The WORTHLESS Mountain of Disney Junk KILLS The Toy Market

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I'm back out in the retail space and this time, I see a new disturbing trend forming. Also, in today's video, we show you the real life, economic impact of what happens when this is the dire state of the toy industry. Finally, if you're a collector, you'll love the sneak peek of the toy collection I feature in this video.

#disney #marvel #starwars #toys
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Fun fact, kids don't want shit toys.


The amount of plastics and non recyclable materials all going to landfill with this stuff, almost as bad as the movie industry itself. Shameful


Doesn’t surprise me that the Godzilla x Kong toys are selling because even if the toys aren’t good they are at least fairly priced and kids will definitely take cool looking giant monsters over a boring looking lady in a jumpsuit.


In the future, Archeologists will keep digging up Shuri Copters. They will think it was our Goddess


Two things are a certainty in life:

1. We are all gonna die someday
2. No one will ever buy a ShuriCopter


The toy consumer base that once existed inbetween pre-schoolers and adult collectors no longer exists. The disappearance of Saturday morning cartoons. The proliferation of digital entertainment (especially free-to-play games). It's a perfect storm hitting the toy manufacturers.


Hasbro has to be pissed off at Disney at this point


As a father of a young boy who rarely plays with toys, it doesnt surprise me to see these things sitting on store shelves. Kids arent into them anymore.


Imagine being the ceo who turned hasbro into…this. Losing billions a year. Hell, lost a billion alone last quarter! That’s a skill! …I think.


These dummies really thought kids would be running around pretending to be shuri? 😂😂


Action figures should not cost $15 without coming with a vehicle. Without, they should be $5.


The earth is littered with the ruins of empires and kingdoms that thought they were eternal.


And they keep telling us plastic straws and combustion engines in cars are the problem, yet this shit is completely unrecyclable and requires fresh plastic to be made.


Honestly could be a Toy Story plot all its own: Woody and the gang wind up missing on a trip yet again, only this time they find themselves at a remote thrift store with endless isles of toys that were rejected and never bought.

What makes it wild could be the inclusion of the shopkeeper, who is a kid at heart but has been around the toys for so long he knows that they actually talk, and he put up with it for so long that the toys and the shopkeep converse like nothing is weird.

As for plot, lets say the shopkeep really doesnt want to throw away all the excess toys that build up over time, and usually when its time to purge the store, he gathers huge amounts of them to be donated to developing countries where children may never get toys where they live.

What could happen is the shopkeepers boss comes and finds out he has lagged behind on selling the sadly unpopular toys and orders the entirety of the toys inside the store to be sent to the junkyard, and immediately has a bunch of workers scooping toys into trash trucks.

Now with the shopkeep, the toys are generally acting like themselves. The rejects dont act like their characters for the most part, like real people, and are comfortable with the shopkeeper because he can keep a secret. But with other humans, they obviously act like objects.

Near the climax of the film, the boss and shopkeep get in an argument over the whole fiasco, and Woody gets an idea to save the rejects: they all animate and act like entire armies, almost possessed by poltergeists to scare the boss out.

Since the shop becomes condemned, you would think oh all the toys have nowhere to go and now tons of them will be scrapped. Not a problem, as the shopkeeper discovers an abandoned mall in the middle of the woods, large enough to hold millions of toys comfortably and happily. In return for saving his friends, the shopkeeper returns Woody and friends to Bonnie just in time again before they leave, except this time one of the shopkeeper's favorites decide to join them, as his adventure with the shopkeep has ended, and wishes to see greater pastures.


Whatever happened to just regular old toys? Big cars/trucks, army men, dinosaurs, etc. I went looking for army men for a little cousin’s birthday, checked Walmart, Target, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and a few others - nada. I finally found an extremely cheaply made, overpriced bag of them at… hobby lobby. The selection of anything other than Disney toys and nerf guns at Walmart and Target was abysmal


Seeing those Black Panther toys still on the shelves reminds me of how when I saw a few VHS tapes the final time I went to K-Mart 10 years ago this May.


Thanks so much for all the wasted petrochemicals and other resources to produce this toxic trash Disney and Hasbro!


I actually saw new Wish toys dumped at Goodwill last weekend! I absolutely love watching Disney fail. This is exactly what they deserve.


Remember everyone, this is why Toys-R-Us died.


single action figures should never cross the double digit dollar mark
