Playing Dark Souls after Elden Ring

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Tips for playing Dark Souls for the first time if your intro to the Soulsborne franchise was Elden Ring. I cover differences in game design philosophy, itemization, skills, stats, and statuses that differ between the two From Software games. Hope to encourage you to go back to Dark Souls 1 after beating Elden Ring, and smooth out any gaming culture shock.
0:00 Introduction and thesis
1:16 (Visual) spoiler warning & RFC
2:01 Level design
4:00 Difficulty and balance
5:51 Gameplay
8:45 Itemization and builds
11:04 Random gotchas
13:54 Outtro and thanks
0:00 Introduction and thesis
1:16 (Visual) spoiler warning & RFC
2:01 Level design
4:00 Difficulty and balance
5:51 Gameplay
8:45 Itemization and builds
11:04 Random gotchas
13:54 Outtro and thanks
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