Excel Magic Trick 1043: Count Unique Numbers in Column with Empty Cells and Text (Mixed Data)
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See 5 formulas and timing results for counting unique list of numbers in a column with numbers, empty cells and text. Array formula that does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter that uses the functions:
2. SUM, SIGN and FREQUENCY (thanks to Leonid Koyfman from YouTube)
3. SUMPRODUCT, FREQUENCY, comparative array operation, math array operation
4. SUM, FREQUENCY, comparative array operation, math array operation (Amazingly it does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
6. Timing Results for each formula
7. Shout Out to Our Online Excel Team: Have you ever seen a formula like this: =SUM(--(FREQUENCY(A2:A15,A2:A15) Greater Than0)) that does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter!?!?!?
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