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How to Block a Punch in Street Fights. This week we look at how to defend yourself against a punch in a real fight. looking at how your reaction time will affect your ability to block punches, we offer the advice on the best way to defend yourself.

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ELEVATING YOUR FIGHT IQ: Videos blending Martial Arts, Crime Science, and Psychology.

Presented by Dr Mark Phillips Criminal Psychologist, Security Consultant, Martial Arts and Defensive Skills Instructor. An expert in Organised Crime, Hostage Taking, and Offender Profiling. Martial arts experience includes Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Wrestling, Boxing, San Da Kickboxing, and MMA.

Weekly Self Defence and Martial Arts video releases every Wednesday. Topics Covered: Coping with Criminal Behaviour, Self Defence Techniques, Street Fighting Tips, Mindset Preparation, as well as general tips on how to defend yourself.



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One time I had huge guy wanting to hit me. I am only 5'7" average build. I ran, he chased after me for a while. After running about 75 yards I stopped and he stopped but I kept my distance about 10 yards. He couldn't catch me because I was smaller and quicker then him, he was already out of breath. I was ready to take off again if he got close. But he just said forget you and walked away. Guess the run had calmed him down some or he figured it wasn't worth the effort. So, don't be afraid to run, its not worth getting your jaw broke.


Yes in an very average steet fight, blocking absolutely works. Has worked for me, and based on my experiences, it has worked for many other people as well. It just has to be something that is in your muscle memory already. The block, and counter.


Jabs are so underrated. No loading necessary and a quick stunner to set up a stronger punch


I find a good stiff headbut to the nose is very effective in neutralizing or disrupting a potential attack .
Its also good for setting up further strikes or a throw .
If your space is invaded and your fear for your safety you can't go wrong by striking first


This is all based on you being in range, but when someone has a reach and height advantage, you need to be in range to counter, therefore blocking or slipping/rolling may be your only option to avoid the strike or get any leverage on any of these reactionary strikes. Still a nice video💯


Sounds like good advice overall, though in the 1 "street fight" I was in (I was attacked by a man who weighed some 200 lbs probably, I am a 120lbs female.. but I have been training judo and kick boxing since I was around 8 years old and still to this day in my 40's as my father wanted me to know how to defend myself growing up). I was accosted while waiting for my bus, I saw he was going to grab me, I stepped back immediately and avoided his grasp and assumed a defensive posture. He lunged with a clumsy clubbing swing that I easily saw and dodged from years of training. However, him being much larger and stronger than I, he began to swing furiously and rapidly at my head, I dodged and slipped most of the swings, but he forced me onto my backfoot as I weaved away, I was eventually forced to block about 2 strikes with my forearm and shoulder (I rolled with the strikes to minimize impact, as his strikes were very heavy due to the sheer mass difference.. and well him being a male and all). Immediately after I blocked the 2nd strike of his flurry I delivered a quick groin kick that dropped him immeditately - then a quick head kick while he was down that knocked him out.. then called 911 while I kept my foot over his throat incase he woke up (he did.. 3 times before cops arrived. I knocked him out 2 more times and the third time he woke up kicked his groin as hard as I could.. that left him vomitting in pain which is when the cops arrived).

Blocking has it's place.. namely I think if you're a trained fighter. I was mostly calm and could see everything he was throwing at me (he was clearly not a trained fighter, just a big strong brute). Even if you're a 120lbs woman vs a 200lbs man... assuming you know what you're doing anyway.

And yes, I thanked my father after that attack for forcing me to learn to fight incase I was ever attacked. Was lucky to have a wise father.


Great video. This is why MMA fights include very little in the way of "blocking" punches and kicks. For one thing, you're still absorbing impact if your block. Not always a big deal, but it can be. It's far better to have arm/leg position coupled with distance and angle control. And if you don't see the punch until it's almost at your face... move forward. You'll strip the punch of a lot of its power. Control distance and angles at all times.


Everyone has a plan until they get clobbered first….strike first mates.


