15 Abnormally Large Animals That Actually Exist

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Size does matter! And anyone who tells you differently might need to check out this roster of unusually giant animals! Animals can grow to some impressive, and often intimidating, sizes!Scientists have been collecting the fossils of massive ancient animals for centuries, and we’re here to tell you - some of these creatures still exist! From snakes the size of a city block, to mega mammals that will make your mouth drop, and fish the size of freight trains... We’ve got the biggest beasts around! 15 Abnormally Large Animals That Actually Exist

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I love your videos. You are a master narratator.


do more ubawt sharks yay please do it i love sharks so i weat to know ubat them so much


I missed the shoebill stork. It’s about the size of a 3 year old child and is pretty friendly. If you meet one, you should bow to it and mimic it’s head shaking motions. If you’re deemed acceptable, it will let you pet it and take pictures with it. They also make an extreme, loud, machine gun sound with their beaks.


8:46 is it me or does their cat look like it could be a bobcat?


Constrictors are not venemous, they kill by constriction, hence the name


I didn’t like that the thresher shark was being jabbed with a pike or his nostrils being stopped up by the swimmers fingers! Were they trying to kill the poor animal?


Omg. Looks exactly like our fluff..!:!? Exactly


#10 Ludo.... OH HELL NO!

If there is one thing I can't stand is a useless animal. What is ludos purpose and does he help rid the house/yard ANYTHING... pest?

I'll stick with my cat Luna. She thinks that she is a Panther. She will hunt down anything that flickers in her sight. Bugs, Lizards, Mouse whatever!

If it moves... she is stalking it.

Oh.. and by the way... thanks for ruining my dinner!

15:27 It never crossed my mind that I'd ever see that in my life time.


I used to lived in Cambodia when I was in my young teen years. I got lost for a week in the junkle of Cambodia. The biggest Python Snake met up with me. I was up on a high Hill when I saw it. I had thought I was seeing thing. So, I quickly ran down the Hill to get close to see it. Once I got closed & saw it moved I ran nonstop into my town. Good thing I was far from it. I do not dare get close. I made sure I be very far for me to run away. I had thought it was a kind of Snake that can chase me. I found it on the edge of a large Forest. I dash out of the Forest si fast without any stop that I kept running once I found my Town. This Snake was longer & bigger than the world largest Snake found. I was up on a small Mountainwhen I saw this massive Snake. I often thought maybe it was God who sent his Angel to create this giant Snake to scaresd me to help me find my Town. Because of this encountered it gave me to over come fears of Snakes by searching to see how big Snake are can be. I still dislikes Snakes.


the butter fly is not only at that place you mention if you truly lov butter flies visit africa especially the west go to gambia you wil love to be back


The great horn bill is the most beautiful bird


No the largest snake is not the green anaconda today it is but a few mln years ago it belonged to TITANABOWA yep as its name says its a titan snake belonging to the bowa species a baby titanabowa would easily be larger then a green anaconda the skeleton of titanabowa was 60 foot long for my U.S friends or 1 - 20 metres it had a bite force stronger then the very famous trex and could win a fight against it but never happened they went extinct in different periods titanabowa died because of temperature lowering rapidly it is cold blooded like other snakes and it was just to large and went extinct but! It could have a chance of living if it migrated to the equator of earth. I can supply you with more info soon or you can watch fact videos about or google it. -just a gamer that knows lots about snakes


Welcone to i copyright another youtuber.

I hope you asked him for permission


There was a huge cat at least that size if not bigger in an animal shelter in a city in Ohio 30 some years ago. It was not looking for a home. The guy running the place was a real douche.
