Untold History of America - Graham Hancock America Before

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Graham Hancock talks about fact that prehistory in America is massively ignored and insufficiently researched.

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Graham I would have given anything to have you as a history teacher at least I would have been intrigued


Graham Hancock ancient history is interesting but his history about the conquest in the Americas especially North America is wrong. If you want to learn actual history in the Americas during the colonial period look up conquest and cultures an international history by: Thomas Sowell.


recent discovery of Bolivian Amazon with rock art from 12, 500 years ago!


13:10 people in the USA are afraid to eat mushrooms found skillfully in the woods 🙄


The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our Climate Cycles.

Eccentricity the rotation of the galactic bulge causes intensity at Perihelion/Aphelion every 120, 000 years half the 240, 000 year full rotation.

Obliquity causes Global warming with LIFE increased DIRECT sunlight with the ascension declination of our magnetic north staying in like be with the galaxies double torus electromagnetic field dielectric equator plane. Essentially 4 quarters with maximum 23.5⁰ and 22⁰ happening reference the galactic plane.

Precession every 12, 460 years half The Great Year our solar system crosses over the galaxies Kuipers belt and electromagnetic equator. Causing asteroid impacts, plasma bursts in the wake of the reconnection of the Sun's magnetosphere, and E-W Global tsunami's due to the increased EM gravitational pull along the galaxies EM equatorial plane.

Gobekli Tepe was buried under 19 LAYERED sedimentary deposits 15 meters thick covering 9 hectares spanning MILLENNIA the last time we crossed the galactic plane.

Good news the galactic bulge which increases intensity is headed away from us.

We are not gods. We are not causing our planets Climate Cycles.

Earth is a closed loop that self regulates co2 with LIFE.

Temperature rises first and co2 follows. Cause and effect. Not cart before the horse forcing or green house effect.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed.
On this planet.
All energy comes from the double toroidal fields we call the Sun and or Galactic nucleus.

Covid like co2 is a Strawman lie built upon an inconvenient truth.

The baby boomers who were born enmass 75 years ago are starting to die from the usual suspects of seasonal FLU and old age.

Revelations 13 16-18
No Buying or Selling unless you wear the covidiot mask mark of the BEAST.

The covidiot mask of the BEAST is just a pretext for the vaccine, testing, contact tracing of the BEAST.

Jesus Christ loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race.

The HUMAN race is being divided distracted to be conquered, again.


Thanks for saying the Truth. America was were Atlantis was and some want to cover it up. But the Truth and evidence will soon come out. Thank you...


Do not forget about the SUN, mini nova, about every 12000 years.
