zabbix 6 installation on ubuntu 22 #Zabbix #Monitoring #Linux
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Zabbix 6 on Ubuntu 22:
Details Link:
What we are going to do in short
We are going to install zabbix 6.0 on Ubuntu 20.04
It Depends on your as per your infrastructure.
Minium Requirment:
1. 4 GB Ram
2. 2 Core CPU
3. 50 GB Storage
4. VM or Physical Server
Package That we going to install:
1. Apache web server
2. PHP
3. MariaDB 10
4. Zabbix 6.2 LTS
Basic Check
If your are privilaged user please use sudo with every command.
If you are login as root user no need to use sudo.
check release:
cat /etc/lsb-release
update packages:
apt update
Step-1: Install Required Dependencies
apt-get install build-essential libmariadb-dev sudo libxml2-dev snmp libsnmp-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libevent-dev libpcre3-dev libxml2-dev libmariadb-dev libopenipmi-dev pkg-config -y
Step-2: Install and Setup Apache, PHP
apt install apache2
After the successful installation, start and enable the Apache and MariaDB service
systemctl start apache2
systemctl enable apache2
Install PHP
apt install php php-mbstring php-gd php-xml php-bcmath php-ldap php-mysql
systemctl restart apache2
Check php version
php -v
Step-3: Install mariadb and Create Database for Zabbix
apt install mariadb-server
Set root password for mariadb server by following command and go as per instruction
Log in my mysql and create database for zabbix
mysql -u root -p
create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
flush privileges;
Step-4: Install Zabbix Server
Enable repository by following command
synchronize the newly added repository with the system, update the package lists
apt update
Install zabbix package
apt install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-sql-scripts zabbix-agent
Configure Database on zabbix configuration file
# Update following lines
load database schema for database
The error occurs because the dump is compressed and must first be unpacked
#You will be required to provide your password, so go ahead and provide it.
It takes time to restore db
Lets check if database restore correctly
Yes It working
systemctl enable zabbix-server
systemctl restart zabbix-server
Stpe-5: Configure firewall and others for zabbix
ufw allow 80/tcp
ufw allow 10050/tcp
ufw allow 10051/tcp
ufw reload
Now it time to browse to finalize Zabbix configuration frontend
Following steps you need to go:
1. check pre-requisties
2. Configure DB Connection
3. Zabbix Server details
4. Pre Install summary
5. Install
Check to ensure that all prerequisites are fulfilled by the server and click on the Next step button
Provide database info where it need
Database type: MySql
Database Host: localhost
Database Name: zabbix
Database user: zabbix
Database Password:
Now login with default user of Zabbix
Details Link:
What we are going to do in short
We are going to install zabbix 6.0 on Ubuntu 20.04
It Depends on your as per your infrastructure.
Minium Requirment:
1. 4 GB Ram
2. 2 Core CPU
3. 50 GB Storage
4. VM or Physical Server
Package That we going to install:
1. Apache web server
2. PHP
3. MariaDB 10
4. Zabbix 6.2 LTS
Basic Check
If your are privilaged user please use sudo with every command.
If you are login as root user no need to use sudo.
check release:
cat /etc/lsb-release
update packages:
apt update
Step-1: Install Required Dependencies
apt-get install build-essential libmariadb-dev sudo libxml2-dev snmp libsnmp-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libevent-dev libpcre3-dev libxml2-dev libmariadb-dev libopenipmi-dev pkg-config -y
Step-2: Install and Setup Apache, PHP
apt install apache2
After the successful installation, start and enable the Apache and MariaDB service
systemctl start apache2
systemctl enable apache2
Install PHP
apt install php php-mbstring php-gd php-xml php-bcmath php-ldap php-mysql
systemctl restart apache2
Check php version
php -v
Step-3: Install mariadb and Create Database for Zabbix
apt install mariadb-server
Set root password for mariadb server by following command and go as per instruction
Log in my mysql and create database for zabbix
mysql -u root -p
create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
flush privileges;
Step-4: Install Zabbix Server
Enable repository by following command
synchronize the newly added repository with the system, update the package lists
apt update
Install zabbix package
apt install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-sql-scripts zabbix-agent
Configure Database on zabbix configuration file
# Update following lines
load database schema for database
The error occurs because the dump is compressed and must first be unpacked
#You will be required to provide your password, so go ahead and provide it.
It takes time to restore db
Lets check if database restore correctly
Yes It working
systemctl enable zabbix-server
systemctl restart zabbix-server
Stpe-5: Configure firewall and others for zabbix
ufw allow 80/tcp
ufw allow 10050/tcp
ufw allow 10051/tcp
ufw reload
Now it time to browse to finalize Zabbix configuration frontend
Following steps you need to go:
1. check pre-requisties
2. Configure DB Connection
3. Zabbix Server details
4. Pre Install summary
5. Install
Check to ensure that all prerequisites are fulfilled by the server and click on the Next step button
Provide database info where it need
Database type: MySql
Database Host: localhost
Database Name: zabbix
Database user: zabbix
Database Password:
Now login with default user of Zabbix