How to Make Unleavened Bread from the Bible - An Israeli Classic

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Recipes for Unleavened Bread
Adapted from Food at the Time of the Bible, by Miriam Feinberg Vamosh

#unleavenedbread #bible #passover

Flavorful Options

* Top with hummus and chopped fresh vegetables for a perfect lunch treat.
* Top with cheese and peppers for an appetizer, broil to melt cheese.
* Use as a crust for personal pizzas.

UNLEAVENED BREAD - Not strictly Biblical but tasty.
My new favorite! - This recipe does not line up with what is presumed the Israelites prepared but your family may enjoy it.
I searched the internet recipes to see what other people were cooking for unleavened bread. I found some similar varieties and thought I would try them. Well from good to not so good I discovered a new favorite. While baking with freshly ground flours is different than the white flour most food bloggers use it takes some understanding to make these delicious. So here is the result of my search with a delicious flavorful and multi-use Unleavened Bread.
3 cups freshly milled flour – spelt is my favorite but any will work
2 teaspoons salt
1 ½ cups milk – any favorite variety will work
2 tablespoons olive oil – coconut oil or avocado oil work well also
2 tablespoons honey or sucanat – or your favorite all natural sweetener
Eggs – the recipe I worked from used 3 eggs but I made it without. Eggs would add more protein and could even add a lighter texture if whipped prior to adding. Play with it – see what you like – use 1, 2, 3 or no eggs.
Mix all ingredients until you have a nice texture. It may seem more like a ‘brownie’ texture. Pat into an oiled 9” x 13” pan.
Bake 450’ for 20 minutes. Checking at 15 minutes.
If overbaked the bottom can become hard to chew.

This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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Рекомендации по теме

I'm not as close to God as I would like to be. Your videos combined with the comments really makes me think.... I was just trying to learn how to make bread but, I feel like I've had a spiritual awakening combined with cooking lesson. Thank you for the unleavened wisdom. People like you are what keep our country together. Thank you for preserving values that I wish our whole country would embrace. Love all love you.


The Great God has opened my eyes to this season so im ready to remember the Holy days God told us to remember.


“He took a loaf, gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them saying: “This means my body, which is to be given in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me” Luke 22:19


I’ve been wanting to make unleavened bread for sometime. Now I have this wonderful receipt I’m going to try. Jesus favorite food was bread. Thank you for sharing. God bless everyone watching this video❤️🙏


Thank you so much sister for your kindness sharing the unleavend bread recipe and the biblical teachings.Father in Heaven bless us all in our Saviour Yeshua HaMashiach.HalleluYAH.Amen.🙏


Ty for sharing.. I do make my own Unleavened Bread at Passover. He said "I Am The Bread of Life" He was born in Beit Lechem (Bethlehem) meaning "House of Bread" .. He is our Savior The Unleavened Bread of our life.🙏🕎. ..


I can’t wait! We have gotten our church on board with celebrating Passover this year which is so exciting to me because there are quite a few of us who honor only the Holy Days at our church and we have been wanting so much to share the blessing honoring these days has brought to us with the rest of the church body.
I can’t wait to try your recipe and watch more on your channel!


I was raised Old Brethren and our recipe for Unleavened Bread is:
5 cups flour, 1cup butter, 1 cup milk
Mix all together and roll out on a cookie sheet, score with fork, bake 350° 30 minutes. After cool cut in strips and break into hand size pieces.


My wife and I are Christian missionaries in the Philippines (30 yrs) and your video is an encouragement to watch, thank you for the work!




Gonna try this during this season of Passover where many of us can’t get to the store for matzah. Thank you.


Thanks for the recipe. I like to try various types of unleavened bread every year during the feast of unleavened bread.
May you be blessed.


Great vid! For 7 days, the Israelites were to eat unleavened bread to remember the haste with which they left Egypt. That was on my daily devotional from yesterday (Deuteronomy)


I was just looking into how I can bring biblical food to life. We made unleavened bread 🫓. It was delicious 😋 I’m going to make some for communion.


I love this, best cooking video ever. Its almost calming. I’ve always wanted to know exactly what they are in Bible and ancient times and how to make those recipes. I’ve never found any coking videos like this, so excited I found it. Thank you! Thank you for incorporating the Bible and just the work you do Annette, keep going!


Im trying that. That would be a great thing to make for Easter. Thank you.


so glad God directed me to you sister. Will be back to see you again. Trying the bread tonight. I have been wanting a receipe for some time now so thank you and God bless.


I’m not sure I’m religious but my ex bfs mum prayed for me many times and I haven’t seen her in a long while so I’m taking my kids to visit and going to make this as a gift. She has been very good to me even coming to meet each of my babies and of course her prayers for us. She is a Christian and this is a fabulous meaningful thing I can bring to our visit. Thank u!


What an amazing, unique ministry! Thank you


cooking and bible study together! Love the content Annette. I pastor a small church and we have run out of the unleavened bread we buy at the store. I will be making this recipe for communion Sunday!

250K subs! Such an encouragement
