Feeding Bees Part 2 - Basic Feeders, Sugar Syrup Additives and Storage

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Feeding Bees Part 2 is second in a four part series. Part 2 is an overview of basic sugar syrup feeders, sugar syrup additives and sugar syrup storage concerns.

Effect of thymol and resveratrol administered with candy or syrup on the development of Nosema ceranae and on the longevity of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in laboratory conditions.
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Hello Bob I have stopped years ago using honey B healthy because of the robbing an just use bleach when needed an that has worked out great for me in my feeding regiments . I still use the half gallon jars also . Mainly because it is easier for me to regulate the amount of feeding but it is a little more laborious but I have the time also the jars cost is lower than the feeders . My feeders are mounted in the back of my bottom boards an not in the entryway an to me I think that cuts down on the robbing some . Here in central NC our temperature are fairly warm so I can feed for quite a while if needed. I enjoy going back an looking at your older videos just to refresh my memory on different ways of doing things it just helps to keep me on my toes even though we do this every year after year . Thanks


You referred to Randy Oliver’s article on using bleach in sugar syrup. If I recall correctly, he found that measurable free chlorine was absent after about 8 hours, but the mold-inhibiting effect persisted.


For me, who is accustomed to the metric system, measuring volumes in cups, teaspoons, tablespoons etc. seem to be so rustic as in the middle ages .
It so funny that people in one of the nations with the highest technical standards work like hunter-gatherer in their daily life.


I will look forward to hearing the results of your experiments with thymol in syrup.


Glad to see another video. Enjoyed our visit to Blue Ridge Honey Company and talking with you. Looking forward to January 8 & 9.


Hello Mr Bob glad to see your making more videos 😉


Hello Bob, I have been using Thymol to preserve syrup for 40 years, where I operate at the forward edge of Atlantic weather fronts here in Ireland, Western Europe it is an essential tool to the healthy wintering of bees. Really enjoy your vilogs.


Goog video Bob I have kept bees in the past and didn't have time with all that I had going on now that I'm slowing down and doing things that I enjoy getting back to 20 to 25 hives I loved in the past and ready to get back to where I was with it thanks for all the info.


Great video, new bee keeper here. your info is priceless!!


Hello from România, Bob! I am watching your videos with great interest. You are doing a great job by sharing all your knowledge and experience. Thank you Bob! 🤗


Thank you, Bob. I really enjoy your videos and I appreciate the info


Hi Bob, really enjoy watching your videos. Keep it up! 😊👍🏻


I will look forward the results of your experiments with thymol in syrup.


I had been waiting for this video, thanks Bob.


Thanks for sharing your videos, hailing from Australia here. You are a wealth of knowledge!


I mix thymol in my syrup when I feed. I disolve in everclear. Then mix. I mix it way to strong with no adverse effects on the bees. Thanks for the videos. I'm always picking some helpful up.


I have a problem with bees drowning in the frame feeders even though they are the ones that have ladders. I suspect it has to do with putting the Honey B Healthy or ProHealth in (it happens with any supplement I've used, and I've tried several at this point). I think they must get into a frenzy and push each other into the syrup? That's all I can figure. It doesn't happen with the straight sugar water. At any rate, I'm considering getting the jar feeders, they seem easier to fill, no chance of drowning the bees, and less disturbing to the bees too.


Hi Bob, like everyone else, I thank you for your knowledgeable and informative videos. I believe it takes courage and confidence to explain or 'give away' the many 'secrets of beekeeping' that you have determined over the years. You could so easily kept this knowledge to yourself, so again. thank you. I was wondering how long you would consider is too long for a small colony to have a jar or bucket feeder on top before fermentation becomes an issue in summer? Cheers Geoff Keiller, Adelaide Australia


Love your videos. I use i gallon in box feeder. It is too small. I have tried buckets. I find they leak from time to time. I probably make them wrong. Interested in seeing you make them.


We use a ratio of 1cup bleach to 55 gal.syrup for chalkbrood, seems to be an effective treatment.
