Different Muslim Head Coverings Explained

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The hijab is one often the most prevalent distinguishing feature of Muslim-American women. The hijab is a traditional, once mandatory garment that modern-day Muslim women decide whether or not to wear.

Nawal, a guest on Thursday's "Anderson" and one of the cast members of TLC's "All-American Muslim," showed Anderson and viewers the three different types of hijabs; the manzila is currently the most fashionable hijab, which is worn in a similar manner as a pashmina wrap; the burqa, which covers the entirety of the wearer's face; and the niqab, which covers the wearer's face from nose to chin.

Anderson questioned Nawal about why certain Muslim women wear a hijab and others do not.

"It's a choice to wear it," Nawal says. "How can it be oppressing if a woman's made the choice to wear it, essentially?"

Nawal talks more about the different types of hijabs in the video above...

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she didn't explain anything left me more confused. She looks like she got offended with the questions when he asked a legitimate question.


This woman is actually the one that confuses everybody about Hijab!!! Allah yakhdak !


Covering face is a huge conflict in the world. But covering face with a tone of make up is fine.


She's incorrect we cannot pick and choose what to wear it a command from Allah swt. It's don't not just for modesty but for your love and fear of Allah swt..May Allah swt guide us all


she did not explain what is mandatory. wearing Hijab/Burqa is not Mandatory. It's her choice like she was wearing a hijab with jeans(though she was wearing tight jeans). nothing in Quran stated you must wear Hijab/Burqa... our religion gives us a freedom and it makes our life simple. but we are making it complex. Quran/hadis says your dress must be modest..very simple.. why we are making it complex


Firstly, I think hijabs are so pretty, but I think it’s a contradiction that many Muslim women wear makeup. Makeup is meant to beautify women and make more sexy. Also I don’t think it’s fair that Muslim men don’t cover- arab men are some of the most good looking men I’ve seen. Lastly, it’s men that should be taught not to stare, lust etc. not place every dang responsibility on women.


I'm a white American convert and I wear niqab and the burqa. I love it


But in some countries, it is in fact, not a choice. And that there lies the problem.


She should not be explaining the different types of hijabs when she isn't even dressed in proper hijab herself. And the first hijab she explained, "the most fashionable"? really? Women don't wear hijab because its "fashionable". this is why you dont get a shia rafidi to explain hijab.


Astaghfirullah!May Allah protect us from those fitnahs.She didn't wear hijab.She is spreading misconception about hijab.Covering hair isn't hijab.If you want to know about hijab you have to know from Quran and Sunnah.


Why does she sound annoyed and almost mad when she's talking? And I thought it wasn't a choice for the woman to wear head coverings?


skinny jeans and hijab... ahh make your mind up sister


the worst country in the global list 2018 for the number of murders, rapes and divorce now tells us how to behave in a society ... what a joke😂😂😂😂


I like how they say women get to choose when they are highly pressured to wear it. That is sad.


I get that her hijab was wrong but that's her journey, what we need to appreciate is that what she said was right and clear about the different hijabs


The "hijab" of the woman presenting is known as "tabarruj"


It should be every woman’s choice whether they should want to wear one or not


I know her intentions were good, but don't kid yourself some women DO NOT have a choice in some Muslim Countries. To the point where they are punished for not covering up or even assaulted. Not even in America in some households, at all but some (Muslim households). I think people should start talking about both sides of hijab and the differences of meanings of hijab in other countries. I don't mind if she the woman wants to wear one, however, they must understand the meaning of wearing one and understand that in some countries it's enforced by law (countries that practice a more strict version of Sharia).


My question is why the men not doing it too? If I was in that religion or culture I would want my husband to be modest or faithful too. My husband wear his wedding ring and so I wear mine. If he didn't I would refuse to wear mine.


Melek Bayram: Please, do not judge other sisters, you don't know what's in her heart. It is okay to correct someone when you are sure that the other person is mistaken, but it's not okay to say that someone is a 'wannabe' muslim. You can't look in her heart! 
