'It Wasn't Poison... It Was An Accident!' | E06 E22 | Law & Order

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Episode recap from Season 6, Episode 22 "Homesick": Briscoe and Curtis (Jerry Orbach, Benjamin Bratt) investigate the poisoning of an infant in a wealthy neighborhood.

Show Synopsis: In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. From Emmy-winning creator Dick Wolf, with its groundbreaking "ripped-from-the-headlines" format, comes the highly-acclaimed, longest-running crime series in television history.

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Welcome to the official YouTube channel for Law & Order. Watch all of the official clips from the series, some of the best moments from within the criminal justice system, where the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who investigate crime, and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders.
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I loved the regret dawning on his mother’s face when she realized what he’d done. She was so focused on stoking the flames of her hatred that she lit her own son’s hatred, pushing him towards a solution he might never had even considered if his mom had just shut. Up. About the “replacement” family for 5 seconds.


Despite this being a show, this pulls at my heart. I can understand that the boy was upset, but killing the baby was just terrible! The baby didn’t do anything wrong, and that’s what really hurts. A baby lost it’s life because of the boy’s jealousy


This is perhaps my favorite defense attorney in the Law and Order universe. She's smart, sassy and goes for the throat during her cross examinations. A viper, ready to strike at any sign of weakness. It was easy to root for her in this episode because her client was actually innocent.


the fact that I knew the boy was the killer as soon as I saw him, makes me wonder, am I watching too many crime series?


I think his mother’s blatant hostility towards his dad and stepmom had a part to play as well. She very clearly was bitter about them being together and having a baby, and children are a product of their environment.


As soon as that kid said, "It's terrible" (at 2:37) I knew he did it. The way he lingered over his words.


Can’t believe y’all are arguing over which parent is in the wrong. 🤦🏻‍♀️

The dad is foul for essentially abandoning his wife and son to start a new family. Your oldest son might be a teenager but he’s still gonna need you as an active part of his life. As for the mom she let her anger and hurt consume her. She always seemed angry and aggressive during her screen time, especially with the way she talked about her husband. Her feelings are definitely valid but her son didn’t need to see and hear all of that. Have a friend who grew up with divorced parents that absolutely HATE each other. She’s 26 now and has cut contact with both of them because of the trauma they’ve inflicted on her. Was literally diagnosed with a form of PTSD because of them. 🥴 A home shouldn’t be filled with anger, shouts/screams, threats of violence, etc. How is anyone let alone a teen that’s still developing supposed to thrive in that kind of hostile environment?


This is eerily reminiscent of the Road Hill House murder in 1860. Sixteen-year-old Constance Kent killed her younger half-brother, three-year-old Francis Saville Kent, because her step-mother was cruel & her father neglectful. Constance initially proclaimed her innocence, only to confess her guilt in 1865.


my dad never paid child support, never initiated communication except to threaten us, and I'm pretty sure the only reason he had us around at all was because he couldn't lie and say he didn't have kids on his dating profile so he had to seem like an engaged father. he married my stepmother and has two new kids with her. he has his do-over family now, he doesn't really talk to us anymore. my brother was born when I was 16 and my sister when I was 21. I would absolutely do anything for those kids, I would kill and die for them if they needed it. when my brother was a baby, he would fall asleep on me every day for his nap. the day my father dies will be the day I can breathe a sigh of relief, but I couldn't imagine hating my baby siblings for existing as a byproduct of the trauma my father put us through. never in my life have I even thought about hurting them as an act of revenge. they are not the ones who hurt my family, they're just innocent children. I cannot feel sympathy for a person who so heinously misdirects their anger


To me thIs has always been one of the most sad episides. Dad basically forgot he had another son when the baby was born, mom (first wife) was angry and bitter and obviously didn't mind telling her son all about what a louse dad was... Add to that puberty.... Not justification at all for what he did but Mayne he should have poisoned dad instead. And noe dad has lost both of them. Its not in this clip but the part when the police have Evan and the dad runs out and looks like he's going to strangle Evan, Evan looks st him with the most hopeless chilling look. Great acting by the young man... Who is he?


Even in fiction there's always this sense of dread you feel when a child character dies. Especially one as innocent as an infant.


"You owe me."

This show is so great.


I respect the judge for pulling everyone aside for the confession. Clearly the boy was troubled and his parents' behaviours did not help him, but killing a baby is still a heinous crime and he will see the consequences. The judge extended him a little bit of kindness by letting him say it on his own terms instead of being pressed in front of his parents and a crowded court room.


"The baby's dead" is actually one of the most unintentionally hilarious lines ever uttered on the show.


Nurse: “No problem sir😊”
Nurse half a sec later: “The babies dead.” 😑


Lawyers made that woman out to be a monster simply for working a high pressure job...


There's no justification for killing a baby but I get the anger behind it, a do-over family with a new baby that kid was being pushed aside and in time would have been forgotten all together. Maybe card on his birthday or rushed phone call on christmas before being cast aside.


I never saw this episode but I have seen loads of law and order/ SVU episodes. As soon as the older half brother was introduced I knew he was the killer. The killer is almost always someone introduced within the first 20 minutes who does not play a major role, or it is obvious and those episodes focus more on the trial/loop holes in the system etc.


I really can't stand guys who leave they're wives for other women! Especially when they're younger and now he thinks he can start his life all over again and throw his other family away like nothing.


Not justify the boy killinghis brother, but there's a LOT of blame to go around. Mainly directed at the parents. Biological mom, she was hurt/jealous because her husband replaced her with a younger woman, and seemingly shut her and the son out. When the cops asked the boy about his brother, mom nastly corrects and says "half-brother". This boy probably had to endure hearing his mother going through rollercoaster of emotions after the parents broke up. The father and the new wife, hired a nanny that clearly didn't like babies, but then I don't think the parents like the baby either as they both spent more time from home than with the child. If dad had handled the break-up better both sons would still be in his life. LAO has a great team of writers. 🙂
