I don't believe in work/life balance.

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Work/life balance is a scam.

Timothy J. Ward

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41 year old here, I went part time in February cause I'm beyond done working 40-60 hrs a week. I have no wife or kids and no debt of any kind with plenty of savings and a decent 401k. My parents are freaking out still about my decision, I'm serious sick of the old school mentality of you can only enjoy life after you turn 62🤬


This insanity of the “grind” of 40 plus hour work weeks with only two days off is manmade. Even as kids, we had to go to school seven hours a day and had to even bring home homework. It was all designed to train our minds for the hamster wheel.


Most people are just jealous of anyone who gets to take a break from work.


People don't understand how brainwashed they are. They naturally feel something isnt quite right yet they never question why.


No one ever said on there death bed, I wish I would've worked more in life to gain more worldly treasures.


I'm a divorced father of two teenagers. When they were small I only saw them on the weekends and one weekend I had to work. When I told my kids about it my youngest daughter looked at me and said, "...but dad, doesn't your job know the weekends are ours?"
Broke my heart and I'll never forget it.


Most people spend their life in the rat race only to discover that they’ve become a rat.


We are so fucked here in the US and have been brainwashed into thinking that taking more than a week off is sooo horrible. Meanwhile other countries that are running circles around us give their citizens several weeks off of work. Things HAVE to change. We get ONE life and it's a shame to waste it working until you're too old to enjoy life any more


My ex boss would tell us, "all we want is only 8 hours of your life each day, that's all, just 8 hours". Yea, 5, 6 or 7 nights a week. I couldn't handle their all work, no life balance culture. I quit and have zero regrets. Yes, I'm running low on money but I don't care. I have a second car I'll sell before I get another miserable low paying job.


"Nothing is wrong with stacking your money, nothing is wrong with being smart with your money. But what is the end goal? What is the point of stacking and saving your money if you never get to use it?" - Well said Tim. Everyone working non stop and saving there lives away need to hear this.


Work-life balance is a scam! I decided to not go back to my high-paying job as a nurse practitioner after I was furloughed during the pandemic. I'm so much happier now with my own business! I wouldn't trade the freedom for the world!


Independent thinking is underrated. So is kindness and modesty.


I’m 61….I’ve worked since I was in high school. When I turned 60 I was done working… I down sized my belongings and narrowed my bills to phone, car insurance and I rent a room. I do side jobs that I enjoy and no longer set my alarm. I squirrel away money and take little day trips here and there and am soooo much happier. I manifested a stress free life and I cherish time with family and friends more than living at a job and accumulating stuff. Love listening to your videos😊👍🏼


Im 33yrs old miserable with working.i've had more than 25 jobs in my life..i always thought it was the job but it turns out i hate working for/with people..i dont have kids..i need to figure something out ASAP


Man I worked at UPS for 6 years as a Truck driver and worked 12 to 14 hours a day and was miserable. I made good money but was drained out. So what I did was stepped out on faith and bought me a Big Truck and never looked back. I make more in 3 days than what I did in one month. I work 3 days a week and that’s it but I work for myself without having someone tell me what time to come to work and when to go home.


Yes, I definitely believe we should just work to enjoy our lives. I like the European mindset (in some of their countries) that they believe in working no more than 35 hours a week. They understand that life outside of work, and time with family is very important. I believe that, as well.


I'm taking the leap! Retiring at 53 next week. Done with putting work before everything else.


If life is a pizza, work should only be a slice! Solid life advice right there! 👌🍕


I just want to work three days a week thats it...thats all...My rent super low, my car paid for and no debt


work life balance is a myth everywhere. if you spend 90% of your time at work, where exactly is the balance?
