Plastic Surgeon Bans These 5 Things at Home! | Barrett Plastic Surgery

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Stay tuned as plastic surgeon Dr. Barrett reveals an eye-opening list of potentially hazardous items or activities that could compromise your or your family's health and safety, providing valuable insights to create a safer environment for you and your loved ones. Ranging from safer ways to make your morning bagels, to why balloons are more dangerous than anyone imagined!

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Barrett Plastic Surgery
Located in Beverly Hills CA

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I ABSOLUTELY agree about dogs and small children... I have seen friends place baby in carrier on floor around other peoples dogs so frightening!! I have picked up those babies to move them out of dog's way, even my own dog! You never know what will upset an animal, could be a certain smell or noise or movement... so so dangerous! other points you bring up very important too!


No glass Tables, TV, glasses, stands, and coffee tables


Marbles. When my children were small I would go berserk at the sight of marbles.


No firearms allowed in my house. No kids that are not supervised because my house is a hazard with knives, hot pots, a cute dog that is afraid of small kids & open pool. I was taught to dice, cut & peel things in my hands with a paring knife from the time I was a kid. Maybe that was reckless on my parents part...kinda like letting kids ride in an open pickup truck. It was a different time.


Dr Barrett, while I am here... can I please ask you... what should I do about fat still remaining on my abs after tummy tuck?? I consulted with my surgeon who said he will not do any more lipo ... If you can answer, I thank you ...
