Unpopular Opinions 4 - SimplyPodLogical #130

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On this episode of SimplyPodLogical, Cristine and Ben react to unpopular opinions on soup, the death penalty, bbq chicken pizza, Taylor Swift, graveyards, and hating children.

0:00 - Hey what’s up holo everyone
1:24 - Using the thumbs up emoji is passive aggressive 👍
6:21 - Soup is not a meal
8:35 - Graveyards are a waste of space
12:35 - Taylor Swift doesn't care about her fans (and the Ticketmaster debacle)
21:35 - People should eat lasagna for Thanksgiving
27:17 - Black Friday was made up by big companies
39:20 - BBQ chicken pizza is a crime against pizza
41:58 - Kids are overhated
49:21 - What’s worse? Life in prison or the death penalty?
58:44 - Men shouldn't be allowed to show their nipples in public

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When Ben said “turkey should be replaced by lasagna” I thought he was talking about the country lol


I live and grew up in Ontario. My dad needed a liver transplant, which he received 14 years ago. Since then he has attended my graduation, walked me down the aisle at my wedding, and met my son (his first grand baby) earlier this year. I am thankful every single day to his donor. Thanks Cristine for raising awareness. In addition to registering as an organ donor make sure your loved ones are aware of your decision.


Ben's description of not feeling that warm, fuzzy feeling people seem to feel when around kids is so fucking relatable. There are so many people in my life who think that even the sight of a child should immediately fill me with joy, but for the most part I just don't care. I will absolutely be nice to kids if they interact with me because they're just little humans and it's not their fault they are the way they are, but I hate the expectation that everyone should clutch their chest and fawn over every child they see.


I'd be happy if someone brings a main dish at my dinner party if they tell me beforehand.. I mean, i won't have to cook one dish, less work!😂


The «resell is allowed, but only to the same price or less then what you bought it for” is a literal law in Norway! And I love that! 👏🏻


I found Beeeyyyn being cheeky with Cristine towards the end while she pretends not to notice disproportionately entertaining... from the men's nipples being seggsually touched being shut down to the "maybe we should check" comment being swiftly moved on 😅😅😅. It's akin to when Ben spills tea and simply tries to reign him in. We love an unrestrained and unfiltered Ben balanced with a very thoughtful and deliberate Simply 💜


To push back on the graveyard opinion, my local cemetery isn't just used as a place to bury the dead, it's also a wildlife sanctuary. There's peacocks and squirrels and deer that wouldn't have anywhere else to live in our mostly urbanized city. There's also a community garden. I don't have any family members or loved ones buried there but I love to go and just enjoy the nature.


Apparently I have an unpopular opinion because I'm with Cristine on the bringing food to a hosted dinner. Every time I am invited to someone else's home, I either ask if I can bring something (and have them suggest what to bring) or I ask if I could bring a specific food item. It's less work for the host and, like Cristine said, as long as it is being shared, it is more options. I would never be upset with someone if they wanted to bring a dish to my hosted dinner. The more food, the merrier. 😂


doot doot. doodie doot doot deet. doodie doot doot deet. (This is how I do the intro every taco tuesday 😅)


I think it's super common for people to bring things that could normally be considered a full meal as a thanksgiving "side dish" as a midwesterner, casseroles are a common side but are also considered a meal any other time. I'm bringing a whole baked Mac and cheese to Thanksgiving, which I would normally eat as a meal. Also, I've definitely seen people make lasagna as a dish for Thanksgiving. It's not the most traditional, but I've seen it.


About the children conversation: just yesterday I told my mom’s friend (I’m 23 btw) that I couldn’t ever have a child bc I don’t like the feeling of giving away my life to raise someone else in a world I don’t like (and many other reasons I won’t get into) and she told me “imagine everyone had the same opinion as you, there wouldn’t be any people left!” And I was like, yeah, that’s not the case obviously and I wouldn’t see it as a problem either, if nobody wants to have children then, let it be? Making it an obligation to keep alive the human race won’t make me suddenly want children


10:53 as someone who urgently had to have a liver transplant two months ago, this section on organ donation is so heart warming to me. i really appreciate it and it's so nice to see more people talk about it, it's so incredibly important and literally saved my life ❤


I use thumbs up as a "got it, boss" for everything. With my friends, with my coworkers, with my parents. I don't love this whole "this is what it means on the surface but actually we've arbitrarily decided that it means something else."


Our aunt’s gravy is always so gross and watery. She hasn’t noticed my sister and I bringing our own gravy for the past 5 years. We call it purse gravy


Regarding people being angry about other people not wanting kids:
I read a brilliant article about it a couple years ago. Studies have found that "society" gets so angry at people not wanting children because most people have had it taught to them as a social norm. They have complied or plan to comply with the norm and a lot of them aren't completely happy with it. If someone elects not to comply with that norm, they're actually (like measurably inside the brain) seen as an enemy


I'm 29 and I don't think a thumbs up is passive aggressive in most contexts where I've seen it/used it. Like Ben said, it's usually just an easy way to say "Yep, I agree" or "That works for me". I think there has to be a balance of being thoughtful about responses, but also challenging ourselves to not read into things too much (and I say this as a sensitive person who reads into things and is trying to be better). Sometimes a thumbs up is just a thumbs up!


I've been a Swiftie since Debut album and to say that she drags her fans along is hilarious to me. There is a large portion of her fans who LOVE all the easter eggs and codes and clues, we live off that shit. I can see from an outside perspective that it might look like she's dramatic and stringing her fans along, but that's not the case. I'm sure there are fans who don't like the games, but I'd say the majority of Swifties get really into it.


The ending 😂 “we might have to check” he’s so real I love it lmao


John Oliver / Last week tonight did a great episode on ticketmaster / ticket sellers. As a French person I was so surprised to hear about how it works in the US, because in the EU there is much more customer protection (how surprising 😅) so it’s illegal to resell tickets for a profit, so what Ben described, only allowing that tickets be resold at the same price, is actually our norm !


I love how there's a "hey cheater" reference in every recent episode
