Excel Magic Trick 1047: 'Number 225', & 'Text 225.00' Same For COUNTIF, SUMIFS, DSUM, DCOUNT??

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See the strange occurrence of "Number 225", & "Text 225.00" being treated as the same thing for the criteria arguments in functions like COUNTIF, SUMIF, SUMIFS, DSUM, DCOUNT...
Strange COUNTIF Criteria Number and Text Number The Same?
Strange SUMIF Criteria Number and Text Number The Same?
StrangeSUMIFS Criteria Number and Text Number The Same?
Strange DSUM Criteria Number and Text Number The Same?
Strange DCOUNTCriteria Number and Text Number The Same?
Strange COUNTIFS Criteria Number and Text Number The Same?
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Excel Magic Trick 1047 Number 225, & Text 225 00 Same For COUNTIF, SUMIFS, DSUM, DCOUNT
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