Все публикации

Delta Lake Column Mapping: How to Rename and Drop Columns Without Rewriting Data #delta #databricks

what is small files problem in spark , How to Fix It in delta lake #optimize #delta #smallfilesissue

Liquid Clustering in Databricks,What It is and How to Use, #liquidclustering #clusterby #databricks

Git Integration for Databricks: A Step-by-Step Guide #short #databricks #git #github #pyspark

How to Create a Databricks Access Token #Databricks #AccessTokens #DataEngineering

How to Add a File name in dataframe #pyspark #lakehouse #databricks #azurecloud #dataframe #spark

Pyspark BadRecordsPath option to handle bad data #badrecordspath #pyspark #spark #lakehouse #azure

Get list of dataframes in pyspark #pyspark #databricks #lakehouse #spark #dataframe

How Pyspark Partitions will be created #lakehouse #spark #pyspark #sparkpartitions

Azure Data Factory part 11 : how to migrate onprem files to adls gen2 #selfhosted #azure #adf

Azure Data Factory part 9 : what is linked self hosted integrated runtime #selfhosted #azure #adf

Azure Data Factory part 8 : how to split one file into multiple files using git-scm #split #adf

Azure Data Factory part 7 : What is Binary File Dataset and when we will use this? #adf #binaryfile

Azure Data Factory Part 6 : How to migrate Onpremises Oracle data to azure datalake gen2 #ADF #azure

Azure Data Factory part 5 : self hosted integration runtime configuration #ADF #selfhosted #azure

Azure Data Factory Part 4 : How to Copy Multiple files from Gen 1 to Gen2 #ADF #azure #copyactivity

Azure Data Factory Part 3 : Adls gen1 to gen2 migration #adf #datafactory #adlsgen1togen2 #adlsgen2

Data warehouse Vs Datalake Vs Lakehouse #datawarehouse #datalake #lakehouse

What is Datalake #datalake #gcs #s3 #adls #awsS3 #azuredatalake #azurecloud #fabric #lakehouse

Data Warehouse Vs Datalake. #datalake #lakehouse #database #datalakevslakehouse #azuredatalake

What is Database architecture #database #datawarehouse #lakehouse #azuredatalake #azurecloud

Microsoft Fabric With ADF. #fabric #azurefabric #microsoftfabric

Microsoft Fabric Synapse Data Engineering

Microsoft Fabric Overview