If THIS Video Doesn't Cause You to Run From Greg Locke, Nothing Will!

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Greg Locke Is NOT qualified to be a pastor. In this episode we focus on some of Locke's antics, as well as his relationship with Benny Hinn.

From Steve Kozar:

Dr. Michael Brown's Benny Hinn Mistake: "Look's Fine to Me!"

From Mike Winger:

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No mention of Jesus. His message was all about himself


And if all that wasn’t enough, his infidelity, his abuse of his wife and eventual divorce to marry the secretary his wife feared he was having an affair with. This man is demon influenced at the very least.


I can't believe my husband thinks Locke is a "great pastor." He's an angry, bitter and selfish person.


My daughter started listening to Greg Locke and said he was a "good" preacher. I listened to him, and although he wasn't one I would listen to, he seemed pretty sound. About a year later, my daughter said she stopped listening to him, because he had "gotten way out in left field". Thank the Lord for discernment.


Anyone who has been exposed to abusive narcissism can smell this cat from a mile away.


Watching 2 seconds of Greg is more than I can handle...


This guy is unrepentant of his marital issues. Didnt even stepped aside to work on his first marriage. Very angry and short tempered man. Absolutely no compassion for the lost and pretty much doesn’t want the lost in his sanctuary.


Whenever a so-called pastor publicly shares that someone told him his ministry is the most anointed, then I say he’s received all the praise he’s going to ever need. Too bad he speaks his own praise.


As a handicapped person, I am horrified by Locke's teaching. What shame would be placed on me in that church?


IM DYING. Right when Vlad was talking about meeting Benny Hinn and reading his book, an ad comes on that immediately says, “This is the quickest way to clean out stuck poop.” 😂😂😂


My sister and her family came out from under his teachings this past year! Thank you Lord


The very first thing that would turn me off to him is how he screams at the congregation. I do not need a pastor to yell at me. I would walk out right then. His ‘message’ (whatever it is) is immediately lost. This man is not a pastor, he’s a narcissist who loves the sound of his own voice. When does he ever speak about Jesus?


I'm glad I found this video. I know first hand about Greg. I won't go to much into this but I gave up everything to come help Greg start what was then Global Vision Baptist Church. We met at a little rec center back then and we had to set up and take down the stage and sound system after each service. I gave up my home Church, my home, and even friends whom I had fellowship with since the day God saved me, because Greg asked me to come help grow Global Vision Baptist church. I prayed for 2 weeks about should I give up the things God had blessed me with to go 600 hundred miles to a place where the only people I knew was Greg and his wife Mallisa. Whom by the way one of the sweetest women I ever met and it's a shame what he did to her. I felt like God wanted me to go so I did. It wasn't long before I was questioning God about him leading me there. It took me a long time to understand that God sent me there to show me that I had spent my time following a man, that wasn't worthy instead of following God. I took my eyes off God because I thought Greg was the Godlyist men I had ever known. I'm not going to go into it but Greg and I didn't see eye to eye on something while conversing on the phone and Greg said to me "I will be over there in 15 minutes and I'm going to beat your ass." I laughed at him and I said "I will be on the front porch waiting " his reply was " I'm not coming alone either "with that I replied "come on ". So I went out on my porch to wait and he pulled up to the intersection across from my house with 3 deacons from the church. I stood up and he acted like he was going to pull in so I stepped off the porch and he mashed the gas and took off. That's what God wanted me to see.. The man I thought was so Godly was nothing more than a talented con artist. He then called my home Church and told my pastor a bunch of lies and unfortunately he believed Greg because he to was fooled and thought Greg was such a Godly man.I tried different churches after that and all these preacher's would be nice to me until I told them my name. I'm ashamed to say I was so hurt I left the church. I never gave up on God I just can't make myself go to another church. My wife let's me preach to her and the Bible says where 2 or more are gathered together in my name there I shall be also. All these so called preacher's that hurt me and didn't believe me now know what I said was true, yet I have never received one phone call, letter, or visit to say we were wrong for not believing me and turning their backs on me. Greg
Locke is a false profit who changes his beliefs to suit his life style. He dropped Baptist from the church because he couldn't live the way he does and preach fundamental Baptist doctrine. I leave with something I've heard Greg say thousands of times "I'm Baptist born and Baptist bread and win I die I will be Baptist dead " I guess not huh? Baptist doctrine wouldn't allow him to cheat on his wife. People this man is dangerous, don't let him lead you astray. Beware of false profits


We need deliverance from those like Benny Hinn and Greg Locke.


He loves to talk about himself rather than God.


I go to a Baptist church and yesterday, they were promoting a different false teacher. I am going to revoke my membership and move on. I don’t know where to go anymore. Who can I trust? This is a sad situation. I came from being Pentecostal and I’m so discouraged by churches, not God. None of them can take my salvation from me. I just have enough discernment to know who is genuine and who is a false teacher. Greg Locke is a false teacher.


This man is not a pastor he's extremely dangerous


He also cheated on his wife, lied about her, etc...


Locke has dollar signs in his eyes sitting beside Hinn. It's ALWAYS about money with these people 🤷


im not "Reformed" but i thank God for any Calvinist that stands against the likes of Greg
