Adult Learning Theory

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Adult learning theory was developed out of a need for a specific theory of how adults learn. Most educational theories, as well as formal educational institutions, have been developed exclusively to educate children and youths.

Pedagogy, the art and science of teaching children, has dominated educational theory. Pedagogy gives the instructor the major responsibility for making decisions about learning content, method, and evaluation. Students are generally seen as (1) being passive recipients of directions and content and (2) bringing few experiences that may serve as resources to the learning environment.

Educational psychologists, recognizing the limitations of formal education theories, developed andragogy, the theory of adult learning. Adult learning theory is especially important to consider in developing training programs because the audience for many such programs tends to be adults, most of whom have not spent a majority of their time in a formal education setting.

Consider how adult learning theory is incorporated into training programs.
Рекомендации по теме

Appraise and discuss the concepts and principles of adult learning by comparing and contrasting at least 2 theories
