The Genesis Theory - (Part 1)

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This is part one of The Genesis Theory. Part one focuses on presenting relevant information needed to understand the theory. In this video, you will be exposed to many different lesser-known scientific theories. Part two will focus on the actual theory and will reference this video several times, in addition to introducing new concepts.

The Genesis Theory is a new theory to explain the origins of the universe and our place in it, in relation to the Scriptures.



Cited Sources:
Bill Nye on Creationism

Lawrence Krauss: Teaching Creationism is Child Abuse

Richard Dawkins: creationists know nothing

The Creation Story – Animation of Genesis!

Big Bang Animation

What a year on Earth really looks like.

Breathtaking Time-Lapse Video of Earth From Space

All Alone in the Night – Timelapse footage of the Earth as

The Egyptian “Light Bulb” (Dendera) – AA Debunked

Creation Minute 6: Young Earth Evidence

Evidence of a Young Earth – Part 1 – Creation Today

Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth

The Epic of Gilgamesh Flood and the Bible

From Pangaea to the Modern Continents

The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (6 of 7): The Hovind

Geocentrism – Sagnac's Experiment – an animated

The Evolution Delusion - Geocentrism

“Airey's Failure” - Debunking Copernican Heliocentric

Dr Robert Sungenis – Geocentrism Geocentric Cosmology

What's Been Discovered is Shocking!

Axis of Evil

michelson-morley static

michelson-morley dinamic

The Ether and Michelson-Morley Experiment

Ultrasonic Levitation – 3D Cymatics

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Dynamic Gravity Theory

Geocentrism – Crackpot Theory?

Mic'd Up “The Principle: Is Earth Really the Center of the

3 Secrets About Our Sun by Eric Dollard (5 of 12)

Professor Eric Dollard – Theory of Anti-Relativity

The Sun is not a Nuclear furnace raging at million of

The Aether Field Exists. And We have Proof

Hydroplate Animation Walt Brown PhD. Scientific

The Global Flood: How It May Have ACTUALLY

Jesuit fraud Einstein debunked by Nikola Tesla. Start

The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (7a of 7): Questions

The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (7b of 7): Questions

The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (2 of 7): The Garden of

Neal Adams – Science: 01 – Conspiracy: Earth is Growing!

Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

Рекомендации по теме

This is one of the best videos explaining scientifically how the bible is accurate on what happened in the beginning. Very good video. I always come back to this video and watch over and over through the years.


Wow that blew my mind, that wasn't what I was expecting at all. Great Video!


So, was White Rabbit controlled opposition? Is he alive? Why hasn't the GoogTube removed this (and other) video for violating community guidelines? It'd be good to know what's up


I've been waiting 5 years for number 3!!!??? Amazing work my brother! God bless


I swear, i love this video SO MUCH!!!!


1st part: Kent Hovind was able to reach people in a unique way. I don't think he is in jail for any legitimate reason (not just because he said so himself the one time he was able to call from jail). It's a very weird situation that to me, ads credibility to his theory. FREE Kent Hovind! :-\ heh Thanks for sharing his work! I'll be listening again to this the whole way through, even if I've heard it 5+ times. Let's just say he has kept my mind open in times of hopelessness. :)


You are aleeady lost if you believe the globe and heliocentrism.


Does anyone know what happened to White Rabbit?


This is my third time through over the last few years and every time I see it, I always pick up on something else I didn't see before. This a VERY COOL series and it all fits perfectly to me. I've been researching my Christianity since I was a little kid and this is the conclusion that I have arrived at. Very interesting set of documentaries. I tried to save them to a playlist but..
Doesn't matter. I just like watching these back to back and they move fast. I guess that's because the good Lord is anything BUT boring! He's ALWAYS had some kind of cool action going on. 😁


I enjoyed the video.  I am a young earth creationist and enjoy watching Kent Hovind's videos as well.  I'm still not convinced of geocentrism.  The closest I would come to geocentrism is probably Russ Humphreys' cosmological model, although I'm willing to be persuaded. Can't wait for the next video.


Very nicely done, thanks for sharing and God Bless!!!!


Keep doing ur thing WR.. Can't wait for part2.great job on all ur videos.. GOD BLESS!!


The plain fact is we all interpret the evidence according to our starting presuppositions, ie if you believe the universe and everything in it came from nothing then that will influence your interpretation of the evidence the same for people who believe that God did it. But when it comes down to observational science neither assumtion can be supported with empirical evidence.


If there are differences, doesn't that prove they are not the same flood? Not based on one family?


The truth is we don't know the age of earth. It might be older than 6000yrs. God created the earth and the universe a long time ago. it might have been thousands or millions of years before he actually decided to renovate the earth and make it habitable for mankind. remembe in the beginning, the earth was there but it was formless and desolate.


Extraordinary claims requires extraordinary funds


All true except the earth is flat, stars are not light years away. The sun is not 93 million miles away like they tell us and we're definitely not a round earth traveling 66000 miles per hour. The earth is flat with a firmament above as God created.


I'm trying to get in touch with Robert Hurwitz this is your buddy Robert Roth you texted me about a month ago telling me how there wouldn't be enough time for abiogenesis, Can you re-text me what you wrote then. I can't retrieve it on my laptop.


Why not?you believe in nothing from nothing is something 😂😂 Big bang


water changes the direction of light, refractive index is the amount of deviation. Michelson-Morley doesn't establish static earth, only the likelihood of ether, and of a general egocentricity, all motions adding up to earth being more or less in center of universe, though it goes around the sun but combined motions are an effect not unlike the sun going around the earth.
