The Truth About The Illegal Immigration CRISIS

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The US border is at breaking point. 2.3 million desperate people trying to get through illegally to the United States from Mexico. Over 1/2 million will make it to the land of opportunity, but how is this immigration crisis hurting both the United States and Mexico? Find out in today's epic new video as we take a closer look at what's really happening at the border.


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instead of trying to bring every poor person on the planet here, we need to focus on making where people ARE better so they stay. the problem is those who can leave are also those who are more capable. so this idea of letting everyone in is actually making those places worse as well as making America worse.

Roy Beck has an excellent demonstration about this.


The “11 million illegals in the US” is way off. In 2001, when it was still INS, the estimate was 8-10 million. Illegal population is way higher now.


No way there’s only 11 million illegal immigrants in the US. It’s at least double that.


11 million illegals. They have been using that same number for over 20 years.


when showing the minimum wages, you need to also show the Cost of living. While the minimum wage is lower in other countries, so is the cost of living.


I was brought to the USA as a child, all I can say is that many of the people who come to the U.S. from other countries have a misconception of life in America and don’t realize how expensive it is to live here. I can say this because I work with many of the new immigrants coming across the border. A lot of them make less than $15 per hour, they don’t realize that a lot of the money you will make goes out the door to pay for your living expenses.


"Millions is a bit of a stretch, " followed immediately by "2.4 million apprehensions"😂😂😂


Hard to believe anything said in a video where the creator leans one way and is clearly not free from bias in the reporting of "facts."


“Millions is a significant stretch.”
_Goes on to show that multiple millions are being encountered._


Illegal immigration is also an issue in the UK via France. Its really bad and the government aren't doing much other than making legal immigration even more difficult.


Imagine well over 50 million total in a 4 year period


These numbers make no sense. If they have 10K or more to be smuggled in then they are not poor. I don't have that kind of money and I was born here and worked since age 16.


My parents came here, legally, from Mexico back in the 1960s. This "crisis" is rooted largely in the notion that anyone, anywhere in the world is automatically and fully entitled to come and live in the US if they can manage to get here. The fact that the system doesn't work that way is then used as "proof" of it being "broken". No, it's working as intended. Claims to the contrary are a total strawman, because immigration law was never codified to be a free-for-all for everyone the world over.

Curious how it's Western countries who are on the hook for taking people in and putting them on the dole. Nations elsewhere on Earth never face any recrimination for how selective and strict their immigration policies are, and some of them are positively Draconian. Here's an idea - tighten up the social safety nets from the federal level on down. Make it firmly illegal from the municipal level up to house, feed, offer medical care, etc. to anyone in the country without authorization.

I imagine the problem sorts itself out very quickly after that, especially for the "asyltum seekers" who trekked across several other countries on their way here in contravention of international law. Even the UN makes it clear that asylum is to be applied for in the first safe nation reached. It's not "shop around until you find the one willing to give away the most benefits".


“That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” ― George Carlin


I have a question, what happens to my family if/when America is destroyed?

Can we pick the country with the best standard of living and just show up at their door? Or, will we be forced to make the best of what we have/ do everything in our power to get America back on track?

Coming here can’t be the solution to the world’s problems because at some point their problems become ours and I don’t want that for my children and grandchildren.

They need to fight for their countries.


This is one of many reasons America needs to get rid of sanctuary city period or no federal funding period


If the government really cared about illegal immigration then they could punish any business willing to have those workers which they never will do. This concern is shown as a beating stick to control those at the bottom and make the working class point them as the problem and not the business owners who just wants to give the lowest wage and have the highest profit


The U.S. has an affordable housing crisis. New housing construction has not kept up with population growth for at least fifteen years. The U.S. is short at least 3-4 MILLION housing units. Adding millions of more people to the population is not a smart idea.


16% of American want to leave America part hits close to home. I know 4 friends that moved back to Asia in the last 2 years. Two back to China, two back to Thailand. My family came to the US in 1999 from Taiwan. My mom moved back in 2010, my sister moved back in 2022, and i am thinking about moving back with my wife. Lol. Life in the US is getting very expensive with subpar results. From civil service, food, housing, utility, medicines, to education almost everything is worse here than Asia now. East Asia has modern society with civility and safety. Mainland china has huge innovation and economy. South Asia has tremendous energy and hope.
I also had chatted with young relatives when i go visit Taiwan, they are still bright eyed about luxurious life the US. I told them to describe what they think living in the US is like. Then i just laughed. They still think of the US like it is the 1995. Freedom, high wage, low cost, endless possibility.
I told them what i do and what i see, most of them just didnt believe me.
I feel like i work so much, but feel so poor here.


This is packed with so much information that i probably need to watch it again
