This Pitbull REALLY Wanted To Bite Me Bad!!

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You know a dog really means business when it's not faffing around wasting energy on barking, growling or whining and all you hear is snapsnapsnap.


When I was younger, much younger, I was serving in the USAF, as a dog trainer. I enjoyed my job and loved the dogs. Our sentry dogs looked just like this dog, only worse. They were trained to be like this, and they were trained to do it with a single word. One of the most important things there is to remember, is that it's easy to train a canine to attack/bite, but it's not easy to make it stop. So if you get bitten, pray that it decides to release soon. Anyway, just from watching The Dog Daddy's videos, I believe that he is the most professional canine trainer that I have ever seen. It's a pleasure just to watch him apply his trade. Keep up the great work Dog Daddy.

SGT. Smoke


You work with the animals all the other trainers give up on, and that shows your heart and love for every animal. Thank you for loving them


I love his tone after getting the dog slightly quieted down, politely asking for a muzzle. I’ve never seen him move so quick as at the end when he went to touch the dog and could tell that wasn’t going to work. Kudos to this guy. He’s amazingly patient.


My friends neigbor was in his mid 70s he had an 8ft tall plank fence around his back yard and we always heard barking "sounding like a pit" one day me an my buddy "RIP Kev" walked over to invite the old man to a fish fry and asked what kind of dog he had. He was scared to death.. he was trying his best to care for his sons albino pit bull that was deaf and blind and mean as shit, the son had been in jail for 14 months and was severing a 3 year bid. The old man opened his kitchen window and poured water into a 5 gal bucket and poured feed on the ground for the dog. The dog hadn't had any human contact in over a year. My buddy Kevin asked if he could have the dog, , the old man said son if you could get near him yes I would love for someone to take him so he can live a better life but that dog will kill you. Kevin said let me try. I have seen so many mean dogs, I have raised pit bulls and rescued pitbulls that were fighting dogs but I have never in my life seen a dog this mean. It was hard to communicate with him since he was deaf and blind. My buddy walked in the back yard and the dog waited and lunged at him once he got within chains length, Kevin never showed fear, he stepped on the chain and the dog kept running in circles as Kevin kept shortening the chain until eventually he was 2-3 ft from the pit, he reach out to let the dog smell him as he put a leash on with his left hand. The dog walked rite beside Kev and layed down leaned against him. It was beautiful. The old man started crying and said take him son. He kept the dog for 8 years then my friend died and I cared for Ghost for 2 years then he passed. I miss them both. Never give up on a dog if you haven't gave the dog a chance, but don't be a fool and put your family at risk. Some dogs can never change from there past trauma so don't put your kids at risk around a dog like that.


That guy in the background who said “welcome to the dog show” if he has a dog there for you, don’t work with his dog. I have a feeling he’s there to prove you can’t help every dog by bringing you a dog trained to fight. There could be some people out there like that.
Please be careful Brother. God Bless.


Apparently I'm gonna need some cooler clothes to train my pitbull


Thanks for helping all the fur babies and parents in need ♡♡♡♡ FROM DENVER


I love this dude going like he’s at a 90’s rave about to bust out some sick shuffle moves. 😅


and I'm sitting here - knowing DogDaddy can handle it - but wondering how his hat stays on all the time. 💙💙💙


You can hear the jaws snapping. Yep, that dog means business!


I accidentally came across your videos, I'm such a fan. You're truly the dog whisperer. I've never seen anyone calm a dog down as fast as you do. God bless you for helping the lil one's that don't have a voice! ❤️❤️


When people say there dog don't bite .

Just noticed I got 739 like and thanks


Putting a lot of faith in that leash 😂


I like the videos that don’t have the fast erratic music like this one! You can fully appreciate your talents much better. Awesome work!❤


Much respect to the dog daddy. He truly understands the mind of the k-9 no matter the breed. Truly magnificent and another bites the dust.


You have such incredible talent training these dogs who desperately needed help. You are a dog whisperer and I love watching your videos!! Thank you so much for helping these fur babies so that they will have a beautiful life ❤️


kein Mensch kann einfach das machen was Dog Daddy tut !!! Das ist eine Gabe .Ein grosses wundervolles Geschenk das viele gerne hätten aber leider nie haben werden. So wie ich auch . Ich wünschte ich hätte auch diese Gabe aber leider habe ich sie nicht. Aber ich bin Dankbar dass du sie hast . Und dass du ein so wundervoller Mensch bist der soo vielen Hilft. Danke


I'm 43 years old and have literally not gone 1 single day of my life without 1 or multiple dogs..I've had 2 Amstaff Terriers, a wolf/german shepherd hybrid, a great dane, a bull mastiff, collies, shelties, a rottweiler, a dobi, a st bernard, a rat terrier, an english bulldog, and a couple more that seem to be slipping my mind, but anyways..This young man has a connection with these animals that is absolutely astonishing..Training a dog isn't particularly difficult if you have patients, time and relentless discipline..But this man completely changes an aggressive dogs demeanor in minutes..It's quite the thing to watch


So glad he missed biting you!! Can't say it enough are amazing! Keep up the good work👍👍
