Star Trek Into Darkness Official New Look

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In Summer 2013, pioneering director J.J. Abrams will deliver an explosive action thriller that takes Star Trek Into Darkness. When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

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Tolerance, science, human ideals and potential. Those are the core tenets of Star Trek. I have been a long time Star Trek fan as well, and I've had to accept the fact that this wasn't the same Star Trek as before. accepted it because I'm an optimist and I won't let a couple of incongruencies and low-brow reboot stand in the way of me enjoying it. JJ himself admitted he had never seen Star Trek before he bought rights to make these movies. It's not the same, but that doesn't mean it's all bad.


I'm as big a Trek fan from the old days as you will EVER find. But this reboot is fantastic and I can't wait for Into Darkness. The trailers are mind--blowing. By the way, this is not a Khan Noonien Singh is Gary Mitchell.


But regardless of the fact Cumberbatch is in this film, I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT


I'm with the gang on this one. I'll try to keep an open mind for this flick, but it won't be easy.


It's not about the plot / story elements.

What he's concerned about is that everything Star Trek represented / was meant to teach has been removed in order to make the series into a set of action flicks.

I'm not saying that the choices are necessarily bad, as I didn't mind the first movie, I am just saying (and I assume the op was meaning to say) that the message that Trek has always given has been removed and that's the part that's troubling / a bit harder to accept.


It's set in a different universe (an alternate one) than the original, so therefore yes it is going to be different. It's supposed to be different because it's geared towards a different audience.


"I will have my vengeance" I'm sorry but if they had gotten anyone else to do the part Benedict is playing-no one will deliver it like he is. Waited for a sequel for 4 years....damn. Also-please refrain from posting hate on the new take on the franchise. You like the originals? Stick with them. If you come here and comment I either assume you're bored of the franchise or just looking for trouble.


In fairness, the movies (with the exception of the first one and the fourth one) have generally been action movies rather than the highbrow ideas of the show.


In some of the Star Trek shows, I would agree with you. Not all of the shows though. To be honest, I feel that the original Star Trek show was the show that had the least of those core ideas and messages. And in the movies, they hardly existed at all.


Yes that was good Trek for it's time. Now we have this Trek in a world where diversity is becoming more acceptable.
to be honest though I love a good movie in general and this new Trek is accomplishing that, it still has big themes you just have to look closer into it.


Got a funny feeling that I'll miss Leonard Nimoy in this movie.


I always found the TNG stories a bit 'slow' specifically because the show wanted to set some moral lesson.

I don't recall TOS actually having any moral lessons either...though I only watched a grand total of maybe 20 episodes.

After TNG the shows became more action-oriented. I feel DS9 had the best blend of 'Action' and 'Message'. Enterprise tried to bring it back..but meh, it's way to limiting when you have cannon lore to deal with..hence this Alternate Timeline.


I guess we'll have to see it before judging, as far as the Star Trek message goes this does not bode well though...

And that music is simply sub-par by Star Trek standards.


I loved the new movie and am looking forward to the second.
i enjoyed the original as a child and saw every movie from Wrath of Khan on
yeah, its different from the tv show in terms of format and message. . I don't care. *shrugs* ( i didn't think the original movies were too high on moralism - they did touch on topics in the news though - so does this coming one...its relevant, its about a terrorist)
My thirteen year old is watching the original series on BECAUSE he loves the reboot.


As a long-time Star Trek fan this movie concerns me... the first movie was hard enough to accept but now this one goes even further and further away from what the original Trek stood for and I don't think that's a good thing. Star Trek is now this dark, violent, batman-trilogy wannabe and it's disturbing. Thanks for ruining Star Trek folks!


O_o? I will keep my opinions off this post, but. Take star trek, then replace all the points
of national unity, racial acceptance, purposefull intelectualy beliveble missons, and remake the charecter of kerk into a spaz, aura(how do you spell that?) into a chick, spock into a self-certain illogical emotional child, and give scotty alot more irish-like spunk. And what do you get? A action movie that has no moral reference, purpose or meaning, based on star trek.

But hey, im not pointing fingers.


Never been a big star trek fan TOS is on tv everyday and i cant watch that cheap shit, it is simply horrible to watch with the cheap fighting scene. It is old but still an horror for the eyes.
Deep space9 and new generation never got me simply because like mention it is all about being space hippy travelling in peace only the flower sharing was missing.
And enterprise or voyager failed to get me interested....but i watched earth final conflict not the best series but interesting.


I love all the fanboys ranting and raving about how terrible the new Star Trek movies are. Clearly they did not grow up watching TOS and were fans of TNG, a.k.a. HippyTrek where Picard talks everyone to death. No head shrinks on the bridge, unitard or no unitard!

I vote for new and exciting with my money! Besides most of the TNG movies were horrible...Generations, Insurrection & Nemesis should have killed the franchise. Oh and watch Gene R Jr's documentary to see what his dad wanted.


I got a weird feeling that there's something about this movie that just won't work. I will go see it, but I just can't get the same good feeling from these trailers like I got from older Trek movies.

Benedict Cumberbatch looks ace though. Hopefully there are some secrets to his character so he is not just some stereotypical villain. I also would hope that Abrams movies would move away from Earth under peril and we would get more "to boldly go where no man has gone before" type of stuff.


Excuse me? Gene Roddenberry had some really progressive, beautiful ideas about society, and he brought those to light using a science fiction backdrop. There were a lot of episodes about racial bigotry and alternative history. The first TV interracial kiss ever was on the original series. The Earth in the show had no countries--an expression of acceptance among human beings. The show was cancelled early because it was too controversial, due to the general conservative mindset of the times.
