Augustine's Problem of Evil | Philosophy of Religion

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- B. Clack & B.R. Clack, The Philosophy of Religion: A Critical Introduction (Polity, 2019).
- W.J. Wainwright (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion (Oxford University Press, 2007).
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philosophy, logic, education, philosophy lesson, lesson, teaching, online, plato, university, free education, free philosophy, metaphysics, politics, political philosophy, ethics, language, history of philosophy, the learning academy, a level philosophy, how to argue, philosophical arguments, inductive arguments, deductive arguments, valid argument, sound arguments, fallacies, sentences and propositions
Subscribe to the Philosophy Academy for more content!
The Philosophy Academy is an educational project designed to teach Philosophical content for all, for free. Subscribe for much more philosophy education in the future!
- B. Clack & B.R. Clack, The Philosophy of Religion: A Critical Introduction (Polity, 2019).
- W.J. Wainwright (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion (Oxford University Press, 2007).
All images are protected under CC-BY-NC copyright licence.
philosophy, logic, education, philosophy lesson, lesson, teaching, online, plato, university, free education, free philosophy, metaphysics, politics, political philosophy, ethics, language, history of philosophy, the learning academy, a level philosophy, how to argue, philosophical arguments, inductive arguments, deductive arguments, valid argument, sound arguments, fallacies, sentences and propositions
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