My Craziest Training Session! Tibetan Mastiff Training Pt.3 !!

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Here The Dog Daddy is showing how he goes about training a huge, powerful aggressive dog.. This Tibetan Mastiff is no joke. And a lot of dog to handle. Most dog trainers wouldn’t even attempt to work with them. So dog owners seek the help of professional dog trainers like The Dog Daddy.

This link will take you to all my socials and list the products I recommend for you and your dogs ⬇️

The Dog Daddy doesn't refuse to help any dogs and is capable of helping even the most challenging dogs imaginable.

The Dog Daddy is a professional dog trainer specializing in working and training aggressive dogs, reactive dogs and obedience training for all dogs.
We also offer puppy training, service dog training and more.
The Dog Daddy has over a decade of professional dog training experience training clients worldwide and over 20 years of training dogs all together.
The Dog Daddy is based in Los Angeles California but often travels to bring dog training classes and seminars to cities around the world.

#dogtrainer #dogtraining #tibetanmastiff #reactivedogs
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Here’s my upcoming training schedule.. Get your tickets and you can come watch me training the dogs in person. Ask questions and learn even without bringing your own dog! My spectator tickets includes a meet and greet experience.
Chicago, IL – Aug 10

Anchorage, AK – Aug 17
New York, NY – Sept 7
Tampa, FL – Sept 28
Austin, TX – Oct 12
Atlanta, GA – Nov 2
Nashville, TN – Nov 23
San Francisco, CA – Dec 7


Love the strength that one of the dog psychologist Dog Daddy can take on this case without protective gears so I’m impress with the Energy Sound and Touch Language he uses. ❤ great Work Dr. Augusto 😀


Wow, you are right DD not many people would train this dog. I’m no expert but to me it looked like this dog was just doing their “job” and it was so deep in their animalistic DNA. And that is instinct that can’t be easily trained out. Thank you for not giving up.


Augusto, I trust the owners who said you're doing a good job. Period. Owners, especially ones who have such difficult dogs aren't about to praise anyone if they don't see improvement. Thank you for helping Sasquatch. He'll get there!!


Your love for dogs and their owners are just so precious. I don’t think any other trainers have the patience, wisdom or strength to help tough cases as this.
You are very special.
Great Admirations❤️🐾


I can tell this dog was a handful for The Dog daddy! But once again he shows us 99% of dogs can be trained or retrained and come out the other end a happy dog who can live without all the anxiety of being so hostile all the time.
I can't wait to see the next update on this doggy! ❤️👍😁


Augusto, you are amazing. You project strength with this extreme dog. This is why so many trainers would give up. Squatch is a knucklehead. You have a WOW factor, plenty of patience. 😊 🎉


This is great footage! A lot of people see your vids and think their dog is fixed in a couple minutes and maybe that happens sometimes but many of us trainers out here are going through these things and it’s not an easy or quick fix but the owners have an unrealistic idea of what it takes. Thank you for sharing this unedited real deal training session.


Amazing how one person's rubbish can be another's training tool. Very resourceful Augusto - you have my utmost respect with what you are able to achieve. Profundo respeito!


This is stressful to watch! Good for you, Augusto, for helping this family with their dog.


I appreciate that you have confidence to put up this video before the results are in, even with some who will inevitably criticize you. Good job


Your bravery with the dog and patience with both dog and owner is phenomenal!


I remember how wild he was in the 1st session, this is definitely NOT a setback! Don't give up! ❤😎🤗😇


I applaud you sincerely every time I watch your videos....pure devotion to your profession 👏👏👏


Dog Daddy met his match! But I trust you brother! Squatch will come around!


This is so real it could well be the best dog training session ever posted on Youtube! Your composure, not getting triggered, just amazes me


You are very courageous . Impressive how you handled the dog and yourself. You are the dog daddy helping these people with their dogs . Great job !


This dogs DNA is impressive. He's a guard dog first and foremost. He's a tough one. Dog Daddy will win in the end if his energy lasts. Phew!!!!


You had my heart a racing ! Dam ... Thank you for all the dogs/humans you help ❤


I like your move where you spin them around quick as they lunge at you and before they figure out what happened theyre sitting on the side of you. Squatch was having none of that. That was like watching chess. You knew what he was gonna do. He knew what you were gonna do.
