Organizing Tips and Tricks for Bees - ClutterBug Organizing

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Let's get organized!
If your organizing style is a "Bee", then you are a visual organizer with an attention to detail. You are a bit of a perfectionist and you also struggle to let go. This can add up to a lot of clutter waiting for the "perfect organizing system". Here are some tips to help you declutter and organize your home for good.

Watch this video for home organizing tips, tricks and advice!

For organizing inspiration just for a Bee, watch Alejandra here:

The next organizing style is a ladybug! Stay tuned

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I took the first quiz and said, I'm a butterfly for sure. wrote it down, took notes, etc. Then, i watched more of your videos and thought, 'oh shoot, i'm a ladybug!' well maybe i'm a bit of both? Then, I proceeded to take ladybug notes and planned accordingly.... THEN I took your mini course and took the big quiz and i was 100%, without a doubt, a freaking bee!!! What the heck?!?!!!! Anyway, just thought i'd share. I'm going to try to push forward as a bee and see if I can "bee" successful (<--- see what i did there?)! Thank you for your videos and devoting your life to sharing this with the world!! I am a lazy organizer (ladybug) but am a bee at heart. If i devote some time to creating an established organizing system I can bee (<--- did it again lol) successful! xoxo Sarah


Cracking up so hard over this cause you're describing my husband's whole personality to a T 🤣🤣 especially when you said they'll take the time to sort screws, my husband has spent probably hours just sorting nuts bolts and screws, meanwhile his entire work space is a wreck cause he hasn't first taken care of the macro categories


The bee in me shrieked when you said get rid of things if you haven’t used it in 6 months. That’s way too short a period of time ha ha 🤭


Where have you been all of my life?!?!? I just took the quiz and the description of a bee fits me to a “T.” I hide things away in baskets until I can figure out exactly how to organize them *correctly and permanently* Even knowing that a random hidden container needs to be sorted and organized can cause me stress. I always found it strange that clutter felt so overwhelming but it took me forever to get something organized in a way that Was satisfying. I have ADHD and OCD so I just figured that was another one of my quirks. This actually helps to put things in perspective.


This really speaks to me! Here is a good Bee story: Many, many years ago when I got my first CD player, after I got about 12-15 CDs, I bought a nice wooden rack to display my little “collection”. Then I had some friends of them started looking through them to find something they wanted to hear. I hollered across the room, “They’re organized by genre”! There was a lot of laughter about this...and I was a little embarrassed, but to be fair, if you have eclectic taste in music, genre is a logical order to use.


Oh my goodness. I am SUCH a Bee! It’s so helpful to know this, and to just acknowledge that this is what’s gonna work for me and stop trying to be like somebody else!


I AM a BEE 🐝 You described me exactly.... perfectionist, crafter with everything sorted into little containers and happy when everything is labelled and put back where it belongs. The labels help me visually, and sometimes my non bee husband reads them, instead of asking me where things go. Had a laugh at the reference to crafts no longer used, as 6 months seems bit short. I will admit the latch rug that has been unfinished for nearly 40 years is a tad too long 🙃 but I am reluctant to admit defeat to throw it out and I have to wait till the browns and oranges of the 70's come back for anyone else to want it.


I am a wait I am a bee... maybe a “Butterbee” 🤪


Hey Cass, Please ENJOY every minute of it with Milo!! My son is grown and has a family of his own. I promise one day you will totally miss hearing MOM yells. Fingerprints everywhere, needing you to help him with everything ect, ect. I think boys grow up and really become more independent and don’t need you as much. I think girls always seem to need their moms even when they are grown. I know how you feel because I have been there and thought the same thing when mine was young. Just hang in there because one day you will say oh I wish they were kids again! Hanging all over me! My son and I are very close but someone told me when he was little that they grow up fast and they DO! So Enjoy 😉 this crazy 😜 life!


You're right! I haven't done candle making in over 17 years....time to get rid of the candle making equipment 😂
I'm 🐝🐝🐝


Oh, yes! Abundance, detailed, loathe getting rid of things, and a perfectionist.


I love that shot of the closet full of labelled clear bins. I think that is ideal 😃


Thank you Cass, for this post.
I'm most definitely a BEE & your entire video was just for me :)
Prior to the loss of my mum, almost 8 years ago, I would have given Bree [Desperate Housewives] a run for her money!
After mum's passing, my world crumbled & clutter took over in a huge way & I didn't care.
It has been quite a journey for me to get to where I am today, which is feeling more inclined to have a beautiful home again.
My quirky, BEE thing: if I can't ensure that ALL the containers [baskets, bins etc] will be in the same colour or style... I'm immediately put off the entire idea of reorganising, as I'd like it to look, "just so" = perfectionist.
But the perfectionist me struggles against the energetic me who just wants to sort it all out [fortunately, energetic me is winning most of the battles!]
I hold onto things due to my perceived value they have [especially things that belonged to my mum] = borderline hoarder [which alarms me]
I'm also quite a craft-loving BEE - lots of supplies & things
*SOLUTION*: I've decided to tackle my issues by doing a little bit of something every day.
Whether it's shredding old documents for 20 minutes [that's when the shredder needs a break] or cleaning one drawer in a cupboard for 20 mins - I have to do something, over & above my cleaning, to bring order.
I've implemented this idea since the beginning of the year & it's becoming a routine = happy BonniBee, as I see progress every day. I'm also tracking it in my Bullet Journal, which gives me a sense of accomplishment & satisfaction, that I'm rising above this situation.
It's also beating the 'paralysis' that used to settle over me... "there's so much to do & will I ever get it done?"
At this time, the statement "Rome wasn't built in a day" is so meaningful to me, it reminds me that I'm clearing & organising for ME & no-one else. I can work at my pace & not get overwhelmed.


Thankfully my husband and I are both bees! I pictured us sitting around sorting screws while our, almost 4 year old, keeps showing us the same whale in his whale book over and over and over for 30 mins. Thanks so much for the series. I have both books, plus the workbook, and now the ebook. Buzzin' away. 🐝🐝


Cas, hearing about your lil boy (now that he's a bit older) is so cute and sweet!! I love how he loves you so much! 🥰🥰🥰


Ughhh lol I'm totally a bee. I laughed out loud so many times because you've described me so perfectly..hobbies, dealing with clutter and yet still putting that one screw back in that one spot. Thanks for this 🐝💕


I love the video and I love you put your kids first! They do grow up. I miss my summers with my kids doing all kinds of free stuff. 🤣 Museums, free movies, swimming, .25 cent ice cream cones at a real dairy. Savor the moments. I know kids can drive us crazy at times, so worth it! My son was our first and he did the same things as your’s is. I think girls are tougher growing up. Boys become men and they become tough on the outside but still squishy on the inside!


Just took the quiz. Says I'm a bee. Watched this. I cannot believe how relatable ALL of this is!! I'm definitely a tidy perfectionist with piles everywhere. Also have a bursting craft room 🙈
And my boys are 3 & 6 and the older one especially wants to be right with me and give me a play by play of his day.


So cute your story about your son.😂😂. When my girl was little I used to stay by her, petting her till she fell asleep, I put low soft music for her (still do ). So it was starting to be time consuming, like thinking of the kitchen I still had to tidy up etc., so I started to say, "just one more music" and she'd say "no, three more" this went on for forever until eventually it got to be just a goodnight kiss . She's eleven now but still there are nights she convinces me to stay longer. I'm sure I'll miss these moments.😭


Ok 7 year old video and I’m here today 😭I can’t believe your ebook was free. What an amazing person you are
