How to Live without Food | Breatharian Lifestyle| Elitom El-Amin | Angel Rajguru | WHDC [English]

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#health #lifestyle #fitness #breatharian
A journey from a miserable life to living in abundance by Elitom El-Amin

From being born in a dark place with ignorance and lack all-round and living a lifestyle that’s been programmed to stay in lack. He chose to bring light In life. Be choosing the path of breatharian.

It’s been 20years since he's on this path now. In this video, you'll see how he transformed his life and now is an inspiration to so many people globally.

How he ditched consumerism and chose a path of minimalism.

This video is about the life work and sharing of Breatharian Elitom El - Amin. Where he is sharing in a nutshell how to gradually chose a holistic lifestyle of breatharian.

How to gradually give up food and your dependency on food as a major source of energy and how to take energy from various other sources, how to tap into your unconscious mind, how to be disciplined, how to stay motivated and move towards your path of freedom, how to manifest your goals and dreams, how to spend time doing things you love. How our body mind and spirit are all connected with each other.

He also talks about how people get caught up in routine and how to break free from it. What’s a breatharian? Can you truly live upon sunlight, air, and other sources of energy? What role does meditation play in your life? How much to meditate? What type of meditation to be chosen.

What is Dr. Bruce Lipton Sharing about cells and how they operate? How we can reprogram our minds? How we can have anything and everything we want? How we can survive and live only on air?

This video also shares about the science of manifestation, the law of attraction, energy exchange, sending vibration to the universe, how to get aligned with universal energy. How to stay on your path.

How Breatharian is a lifestyle. How one should move towards dieting and fasting, various forms of fasting, juice fast, fruit fast, intermittent fast, and how one should exercise in order to stay healthy and energetic.

Why one should not keep deadline on their goals and instead just keep moving forward with fun and happiness, move forward towards adopting the new way and allow your body to become habitual to a new lifestyle.

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You can get rid of all the stress and worries, be free from disease, live more energetically, live a purposeful life, have more time for self, do things that you love to do, and become what you want to become.
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Can we get a 14 day live feed on this man? That will prove it all to the world.


His words are golden to me today. After having released a lot inner blockages from my ownself and looking at everything from oneness, i slowly seem to be consuming and even needing much much lesser food than i used to eat before, say few years ago. I barely feel hungry even, nowdays. I eat once a day, sometimes lesser (even just a small meal for the day) - krishwan


Most of these comments are definitely coming from the lower mental and physical vibrational plane. This video was very eye opening and I’m grateful for this high vibrational message of healing and wisdom.


I can only experience cleaning every detail that needs to be cleaned in my mind, and not only in terms of being fed or thinking about what I will eat tomorrow, total cleanliness, in relationships, in the environment.


I'm starting a new trend called foodarians. We eat food but do not need to breathe because we get all our oxygen from light.


He isn’t nervous at all all those bad foods we eat I’m guilty as well can change your mood . He speaks clearly and has a lot of knowledge with no anxiety.


I haven't eaten in 30 years earth looks so small from up here


This just dawn on me but when I was about 15 yrs of age I got food poisoning (salmonella) those doctors put me on an IV, ran a couple of test, and I didn’t eat for a week, they told my family not to give me food they brought in. The doc’s watched over me but I wasn’t given anything to eat and eventually went home…so the common denominator is, not putting anything in my system is what caused me to heal & the IV must of been just electrolytes being put back in me from the fluids!


Fasting is great but requires discipline, coming out of a fast sensibly is important. I have a family member who didn't adhere to this and ended up in hospital


Elitom words comes with so wondeerful energy out


Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!! Just like Alyna Rouelle, Alice Bruyant, Isabelle Hercelin, Gabriel Lesquoy, Mary M, Patrice Roy, Dominique Verga, Adrienne Living On Light, Markus Witte, Camila Castillo and many more youtubers from all around the world I have watched ... You are another example of a pranic person and it is so inspiring. I believe that it's a word more than worth spreading giving the peacefulness, the rest, the light in the eyes I've seen on every one of them...


Fasting is life long autophagy.... infinite health


Everyone here after that Tyson and Flocka interview


I can see a lot of people in the comment section simply do not understand, and are not empowered or open minded to transforming themselves and giving themselves complete liberation and control over their health and body. Don’t listen to those comments, if this lifestyle resonates with you, it’s for a reason.


it''s not possible for most of us simply because we are not on that level of evolution yet. that's why only few people today can do it... but... it's coming. the next step is we are all transitioning to eating plants instead of animal food. instead of eating animals who eat plants who feed on sun, we are going to start just eating plants (which is already happening, it's already a trend), then instead of eating plants, we are going to evolve past that as well, and start getting energy from the sun/ prana directly... it's logical.. it's what we have been feeding on until now as well, just indirectly, through animals slash plants... we will skip all these stepping stones :) ... oh... similar thing is going to happen with language/ speaking too i believe, we are going to start at some point communicating without the need of speak, just telepathically .... :)


breatharians consume organic Raw fresh juices & raw blended fruits, fresh herbs, essential oils, pure coconutwater etc breathwork is essential for breatharians because humans first need to breathe (get it) it's a clean, principled lifestyle if done correctly consuming electric raw foods made into liquid.


The Gurus learned the exact same way. Just now we see black skinned people only as good in sports. We lost touch with our roots. Quite shockingly, this is what the world would have seen from us. Great Teaching Teacher! 💯🔥💎


Love this man.Pure Indian spirituality with wisdom.


All these natural product that you eat does contain water so why do you state that you haven't drank water, please explain, to me this is misunderstood message.


This is honestly the most inspiring information I've come across on this topic. I begun this journey few months ago by fasting twice a month when the moon is full or new. I'm now ready to double that by fasting once week. I'm hopeful about this method as I've done alot of research on it and my body does feel significantly better when I do fast so thank you for the pointers :)