking AG1 for a little over two years, too, and I feel the same way about the results. Skin, nails, and hair grow like crazy. I struggled my whole adult life (I’m nearly 45 years old) with constipation, but no longer☺️. I would treat it like coffee/caffeinated beverage because if I have it after 3pm, my energy and brain activity is too high for sleep


Great video and I believe you absolutely nailed it. I’ve been taking AG1 for 2 years now and I can definitely understand when you say you’re not sure exactly what it does but you “think” you feel better. A few things I absolutely noticed were nails definitely strengthened and skin improved. My nails were always cracking even though I keep them short and I wear gloves as much as possible while working( I’m a man for clarity here). Also I felt significantly less bloated and it regulated my movements. I can’t say that I notice any significant difference in recovery or performance in hard workouts or exercise before taking AG1 and since starting and continuing taking it for 2 years. I have replaced all other vitamins other than still taking a vitamin d3/k2 combo. I still take other supplements like protein and a few others to keep lean muscle mass as I age( I’m 45). I spent upwards of $60 on vitamin packs and what not before for years, so the price isn’t an issue for me. I look at it as $3/day and whether it’s a placebo effect or not isn’t really concerning to me. I plan to continue taking it. I’ve looked into and tried others like AG1 and have found that those others don’t do or have something AG1 in some way or another. Whether it’s not continuing to try to improve the product, not actually listing and breaking down the amount of and ingredients in the superfood complexes and other complexes, AG1 does all of this. Plus the customer service is top notch. You may not get a response same day but you definitely will the following day, and they have never once left me disappointed or feeling ignored or that they don’t care. If anyone reads this though and has alternatives they believe I should try, please let me know. Have fun everyone.


I've been taking AG1 for about four months and have noticed a couple of differences. My waking blood glucose levels are noticeably lower. I check my levels every morning and have done so for years and the improvement seems correlated with starting AG1. The other difference is an uptick in deep sleep. Over the past year, I averaged about 1.5 hours of deep sleep and that has gone up to 2 hours a night since starting AG1.


I spend like $30 every week on fruits/veggies which I use in green smoothies on my Vitamix blender. That’s about $120 a month or more which is more expensive but honestly I know exactly what’s going into my green smoothies


Wife and I have been taking it daily for going on 5 months. We love it and it has lived up to the hype. Will say that dr. Huberman has been a great guide to additional things to enhance life. From behavior to supplements to just the science of maximizing the human experience.


Great honest review! I appreciate the No -sponsored honest thoughts! I’ve taken a super food grass type drink before too. I’m not sold on the results yet. AG1 is expensive!


Thanks for sharing your experience and honestly, I just started using it. I'm 70 years old and have taken an assorted handful of vitamins for YEARS! In addition, already spending a sh!t ton of money on good quality supplements (that are suggested by my Holistic doc.) So for me, subscribing at $79. per month is a "deal". I am hoping to alleviate trying to remember taking the handful of supplements and improve my energy level.


My dad has had a lot of debilitating health issues for the past 10 years or so. I bought him AG-1 months ago after seeing HUNDREDS of reviews from different content creators (all sponsored 🤦‍♀️😂)... He truly feels so much better since taking it. He even says there's days where he feels better than he did 10+ years ago before his health complications started.

Suggestion for anyone that can't handle the taste/texture.. He hated it. I bought empty vegan capsules & encapsulated it. It works exactly the same, for him anyway. No more bad taste/texture. ☺️


Good vid! I did AG for 6 months. I opted to switch to Strong Greens and Strong Reds from BPN. It saved some money, tastes better and honestly… from a gut health standpoint, I feel better than I did with AG. Give ‘em a shot. Maybe a comparison vid of the two after some time with the BPN powders? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have been using this for 7 months now and will continue using this. The main reason is the unintended consequence of a problem I’ve had that’s seems to have resolved. I have suffered from esophageal strictures for about ten years, I began to notice less and less frequent issues eating and have been problem free for six months. I also was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 7 years ago. I haven’t been the best with medication compliance and expected my lab work to be bad, well I was within normal limits and I feel good. Crazy stuff.


I have been taking for over a year…sometimes just 3 to 4 days a week to save a little money, but I prefer almost daily. I absolutely notice a difference. I had some severe gut issues and my energy levels were very low among a few other things that I was experiencing for the first time in my life. After taking AG1 for 2 or 3 months the 😊gut issues were gone. My energy was also starting to improve. I did feel better overall and I had tried all kinds of things before that will no to only slight improvements, so I don’t believe it could be in my head. I’m an artist, money is tight, but my health is priority. I also started taking it in the morning and could fast. I tend to wake up starving, so this was new for me too and the effects of fasting may have helped as well. I used to take a lot more supplements, but I currently only take ag, fish oil and lactoferrin (a fairly new addition that I also found a noticeable shift in my energy and health, I am often anemic) I have felt far better in the last 3 months than I have in the last 3 years. So I will continue with at unless something changes. 💚 thank you for the honest review!


Great video and I appreciate the unbiased, non sponsored review. I've been considering taking AG1so your video has helped. I don't think the price is too high considering I am spending a lot more on very expensive vitamins and supplements that are already in the greens. I'm gonna give it a go so thanks again.


Great video! Appreciate your honesty. You're always going to pay more when someone does something for you. Like preparing the foods, like AG1, that we need. I really like it & I'm saving $ on the supplements I used to take. I don't smoke or drink anymore, so I'm saving $! I do have more energy and focus. ❤


Love, love AG1! I feel so much better. Bonus, my skin glows!
I add 1 teaspoonful of each, tumeric and organic beet powder. It helps with inflammation and clarity.
Lately, I've been adding to a blender with some blueberries, a handful of fresh greens, flaxseed and chia and 1/2 banana.
Amazing! Expensive, yes. But totally worth it! I just reduce the amount a tad to make it stretch some. That's why I add the fresh greens and fruit. I also take the D3 and K2 drops that camewith it.
I can feel a difference if I forget a day.


So I’ve been taking it for a month.

I’m a 42 male who works outdoors in a physical job.

I’ve noticed, no more energy, but I’m not as tired at the end of the day. I’ve also noticed I sweat A LOT more. Definitely thinking clearer and as a person with depression, it hasn’t hit nearly as hard as usual.

I’ll keep going for now.


I’ve been taking AG1 for probably 3 weeks now and there is definitely an energy boost for me after taking it each morning.
One thing I noticed is that I don’t need a coffee first thing in the morning with breakfast as the craving just went away which was good.
Overall I am feeling better, plus knowing that I have my vitamins etc covered each day.
It is expensive but I figured my health is worth it, and will try for at least 3 months and decide if I continue from there.
I’m one of the few it seems that actually like the taste and the texture of the drink and definitely look forward to it each morning. I never forget to take it, as I would with other supplements.


Mix it will Orange Juice, let it hydrate for 5 to 10 minutes . it's much better. 6 months of usage. I'm 65 yrs old and need to improve my gut health. It did what I expected. You are correct is does cost is high. I would think that $40. per month would be better. My resting heart rate is 58. Before it was 75.