I wish I could claim to know a lot about fighting, but I stumbled ass backwards into the importance of counterpunching. I did something that was half way between a scared flinch and an upward sweep block that I’d learned in a first grader’s karate class at the Y- but I extended my arm in the flinch phase so instead of blocking I ended up bloodying a guy’s nose and stopping him in mid swing by doing it. OK one time is dumb luck- but then the exact same thing happened the next time somebody swung on me. And I realized that I can throw my arm out with just the power of my elbow faster than your average Joe can rotate their whole body into a punch, and it just became standard that if you try to hit me, I’ll just lightly boop you on the snoot first- if you are a trained killer you’re just going to nosebleed on me a little bit while you’re caving my head in- but so far everyone who ever swung on me has been a coward who turned their back the split second they got hit in the face even a tiny half ass bit. I chalk that up to me not fucking with people and having the good sense to vanish like a fart in the wind if somebody keeps fucking with me, so I only ever have to deal with guys who are trying to prove they aren’t weak… because they are weak.


~ I've worked in various clubs in Vegas, and I've had a lot of "physical interactions". I can say with 100% certainty: When the cops inevitably arrive on scene, they will ask to see the video recording. Unless your in a dark alley and alone, someone will have their phone out recording, or just regular surveillance cameras will be active. If you're on that video throwing the first punch, you're going to jail m8.. What are you going to tell the judge? "He looked like he was going to hit me, so I broke his nose!!!" Yea, that's going to be expensive.... Try to avoid violence, you never know who's got a gun, or knife, or 10 friends nearby. Don't let your ego control you.


If you're standing in punching range of someone who is clearly aggressive and wanting to fight, you've already fucked up. You should be backing up, with hands up, saying you don't want to fight. If he takes a step towards you, take two steps back and announce you're leaving, if he chases you, you've now got the legal thing covered as much as possible. You tried to descalate, you declared that you didn't want a fight and you attempted to leave. He persisted through all three of those things. You have met the reasonable legal expectation to evade and de-escalate, and now you can attack first when he pursues and gets back in your space, because he's got a clear intent to hurt you. And YOU should be setting range. He should not be in punching range, until YOU let him there. Don't EVER let someone walk up on you, nose to nose, chest to chest, and within punching range. Standing there looks macho, but it's the height of stupidity. And if you stay in his range, that's a great way to ensure that the temperature of the situation keeps rising. Back up. BACK UP. BACK UP. Or Hell, better yet, run.


Dr.Phillips's support-buddy took the sudden slap at 0:07 like a sport 😂👍
Cool analysis as always ❤


You have an incredible channel here Dr. Philips, Thank you for producing these! It's sad that there seems to be MORE aggression, in general, geopolitically, in relationships and in interpersonal relations between strangers, than ever before. Sadly we ALL need to know these tactics now.
This great channel should have over a million subscribers!!! SUPPORT THE CREATOR!!


Love this channel. Practical knowledge that you can actually apply.


Hit first! Don't think! Finish him!
You don't need much as soon as a person steps into your personal space, hit him as fast and hard as you can, don't wait for him or her to hit first.


Unfortunately I think the court can be skeptical about the claim "I defended myself by punching first".


One thing i have learnt, keep an eye on the bad guy the moment you turn your back he will strike he may even appear like he is backing down until he sees you drop your guard, recently i had that situation and i played him at his own game you have to be aware of there tricks and use them add to that you have some skill best place to be.


I like the way you’re using the term “intuition.” It’s not always magically knowing what’s going to happen out of nowhere. Instead, it’s knowing peoples patterns of movement and behavior, then responding accordingly. In this case when it comes to a potential street fight scenario, but that can apply to other areas of life too.


Good video. I like to incorporate the natural flinch reaction when reacting to that first punch. It is a very fast reaction. Your body wants to move the head away and bring up your hands to block. Use what is natural rather than fight against it. However you still have to train that "flinch" so the head movement isn't turning away and the hand movement is bringing up the "cage" (also called a shell).
I have found it difficult to intercept punches with your own punch since the attacker's punch is already on the way. It may be very hard if they are a trained fighter/martial artist. If not however, they usually telegraph like mad and move inefficiently allowing you to contact first more often.


I would love to see a U.K. version of "Self-Defense Championship " Fight Science, Tommy Moore Bartitsu, Tony Jefferies, Master Wong, Aikido Flow, English Martial Arts....'twould be epic. Great vid!
