Pyspark Scenarios 11 : how to handle double delimiter or multi delimiters in pyspark #pyspark

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Pyspark Scenarios 11 : how to handle double delimiter or multi delimiters in pyspark #pyspark
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Pyspark Scenario Based Questions
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Complete Pyspark Real Time Scenarios Videos.

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pyspark scenarios 2 : how to read variable number of columns data in pyspark dataframe #pyspark
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Pyspark Scenarios 9 : How to get Individual column wise null records count
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Pyspark Scenarios 11 : how to handle double delimiter or multi delimiters in pyspark
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Рекомендации по теме

Hi Ravi, I'm trying to do split by delimiter of a column with each cell having different no. of commas. Can you write a code to split columns with each occurance of comma? E.g. if row 1 has 4 commas it generates 4 columns but row 2 has 10 commas so it further generates another 6 columns.


very well explained, i have a scenario with schema (id, name, age, technology) and data in single row like coming in a single csv file.
now can we make it into multiple rows as per schema as a single table like below
id, name, age, technology


Hi Ravi, i do have .txt file which multiple space delimiter, e.g accountID Acctnbm acctadd branch and likewise can you please suggest the approach here almost i have 76 columns with multiple consecutive delimiter.


Hi Ravi, thanks I have one doubt: how
can we generalize the above if we have large number of columns after splitting the data like then it's obvious we can't do it manually.

What could be our approach in that case?



spark 3.X supports multi delimiter like .option("delimiter", "[||]")


this is looks simple in example but in real time we can't do each with column if there are 200-300 columns.

is there any other way?


Hi, good video, one clarification, while writing dataframe output to csv leading zeros are missing.. How to handle this secanioro. If possible make a video on this.


Could you explain spark small files problem using pyspark?
Thank you in advance


Could you please create a video to combine below 3 csv data files into one data frame dynamically

File name: Class_01.csv
StudentID Student Name Gender Subject B Subject C Subject D
1 Balbinder Male 91 56 65
2 Sushma Female 90 60 70
3 Simon Male 75 67 89
4 Banita Female 52 65 73
5 Anita Female 78 92 57

File name: Class_02.csv
StudentID Student Name Gender Subject A Subject B Subject C Subject E
1 Richard Male 50 55 64 66
2 Sam Male 44 67 84 72
3 Rohan Male 67 54 75 96
4 Reshma Female 64 83 46 78
5 Kamal Male 78 89 91 90

File name: Class_03.csv
StudentID Student Name Gender Subject A Subject D Subject E
1 Mohan Male 70 39 45
2 Sohan Male 56 73 80
3 shyam Male 60 50 55
4 Radha Female 75 80 72
5 Kirthi Female 60 50 55
