LG Washer Door Boot Seal Replacement AGM30030702

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This video provides step-by-step repair instructions for replacing the washer door boot seal in an LG washer (Model WM4000HBA). The most common reason for replacing this part is if it's missing or broken.

Learn how to troubleshoot your washer:

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I started this video thinking I should just go ahead and swap mine out with a fresh one. After the first couple minutes I decided this was NOT a job for me. Props to you for showing the step by step instructions!


This video saved me
I called a repair shop, they quoted me $680, a brand new washer was $800!! So I ordered the boot seal off of Amazon for $130 and attempted it to do it myself (worse case I can't fix it, return the boot seal and get a brand new washer for $800)
But since this video was so detailed, I got it done in 2 hours.

Thank you guys so much!!!!


Thanks for posting this video. I replaced the boot on our LG washer yesterday and it was a breeze with this video. It only took roughly 1.5 hours from start to finish with me taking my time and reviewing your video during the repair. No telling how much money this saved me. The boot seal was $57 and the spring expansion tool was $11 on Amazon.


I followed this video to a T and it was spot on, it made the project very easy! Thank you!


Thank you for this video! My washer is an LG WM8100HVA and, although not exactly this same washer, we were able to follow along. Took my husband and I 1.5 hours to do. Thanks for saving us a bunch of money!! Good thorough video 👍


Despite what other comments say, this video is top notch and I like LG. The springs are by far the most difficult part and I highly recommend a suitable plier/tool.
I absolutely love my machine after I did about 1 month of research on washing machines. The LG WM325 is the best machine they made. It's washed EVERYTHING in my house and the workshop (laundry that is) including heavy blankets, oil and grease stained work clothes and so much more. Have it for 10 years now and never had issues. It is time for a thorough clean though and it can only be done disassembled. Looks like the frame/body is pretty much the same as their new ones.
I figure if you take care of your equipment, it will take care of you.


The fact that you have to go through all those BS just to change the stupid seal is a joke


I took each step picture on my iPad, and then follow the step one by one, I finally made it. My husband was so surprised! Haha! Thank you!


I have worked on about 5 or these over the years, and every time i try using the "spring expansion tool", to re-install the inner clamp wire, and every time i give up and use either a couple of cords or a couple of dulled flat blade screw drivers. The issue is the tool is poorly made / a bit too small in its expansion range, and/or the spring is missing a second loop for the tool or cord to get out of the way of the far end of the wire loop. Notice how far open the tool is in the video, as it is about to slip off the ends. It needs another inch of expansion with shallower arms. The tool seems to work fine at removal, but that part is easy.


Followed your steps to the tee. Took approximately 2 hours to remove/replace. The hard part for me was the two large wires with the spring. Thank you for this post.


Absolutely beautiful demonstration! Although my LG was slightly different, this ALL MADE sense. I ended up changing out the old boot due to a radical smell I could not get rid out. Turns out the the drain on the old boot was clogged helping keep all the bacteria REAL HAPPY when the water did not fully drain out. Got this project done right the 1st time with your help!


Thank you for this video. This is probably the clearest home improvement video I've ever watched. And, of course, I was able to successfully complete the job!


THANK YOU!!!! Took few hours but followed the video very carefully and it was relatively easy and satisfying to fix on my own. The spring tool worked perfectly.


Tip for easy installation of springs. This tip makes putting the inner and outer spring on super easy. It is a two person operation and you will need four butter knives. Begin putting the spring on from the bottom. Both people work their way up on each side placing the spring in the groove. When it becomes difficult about half way up that is when you begin using the butter knives. Prop one knife under the spring holding it in place. with the other knife, move a little further up - only about an inch - and use the the other butter knife to pry the spring on. leave that knife in place to keep the spring locked in at that position. then proceed to remove the lower knife and use it to pry the spring on another inch up. The key is for each person to do this equally until your reach the top. Then it is a simple task to pry the final bit at the top. This worked on both springs and took very little effort.


Great video, with professional quality work! This video saved us while on vacation in an Airbnb. My wife put some of my son's hockey gear in the washer and it somehow destroyed the rubber boot. No local stores had the part. Thankfully, an online retailer came through with expedited shipping. Amazon next day delivery for the spring tool, and Harbor Freight for the socket set, pliers, and screwdriver. Got it done in about 90 minutes. This video saved us a lot of money and headaches! Thank you very much.


The springs nearly destroyed my mentally well-being, but otherwise just patience and following the video to the detail did the job!

Recommendation for anyone jumping into this task to watch the entire video, and then watch each section until the start of the new section as you work. No surprises that way.

Thanks, you all!


Bought this washing machine for my mother years ago and cannot believe she/ I have to go through all of this to replace a gasket . I own an all in one in Japan and I never had to replace a gasket . Crappy design and the only fix is to not buy LG ever again .


I’m no professional but I was able to do this job. It’s 100% because this video helped immensely. The spring was definitely the hardest part. I bought a version of the spring tool but it was too small and didn’t work. So I ended up muscling it with a pair of regular pliers and a pair of needle nose. Still very tough. The outer spring I just used my hands but that inner one sucked. I didn’t need to take off the weights either. Great video though. Thank you.


Instructions worked great! Inner spring can be pain but it is important to unhook, put in groove completely and then rehook just outside of tub lip. I then used a small pry tool to push it into the groove.


This video helped me replace my gasket. Thanks a lot! Great step by step video!
