How to Make Black Garlic Powder

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This is a quick video on how to make Black Garlic Powder. After posting our Black Garlic Videos we have been getting lots of questions about making the powder.

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This is my recommendation for my absolute favorite thermometers. If you choose to buy one of these you will not regret it as they are reliable, fast, durable, and convenient. Makes for a great gift BTW!!

If you don't want to make Black Garlic or the powder but you want to have it. Here is where you can find it

This powder add an Umami to anything you put it on. Popcorn, Pasta, Steaks, Fish, Chicken, Rice. Use it sparingly because it is very strong and a little goes a long way. You CAN overdo this spice!!!

Making it is super easy.

Take your Fresh Black Garlic, peel it and chop it up I didn't do this in the video but it wouldn't hurt to do it and will make the process happen much faster..). Place on drying rack. I use a dehydrator set to 139F but if you don't have a dehydrator you could set it in front of a fan and let it dry that way. The fan technique will take a long time though. Depending on the time of year you are in.

Once it is mostly dry place your black garlic pieces into your vitamix (my favorite way if you are doing a lot) or into a coffee grinder along with 1/4-1 teaspoon of corn starch (depends on how much you are making). Pulse till you achieve the desired consistency and place powder into an air tight jar.

If you have any comment I'd love to hear them and if you are new here consider subscribing. In some future videos we will be using this powder to make some awesome Easy freezer Meals!!!

See you in the next video
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Thanks I was going crazy I dehydrated for about 12 hours then cut it in small pieces then let dry and sheet pan overnight then tried grinding it up in the food processor now I have small garlic gummy’s Thanks to your help Back in the dehydrator they go


I Made this a couple years ago and still have some left it’s still good.


Thanks for the video! I was wondering how to dry out my black garlic and I figured it couldn’t be the same as white garlic but wasn’t sure how to do it. I was afraid not to find any resources to help me figure it out but then your video came along. Thank you!


Eric, again thanks for all the good information. If Vita Mix is a sponsor I'd suggest you ask them for a dry jar. The standard jar they supply is for wet ingredients, they however make what they call a dry jar specifically for dry ingredients. I have one and I find it does a very good job, the blades are shaped differently then their wet jar and pull the dry ingredients down. If you don't have one get one I think you will like it. On the Black garlic side, I've got my third round into the fermenter to process for black garlic powder, round one was a fail in my crockpot, round two a success in a fermenter, so off to do its thing is round three.


Followed to this from your great video on no mess black garlic. As a tip i think you should have put it all back in dehydrator before jarring it up since you got moisture in there, because otherwise you could grow dangerous molds.


I have made black garlic several times now. This time I am going to make some black garlic powder in one batch and smoked black garlic powder in the next to see how it goes. I have smoked the black garlic before and its out of this world! Cold smoked of course!


Ok... the dehydrator broke down and I used the oven on warm. Still felt kind of soft, but turned crispy after sitting for a bit.
Powdered it in a magic bullet, added cornstarch, but the stuff still seems to want to clump like crazy.
Wondered if adding salt might help, since it will be used in savory dishes anyway. Or maybe a commercial anti caking agent? How about citric acid?
For the moment, the best solution is to keep the dried cloves in a jar and grind them for use as needed.


Tnks for your thoughts.
Would it be nice to mix black garlic powder with mayo to be used as a burger sauce


Couldn't you also stick in a silica gel packet to absorb any moisture?


what if u vac sealed the powder and / or used a 02 absorber in the jar also what ratio of bg to powder did u get and also the shelf / fridge life .. thanks


Ok... I think I figured out part of the problem. I think I was grinding too fine. So for about a solid cup of black garlic powder, I added about a teaspoon of regular granulated garlic (figured it can’t hurt the flavor) and suddenly very little caking and the final product tastes stellar.


I'm finding your video after I dried and powdered my black garlic and then left it out open-air, and it did come back together as a tacky brick just like you said. Do you have experience fixing this? I'm just wondering if I can break it into chunks and blend it with corn starch right away, or if it I need to put it back in the oven and THEN reblend it with cornstarch. (I don't have a dehydrator so I settle for 170°F in the oven with the door ajar.) If you know the answer, I'd be grateful for a reply!


Love black garlic but for some reason, when trying to make the powder it just turns to a big sticky lump, more paste like than powder (I have an industrial grinder) even when I have added corn starch! Help!


I wonder if the garlic gets dry enough to grind it with a pepper mill?


Can you cook black garlic in a crockpot


Added about 1 - 1 1/2 teaspoons of cornstarch and I ended up with big clumps. They come apart pretty easy and was wondering if I need to add more. Might have ground it too fine in a coffee grinder. Ended up with about half a pint jar. Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks.


Hi There - Can you let me know, How much Corn Starch to Black Garlic to stop the caking. And can I use other products - Rice Flour etc??


Thanks for the tips! Couple questions: Do you use the regular of dry/grinding blade with the Vitamix? I have an older model with both.

Does the black garlic really smell up the house while it's drying and does the odor dissipate?


I've been dehydrating my black garlic for 2 days and it's still soft, when do I know when the garlic is dehydrated enough to make a powder?


Great video! Our son bought me a black garlic fermenting unit for Christmas. I've been making black garlic non-stop for friends and family. I'm going to pull out my dehydrater and try this. How many garlic cloves did you use in this video to get so much powder?
