How Strong Is Invincible?

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It's no surprise that the brutal superhero show, Invincible, has taken the world by storm due to its high popularity, awesome fights, and amazing characters. Mark Grayson, Omni-Man's son, is the main character of the series and due to his Viltrumite genetics awakening, he quickly had his life turned upside down.

Although the animated series is still young, the comic books have concluded his story, struggles, and many close-calls. Along the way, he faces really powerful villains and antagonists like his father Omni-Man, Battle Beast, and Grand Regent Thragg, the ultimate Viltrumite.

So, how STRONG is Invincible really? Is he weak or is Invincible WAY Stronger Than You Know!?

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Thank you all very much for watching! Let me know what you guys think about the sound effects. Should I keep stuff like that in for future videos??


Mark is unquestionably the strongest character in the series by the very end. Keep in mind, all of the feats listed in this video are Mark before he even turned thirty. A certain amount of years afterwards he fights Allen and wins. In the last scene of the comics he's HUNDREDS of years old, and it's expressly stated that Viltrumites grow stronger as they age. I am confident that by series end, Mark makes Thragg bow to him.


As Nolan says "You'll live to see this planet crumble to dust and blow away"
Mark is basically the equivalent of a baby in viltrumite years and he's beaten people who've lived hundreds of times his lifetime


The most impressive thing about mark is that he's the most accomplished hero in fiction.
Fuck being hokage or saving the world, mark turned the ENTIRE VERSE INTO AN EVERLASTING UTOPIA.


"Despite his body falling apart, his spirit is invincible" That phrase alone is what made me love Mark as a character. Similar traits to Spiderman who keeps getting through all the hardships and conflicts, they're will is still strong


Mark is basically a pure blooded Viltrumite. Viltrumite DNA is extremely dominant. It eventually overtakes the other DNA, basically making them full blooded. Mark at the end of the series would only be a tiny party human. Humans are also the closest, best match for Viltrumites ever found.


My favorite part about the time skip Mark is he's thinking about the question his father asked him. If I remember it correctly goes"think Mark think everyone you know will be dead within the blink-of-an-eye before you even look 30. What will you have in 500 years"


Read the comic. If you consider that in his tweanties he was able to at least fight the strongest guy and not die, and viltrumites get stronger as time past, I think he might be consider a prodigy of viltrumites. I mean, he was so young and defeated some of the oldest and powerful guys, he must have an imense raw power.


Considering the amount of times Mark has been disemboweled and survived I think he deserves to be called Invincible


I can’t remember a protagonist more disrespected in their own verse though. Battle beast, the weird scientist, Anissa, Nolan, conquest, Allen, and thragg. I swear he I don’t remember seeing a protagonist not have any plot armor what so ever not even his rage boosts seem to matter to the enemy and just have their way with him, sometimes literally.


Mark has had the advantage of living a life fighting stronger people.
He was constantly fighting stronger enemies, constantly pushing himself, achieving more and more. As Nolan says, viltrumite powers won't increase without being pushed, which is what Mark constantly does. Hence why he outgrows and lastly overpowers so many strong viltrumites, his power is one that has been tempered and hardened on the brink of death, whereas most viltrumites were nurtured and taught by viltrumite society, already being skilled warriors before ever setting foot on a planet with real enemies to fight, which usually were hopelessly outclassed anyways. Mark's fights, on the other hand, have always pushed him to and over his limit fighting with his life or the life of people he cares about at risk.

That's why he always wins. That, and the fact his spirit is
*insert title card here*


Chuck: this will cover the whole invincible seires

Invincible show fans: Shit….


viltrumites also become more powerful as they age, so it is very impressive that Mark was able to hold his own against MUCH older and more experienced viltrumites
It is most likely that viltrumite DNA, when combined with the DNA of other races, has different and interesting effects, and a human/viltrumite hybrid truly is


Another thing is Mark is an observant fighter too. He doesn’t learn official martial arts but he does seem to learn tactics that Viltrumites use on each other just by seeing it happen before his eyes. When Nolan bashed a Viltrumite in the ears with his fists, Mark used this tactic on his doppelgänger to knock him out and uses it on Conquest too. Even Conquest at the time was slightly impressed with Mark’s fighting in which Mark tells him that he’s just warming up. When Conquest tries to pile-drive Mark from orbit, Mark is able to escape his hold pretty quickly and tells Conquest that he had tried that already. Viltrumites also like to use their hands as swords or axes to stab or slice opponents apart and Mark (who hasn’t seen these moves in action before using this technique for the first time) has a sort of signifies move where he sideswipes an entire row of people in just one swing. He has used this move twice in the comics and Nolan used a move slightly different on Immortal twice in the show. First time Mark did was when a group of Reanimen was jumping Mark. Mark was much stronger than he was in the show by this time so he could take down an entire group of Reanimen without breaking a sweat. The reason they were able to group on him and start serving what The Rock was cooking was because Mark had his weakness exposed to him full force to the point where he was nearly paralyzed and in literal mind numbing agony. But as soon as his inner ear weakness was released off of him, Mark was able to destroy the entire group of Reanimen as soon as he got up. Mark used this move again against an even larger group of hybrid Viltrumites who were able to hold their own against Mark without any distractions on Mark’s part but as soon as Mark tapped into his Viltrumite rage, he was able to overpower each of them in just four panels. To put things into perspective of how fast he dismantled the hybrids, Mark killed them all before he could finish a sentence of three words.

Also I read the Invincible series multiple times but never got into the guidebooks or the crossover events, (which are canon as they are comparable to the MCU’s crossovers) so could someone explain to me if I’m wrong but are Smart Atoms basically things that help a Viltrumite adapt to almost anything? Such as potentially toxic atmospheres, space, solar radiation? I know these things don’t really affect Viltrumites but I’m trying to learn if the Smart Atoms are the things that make it so. Is that why a fully powered Atom Eve (who can manipulate organic matter at this point) was able to fry off Conquest’s skin? Did it cancel out his Smart Aaron’s adaptability? Let me know


During his fight with Conquest, the latter tells him something like "we don't get stronger just by being mad, it doesn't work that way". Except, Mark is part human.
He has adrenaline.
Mark literally gets stronger the madder he gets.
It's, imo, how a 20something beat a thousands years old uber warrior.


I swear when Thragg is animated he is going to have so many Sigma Moments.


Post time skip he's probably stronger than thragg anytime before that no chance


My biggest disappointment was actually how Smart Atoms werent really explored in the comics. Those could have been a game changer in making Viltrimites some of the strongest beings in a verse.


Mark is by far one of the best superhero’s of all time.


To be fair for a long time mark is shown either struggling or being outclassed. Only later do you get to see how strong he really is
