Graham Hancock - America is Most Likely Home for Lost Civilization | Joe Rogan

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Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1284 w/Graham Hancock:
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Say what you want about JR, but he at lets his guests speak without constantly interrupting.


Mr. Hancock is reputable, open minded historian/author, who considers everything and presents his theories. I've witnessed him admitting an error when new evidence presents itself, and not many others do that.


I think the reason why we don't pay attention to ancient american history is because evidence of ancient old world history (Asia, africa, europe) is far more abundant, theres giant structures like the pyramids, colleseums, and statues. There are many of those things in south america, like Tenochtitlan, but places like north america are poorly evidenced because native americans were largely nomadic across their territories and didn't leave many structures behind. That being said they did leave SOME, but nothing as extravagant as the old world.


I appreciate that he doesn't immediately jump to "similar culture, MUST BE THOSE PEOPLE". There is nowhere near enough evidence for people to make claims like "Celts were in the Americas 20, 000 years ago" (which is LITERALLY impossible). Considering that the earliest known people in the Americas are descended from a lot of the same ancestors as modern Europeans, middleasterners, and North Africans (who are all in large part the descendants of groups that spread out of central asia) I'd say it makes a lot of sense that a multitude of tribes in the Americas share cultural similarities with western Eurasian groups. When a group is absorbed into another more often than not the more established culture wins. Even newer eastern Eurasian groups in the Americas usually share some cultural similarities with older ANE derived groups. Most of the land was already settled by them when they got here.

I'm just wondering why nobody is talking about the similarities between the Mesopotamians and some older groups in the Americas.


Anyone else get a Graham Hancock ad on this video featuring Graham Hancock?


The ancient Missippian cultures that built Cahokia, Moundsville were inspired, by some degree, the Mesoamerican City- States down south in Mexico.


Book of Mormon explains these
ancient civilizations.


Imagine how much history big tech and government have destroyed


We’re to busy making Gas Stations Walmart’s and FEMA Camps


This information was quite the eye-opener. I was outrage at the way these so-called gleaners of our past civilizations treated Graham....he's quite the threat to them - right!


When atlantis was destroyed, inhabitants escaped to Europe, North Africa and the Americas. Edgar Cayce explained this.


I think we still know very little, despite knowing a whole bunch.


I found 8 statues on 2 masive mounds I recently discovered on my ranch in Wyoming. They look Olmec that were clearly hit by a flud. The statues look like the Olmec but the writing on them is Old Norse runic writing


It looks like the event pounded the west coast with waters that carved out the rivers with dense objects in there sheering into rock because of the velocity of these waters. We can't even imagine this now, except a tsunami, but that is from 3' of sea level changing at the ocean floor, it was a 9.3 M earthquake. That's tiny next to the Younger Dryas Event, however it is scalable because tsunami takes trees and building materials from homes and buildings into the waters. The waters carry these things and when they strike other things destroying them those pieces of material are flying in the waters. All at different rates of speed due to density and specific gravity of water, similar to the Younger Dryas Event. The things in the waters were more dense and silty, the foliage was huge. Some volcanic material blasted out into it also. That silty material was in the flood with rocks sheered off by immense water pressure. It is like sandpaper. Some material even went backwards from the massive scale of the event.

A car will get moved by the waters of tsunami, The Younger Dryas would have chucked a Volkswagen Bug 2, 000 miles and then rolled it to the southern tip of the mountains in Chile. They should dig and find anything that is around. It's important to know these things. Dogma is bothersome and fogs up the truth always.

The American Indian had an ancient tale that their ancestors told them. They said that a massive flood happened and it delivered new animals to the area. They saw it as a blessing. The Ohio area. That is how the hunter gatherer flourished. Meanwhile, in Europe we know the story. Were the Europeans effected by the flood? Maybe not, this was Europe's chance to evolve. We have 5, 000 years of war on record in Europe. If it was more peaceful before the Younger Dryas in Europe and the Middle East we don't know. It is a mystery.


Man I wish Mark Passio was on this show. he would light it on 🔥


I dont think early civilization will settle on a place with a lot of snow because they most likely thrive using agriculture and livestock.


Book of Mormon. Not a lost civilization, most just don’t want to acknowledge it.
“Teancum, by the orders of Moroni, caused that they should commence laboring in digging a ditch round about the land, or the city, Bountiful.
4 And he caused that they should build a breastwork of timbers upon the inner bank of the ditch; and they cast up dirt out of the ditch against the breastwork of timbers; and thus they did cause the Lamanites to labor until they had encircled the city of Bountiful round about with a strong wall of timbers and earth, to an exceeding height.


I think we are forgetting something interesting here as there is one person who claims there was indeed a monumental discovery made in North America, specifically the area of Nevada/Arizona. Remember when Bob Lazar said that he always believed the crafts at A51 and the base itself reminded him of something that had been there for a lot longer than modern history? Now granted I am not fully on board with Lazar outside of him being interesting on several layers but at the same time, if North America truly does hold evidence of such things there is absolutely no way America would let it get out, none.


If ancient civilizations existed in the Americas, then the story that native Americans were the original inhabitants goes out the window. It would mean they, too, migrated to a land that had been occupied by other humans.


2 Esdras 13:40-45
[40]Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land.
[41]But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,
[42]That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land.
[43]And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river.
[44]For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over.
[45]For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth.
King James Version W/ Apocrypha
