Excel Magic Trick 1042 Array Functions Housed In Other Functions Usually Don't Need Ctrl Shift Enter
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Leonid Koyfman at YouTube shows great trick Unique Count for numbers formula that does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
1. Count Unique Numbers formula that uses SUM and FREQUENCY and IF functions and does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
2. Count Unique Numbers formula that uses SUM and FREQUENCY and SIGN functions and does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
3. Count Modes formula that uses COUNT and MODE.MULT functions and does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
4. Add result of MMULT function formula that uses SUM and MMULT functions and does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
5. Add result of TREND function formula that uses SUM and TREND functions and does not require Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
Array Functions Housed In Other Functions Usually Don't Need Ctrl Shift Enter.
1) Array formulas are formulas that contain an operation or function that produces an array of items. Array formulas can deliver multiple items or a single item.
2) Array operation is the act of operating on an array and then delivering a resultant array.
3) Array Functions are Excel built-in functions that make array operations.
Excel Magic Trick 1042 Array Functions Housed In Other Functions Usually Don't Need Ctrl Shift ...
Excel Magic Trick 1042 Array Functions Housed In Other Functions Usually Don t Need Ctrl Shift Enter
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