Ancient Indian Vimana Technology explained

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Vaimanika Shastra means the science of aeronautics. To understand aeronautics, we need to understand aerodynamics, propulsion devices, materials, and metallurgy. In Vaimanika Shastra, there is much about propulsion devices and aerodynamics. The focus of the book is on the vimanas mentioned in many ancient epics, such as Rigveda, Mahabharata, Ramayana, and others. According to Vaimanika Shastra, these vimanas were not sophisticated flights from previous authors, but real and aerodynamically viable flying machines. The ancient Indians not only knew how to fly but also flew in highly sophisticated machines with many capacities. Using mercury vortex motors, these vimanas can remain motionless in the air and become invisible. When used in war, they can leave enemy forces unconscious and spy on enemy ships.
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this is really amazing. Ancient people were so much more intelligent than we give them credit for.


Veda is sources of whole knowledge's & science's in the whole universe.


It's time to realise, Vedas has grate knowledge and it shows a way to real life. .. Jai sri ram🙏


I don't doubt Indians at anything. They took the elements of nature and created the most amazing foods without murdering animals and healthy as well.


Why can't we have a ministry which helps build such marvels and prove to world that we were light years ahead of them with respect to all these things


Indian culture & literature is unbelievable & unparalleled to any other.
Thank you for these videos.


If all indians fallow only sanskrit as our language,
We will creates wonders as like our ancestors.


Vimana = Aether Buoyant Craft (ABC)

Vimanas extract electrical energy from the Aether using Mercury as an amplifier and the resulting magnetic fields made it buoyant within the Aether.


This is also done recently in 1895 Talpade made a plane from mercury engine which flew about 1600 feet for more than 37 sec, before wright brother whose plane just flew about 120 feet for 12 sec.


Thank you for this video!
Yes, the ancient peoples had vimanas. However this time period was more than 12, 000 years ago. Before 12, 000 years ago and even more than 50, 000 years ago the human beings had very large pineal glands. The ones known as the Seven Rishis' has pineal glands the size of a lemon. And these special sages had great insight as to the nature of many things. And the development of aeronautical science was not a difficult thing for them to elucidate. They had 'rasa vidya' and knew how to do several things with mercury, like for healing and human spiritual development and even for aeronautical propulsion. They had knowledge of using electricity from the sun or electricity from earth sources and apply it to make mercury move within a circular spinning closed container. There are several approaches to this but the basic idea is a mercury vortex assembly which is then electrified to produce lifting properties, and this is incorporated into some kind of airframe. And this is just one general way of explaining what they did, but im sure they had other approaches to achieving flight.
There have been different series of human beings. The first development were referred to as the wooden men' because they moved slow and were clumsy and their mental development was not very keen. This series was eradicated. Then the creators replaced them with a better model referred to as 'man of clay'. This model of human being was far superior. The third eye (pineal body and ajna chakra) on these human beings was wide open and had penetrating insight into the universe and its secrets. The creators saw that this type of human was infinite in its potential to develop, even develop to levels greater than the creators themselves. This did not sit well with the creators and so they infused the DNA of these beings with greater proportions of primate DNA to dumb them down. This series was referred to as 'man of corn'. Within this model was still the potential of man of clay but only through great effort like long periods of meditation and application of spiritual sciences and was extremely hard to achieve in one lifetime as the life span of man of corn was significantly less than man of clay. And you see that India, especially southern India has had a long history of looking for ways to extend the lifespan especially in the alchemical mercury sciences. I believe that the rishis and their generations were of the man of clay series of humanity. It is from the ancient Sumerian clay tablets where this record of the different series of human beings comes from. I look at india and especially ancient India and I see the evidence of man of clay. For the past seven years I have been studying alchemy and have been studying the science of mercury (rasa vidya) and its numerous applications. I can see that India has a treasure trove of ancient wisdom there. I can see that there is knowledge there that is from more ancient times of the Satya abd Treta yugas when the more enlightened version of mankind existed. I look at the Mahabarata and Ramayana epics and see that these were of the Treta yuga period. And I think the Treta yuga time was the last time that vimana were seen often in our skies. I think a lot of them exist underground now with the enlightened civilizations that live there. I think that 80-90% of what they are calling extraterrestrial ufos are most likely from inner earth. Check out the caves and caverns of Elora and Ajanta and Elephanta.


This video proved why Indian like us need to taught critical thinking in our schools... We want to believe anything told


Amazing. Never thought I would hear an automatic voice with an Indian accent.


Those vimanas look like modern day satellite systems.

Do they mean that those vimanas could travel beyond space?

Read the story of King Revata & his daughter Revati, who traveled into outer space and returned to find that, by that time, many thousands of years had passed!!

Finally, he had to marry his daughter to Balarama, brother of SriKrishna.


We should be ashamed that our own texts were taken by someone else and they read it and invented it and then we're saying it's Indian invention already


Obsessed with the episodes narrated in female


Love these kind of videos ....
Eagerly waiting for your video...😊😊


We seriously need more research into our wonderful Vedic sciences rather than wasting millions on superficial cost-ineffective sciences. We have all the answers, it's all a matter of shifting our direction of search.


Why can't they be replicated if there's building instructions?


Vedas have all secrets of past and future pls listen to your heart and know god


Irony that still India is unable to make a potent low bypass turbojet engine for aircrafts
