Can hypnotherapy cure anxiety?

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A balanced and independent view of hypnotherapy for anxiety by an ex-hypnotherapist. I examine if hypnotherapy works for panic disorder, social anxiety, phobias, GAD and OCD.

#hypnotherapy #anxietyrelief #martinburridge #anxiety

0:00 Intro
0:25 Questions answered by this video
0:50 What is hypnotherapy
1:10 Most important part of hypnotherapy
1:47 What is good about hypnotherapy
2:10 Hypnosis and CBT
2:21 Whats bad about hypnotherapy
3:27 Exaggerated claims
3:47 My own experience of hypnotherapy success
4:13 Hypnotherapy limitations
4:46 Hypnotherapy regulation
5:29 Is hypnotherapy effective for OCD?
5:46 Is hypnotherapy effective for phobias?
6:15 Is hypnotherapy effective for social anxiety?
6:22 Is hypnotherapy effective for Generalised Anxiety?
6:41 Is hypnotherapy effective for Panic Disorder and PTSD?
7:30 Signs of a good hypnotherapist?
7:40 Other options
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I tried it to treat my anxiety and it helped me. The technique the therapist used was age regression. After one session, I never had anxiety attacks anymore.


I used a hypnosis video to stop nail biting and it worked! My problem is Cardiacphobia since 2014, my life revolves around it. I’ve had psychotherapy, CBT, etc, the ER visits, 30 different doctors, medication, plus all the medical tests and even a echo cardiographs and stress test last month which went extremely well. I haven’t done a ER since jan 2019 and I haven’t seen a GP regarding the matter since then so that’s a good sign. I do keep fit and avoid energy vampires, but the anxiety is always in the background changing into different things every so often. Feeling fatigued one week, feeling out of touch the next, caustics, worry, etc, etc. The list goes on. Always looking for that one more magic test. I think meditation and hypnosis might be worth a try now. Thanks for making the great content.


You said you used hypnosis to reduce insomnia? That is incredible and I would love to learn more about that, especially since you are one of the few channels on this subject that I trust.


I had a bad experience with a hypnotist I was forced to see as a child. Now, every time I hear the word "relax, " I get anxious.


Thanks, eventually a nuanced attempt. One can't just speak of A good method, it is often very much about 1. who the therapist is as an individual,
2. how attentive, insightful, skilled, mature, moral, dedicated the therapist is,
3. and how much he actually puts these assets into practice.
4. Then there is all the little practical and socio-psychical around-talk and info that makes for a secure patient. My latest hypno-coach f ex, forgot to give me info+instructions about what he was going to do rights before we started (he had said a lot in emails and phone before, but that was not enough in this level of trouble and burnout), and he did not tell me what i was to do nd did not lead my soul's attention into calmness, forgetting maybe that a relative calm/safety is good to have before the induction. He also failed to tell me when the session started and that he recorded it. This influenced my stress and faith in him and his ability.
After the session, he immediately took out his cell phone. The session was a failure: I fell deeply asleep and didn't get any other effect of it, which he should have arranged better, or told me to see to it that I had got some sleep the week(s) before.
The recording was made without my issues clear to him, not in my language but a silly language and with a silly content that i don't want poured into my unconscious. I use it rarely to get a little sleep though, but have all but stopped being open to hypnosis. Because of how it gets practised. Do they have so much confidence in the method that they think it doesn't matter how they are and do, themselves?
As with many man-made things, i can be better than it is being done. Or some have too complex issues and too high stress- trauma- sensitivity to manage lesser performance. I am still sad about this, had prepared much. And he seemed good and nice on the phone and emails.


I NEED a hypnotherapist but I live in BULLHEAD AZ.
there's not alot here..Anxiety &Insomnia
its 3:30am and I'm watching 👀this video


Super interesting stuff Martin. I've never tried hypnotherapy but have a friend who is looking to try it to help with his OCD.


Randomized controlled trials are the gold standard for reaching any real conclusions on anything studied. They are based on the science of mathematical statistics.


Hello, thanks for explaining this from both sides. I have MADD (mixed anxiety and depressive disorder), I’ve tried two types of CBT which haven’t worked, I did talking therapy for a while and I got better but then just got worse again. My anxiety runs in the females in my family, I realise I don’t know what a non-anxious woman looks like so I don’t k ow how to be one. I’m trying to find a type of therapy that can help, or just an alternative that doesn’t revolve around me telling myself what’s wrong, I know what’s wrong I need someone to help me fix it. Would you suggest hypnotherapy for someone in m6 position?


Do you think it could help me I have really bad anxiety and depression my anxiety gives me physical symptoms all the time I get heart palpitations and I feel like my chest is flaring up do you think it could help? I think I’d find it hard to relax tbh


Great video, thanks very much for that!! Could it help for driving on the freeway- with more drive lanes and tunnels?(Panic disorders) Sorry for my bad Englisch but it's not my motherlanguage.I'm from Belgium 'Europe. Thanks and greetz!!


Will it help fight a habit or impulse which is triggered mostly by anxiety like a awkward behaviour while in social situations?


Can it be good for social anxiety ? Or alsow now as social fobia ?


06:38 . Martin. What does that line mean ?? Hypnosis no better than no treatment ?? Does it mean it is better than no treatment at all ?? Well my english is not good enough. That's why I have to ask this .


Sir can u please help me in dealing that
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I have unknown fear when i close my eyes and the phobia of not going into deep sleep and it actually happens i cant sleep 😢 well i have anxiety and depression..can
hypnotherapy help me if i go to a therapist???


If I take Hypnotherapy session from a professional hypnotherapist and get the audio recording of things which were implanted in my subconscious during the session. As a practice if I use same audio to do self hypnosis while going to sleep will it work?


Is Hypnotherapy effective for get rid of envious feelings!!? Those feelings are troubling me a lot....


Do you remember which book on self hypnosis you read? Awesome video btw


Lol, I fear death or health problems that lead to death. How are you going to expose me to that?