5 MISTAKES Beginners Make When Soldering Copper Pipe | GOT2LEARN

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Here are 5 common mistakes that beginners make when soldering a copper joint and how to prevent them.

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DISCLAIMER: Got2Learn is NOT responsible for any damage done to a property of which the plumbing wasn't done by a professional, I do not recommend doing your own plumbing if you are unsure about what you are doing, always hire a LICENSED contractor when doing any type of plumbing so you can be covered by insurances if something does happen, these videos are for entertainment purposes only!
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I've been plumbing for 38years and the coronavirus has forced me to watch this 😂 a few tips 1, if you accidentally over heat the fitting, remove heat and brush a little flux over the joint. 2, make sure there is no water dripping through the pipe whatsoever.3, always make sure you have a open end somewhere to take away any pressure built up by the heat. 4 don't knock the joint while it's cooling. The bigger the joint the longer it will take to cool.


I'm not a plumber, but so much of my copper soldering experience came from my dad taking the time to teach me when I was younger. Most importantly, he would have me practice many times on scrap pieces so I would learn the "art" of soldering. There's no shortcut to doing it correctly. It really takes practice. It has saved me a lot of $$ over the years by DIYing so many plumbing jobs around the house. Your videos are awesome!!


Can you imagine when being taught any kind of skill set whether it's plumbing, welding, framing, drywall, etc... and when you do exactly what you were taught and pipes still leak, welds break, etc??? This channel tells you not ONLY HOW TO DO shit, but ALSO TELLS YOU THINGS to AVOID DOING! Golden 1/2" rule and no leaks, heat distribution, how too much heat and too little heat will have their specific results (displays of it in video also! What???)

I know so many home owners being a former Realtor and thus knowing these home owners as DIYers and I'm going to DEFINITELY share this channel, NO FKKN DOUBT! I'm so stoked about this channel. THANK YOU...


This is the most random video I’ve ever been recommended 🤷‍♂️👍 but still keep up the good work


Yesterday, I was DIY-ing a repair on my main water line. You videos literally just saved me thousands of dollars! I used your tricks and your preparation steps and got a perfect joint with no leaks! Literally thank you soooo much


Nice job. Clear, concise and no jazzy music to dustract from content. Thanks and greetings from Spain.


Learned how to solder when I was 10 by my father . He was a licensed pipe fitter . And still solder now as part of my work


I’m actually an electrician who’s wanting to get my downstairs loo (toilet) refurb finished by first fixing new runs of hot and cold pipes. I’m in the UK but I am certain all the principles are exactly the same, it’s just about using your common sense and making sure you don’t apply too little flux, heat, solder and vice versa. Very useful information and educational to the newbies who haven’t really done much plumbing.


Ex plumber here. I would move the torch around on all size fittings, not just the bigger sizes. Great video btw! Good diagrams and graphics too.


I’ve been soldering copper pipes for decades as I renovated homes. Now I realize that I was making many mistakes and had to re-do joints. Thank you for showing me the right way. I like the rule of 1/2” of solder for a half inch pipe


Heck who needs plumbing school when you have these kind of videos here on youtube : )


can't get enough of these! you are soooo good at making sure these techniques are understood.! bravo


Great video. This was very helpful to me as a DIYer. One other mistake is not making sure the pipe is totally dry. I got into a mess on my first attempt because my stop cock wasn't shutting off properly and was letting a small amount of water by.


My 2 cents: as heating goes I always start with a little heat on pipe first as this will expand & hold to fitting, then move heat all around fitting (as stated, soldier will flow to heat) I believe it's best to draw the soldier to the top of the fitting (heat top & apply soldier to bottom & draw up) For cleaning (as was taught to me by old schooler) & works well, no problems yet, is to give a small wipe of flux to joint & before it completely cools wipe with a damp cloth.


Very good video. Especially the tip about half inch fitting half inch solder. Always wondered about that when I used to sweat copper a lot.


Here are all the tools and materials I used in this video (affiliate links):


Sou do Brasil, mas esse vídeo é esse canal irá me ajudar muito.


Just performed an emergency repair on mixing valve that was bumped during my remodel effort. I was intending to cap the lines and replace the mixing valve later but it turned into an "emergency, do it today" situation so I watched this video (and one other of yours) and managed to cut the two supply pipes leading to the mixing valve and cap them without any leaks. My solder joints look better than I was expecting but far from pro level. Just glad there are no leaks. Thanks for the amazing content on your channel. You've saved me tons of money already


In lab at school I always had a hard time getting the hang of soldering but did well with brazing. Guess I always felt as though I didn't use enough then would end up overheating. I like how you do the half inch bend, I'll remember that.


The amount of solder to put into a joint was very helpful. I didn’t know when to stop.
