Does God love us just the way we are?

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It is dangerous to tell a nonbeliever, “God loves you unconditionally.” From one of our live events, R.C. Sproul and John MacArthur express how the gospel provides us with a far greater message to proclaim.

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Clear potent, theological teaching against worldly thinking.


It's refreshing when you hear the word of God and the gospel being exalted.


My pastor's way of putting it is great: God didn't "save" *YOU*. NO- he had to kill you and start over with a whole *new* creation in Christ!


I am so glad that we had RC
And have Pastors John, and Steve
Proclaiming the Truth of God's Word
Because they care for my children that are not walking with the Lord and now I have 2 Grandchildren
Judah 2yrs old and Augusta Rosa 4mo old. I don't get to live near them
And my heart breaks for the lies they have chosen over the Truth.
💔😪💔😢🙏🙏 so I pray Salvation will come to all. One day.
Thank you Mighty Man of the Word.
There's no other way to God .
I am 64 and I Praise God that in my 20s I was introduced to teaching of Pastor RC Sproul and John MacArthur . Thank you for your faithfulness to teaching the Truth through it all.


Some people will respond with their own understanding with what these men who live (lived) to study the Word of God. And they will say “they’re wrong” so my question is, did you go in depth about studying the love of God before commenting on this video? How much time did you read about it, are you a one verse person and think it’s enough to say they’re wrong? This ministry has been such a blessing to me. I’m learning so much then what I thought I was learning from church, a church as it turns out is charismatic but didn’t know because I grew up in that kind of church. I finally feel like a true Christian after leaving the church and becoming reformed.


“Its better to speak truth that hurts and then heals than falsehood that comforts and then kills”- Adrian Rogers


Preachers need to listen to this and then preach it unadulterated


God does not just send the sin to hell; He sents the sinner to hell.


Thank you LORD JESUS for raising teachers like these giants . Rest essy good and faithful servants. See you soon. Come LORD.🙏🙏🙏❤


The moment I realized God, Jesus and satan were real, I knew I'd been working for satan and needed God's mercy. Suddenly I realized what I looked like to a Holy God, when that happens, there is nothing to do but to fall on the Rock and let it break you rather the have the Rock fall on you and grind you to powder. Much love friends Jesus Christ is King


The epistle of Jude speaks of this well. Good job Brothers!


“Western religion is like a river 500 miles wide and an inch deep.” Pastor Paul Washer. No truer words have ever been spoken.


The longer I'm a christian, the more I realise how depraved my nature is.


(posted this in a reply but thought it might be helpful here as well) I agree with this video, but I think we should be careful when we talk about God's love, because not only are their the different forms of like RC said but they can be confused. One has to be careful in specifying what they mean by love and to whom God is expressing that love to... I also think it's critical in these question and answers to point to where one can find God's love (e.g. His love that he promises to christians). I think it's critical that we talk about the wrath and how RC talked about people coming to faith because of the fear of the wrath of God, but if we leave it at that I think some can dispair if they don't fully understand that now that they're in Christ (or if they come/ are drawn (please don't start a mob because I'm not using proper reformed terms)) there is now no condemnation and that nothing can separate us from so great a love.

I say this all being what I'd call a "bruised reed" and I know that if I'm not reaffirmed about my new position in Christ and the full love of God that is now on me thanks to the finished work of Christ that will never separate me for him, I can dispair. That's why I think it's just as critical after laying out the dreadful reality of being outside of Christ that we also layout the Gospel and how we are now no longer at enmity with God but counted as his children.


straight to the point. He's right!


I added, God doesn’t send sin to hell but He sends sinners to hell to my language after hearing this.


The fear of God is the Beginning of knowledge


Absolutely wonderful. Share this far and wide!


It's called hitting the nail on the head!! Great Stuff!!!


I know this is hard truth, but it is truth none the less. Because of John 3:16 we don't articulate God's love Biblically. Christians have to rightly reconcile God's love with His hatred shown in Psalm 5:4-6, 11:5, and Proverbs 6:16-19.
