10 Star Wars Scenes Everyone Gets Wrong

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You're (probably) wrong about these Star Wars scenes.
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About Luke deciding to kill ben. And not being "squeaky clean.".... Sorry this is a long one.
At the end of movie 6, with both the villains trying to push Luke over the edge. He finally snaps and lets the dark side take control when Vader taunts his sister. When the Emperor applauds Luke's mistake, Luke realises and composes himself and proclaims he's a Jedi like his pops.
That's where the Emperor realises Luke cannot be turned - even after totally going all Sith on his old man - and decides to kill the young Jedi.
And in the process Luke redeems his father.
The whole original trilogy is about Luke overcoming his shortcomings, and achieving his Jedi potential. So the idea he'd kill his own nephew is ludicrous and offensive to the characters legacy.
Plus the fact he "sensed the dark side" in his nephew, is not how the dark side works. Giving in to your emotions leads down that path.


I remember in Rebels where Rex puts a Stormtrooper helmet on, and finds he can't hit squat! 'I Can't see a thing in this'.


Everything can be explained, from a certain point of view.


Luke grew up bulls-eyeing swamp rats for fun. He was never merciful behind a light saber either. He was no choir boy. He had what it takes to get the job done.


The Stormtroopers were ordered to miss, apparently they were never ordered to stop missing.


I'll grant that yes the Stormtroopers were told to 'miss' in A New Hope, but what about all the other times they couldn't hit a barn door? Even when they were obviously not told to miss.


Anakin was socially awkward. the dialogue reflected that.


This video warms my cold, pedantic heart.


"Obi-Wan isn't a complete hypocrite"

*anakin jumps off speeder*
Obi-wan - "I hate it when he does that"
-10 mins earlier
*obi-wan jumps out window*


On number1: yeah, Padme was saying how much she liked the beach to a guy who lived in a desert.


As far as the bombs, you don't even need magnetics. You can use basic physics. Objects in motion stay in motion. The release mechanism could have easily been some form of pushing system to send them in a certain direction. And since there is no force pushing back they will keep going, The only reason people consider it a flaw is the fact that most Sci-fi stories always have the ships meet with the same side being up, but in space there is no up and their built in gravity systems is what keeps them from floating around. It is very rare to ever see space crafts meet in a way where they are not facing the same way.


I don’t like The Last Jedi, but the bomb complaint never made sense. Whether it was magnets or something else, do we really need to see the characters having a conversation about why the bomb launching weapon is able to do what it was clearly designed to do?

This would be like bitching because the characters are on starships, but- *gasp* -they aren’t floating! The horror!

Or just use common sense.


I saw the original trilogy in the cinemas, saw the first broadcast on tv, saw the video tapes when released. ALL Multiple times.

Have absolutely no recollection of a silver leg. No one ever mentioned it. As a child I even had the figures. I had Multiple star wars comics fro, the 1970s

NEVER, not once, was that leg silver until very recently. Yet here we are.


Leia knew they let them go and were being tracked, yet she immediately went to the rebel base, knowing what the Death Star was capable of. That was the biggest plot hole in the entire movie.


Gotta admit, I never thought about the Stormtroopers being ordered to miss before. Kudos.


For whatever rrason, I never put together the connection between "they let us go" and the Stormtroopers not hitting anything for shit. Mind blown.


and obi wan even commented about stormtrooper accuracy when looking at the jawa vehicle


i always figured the bombs did drop but that's because their target was so massive that gravity can hold it's own weight and the bombs simply dropped down onto it.

but again, it's a movie about space wizards fighting over religion in space so what do i know?


"Falling in love—that's what the Jedi Code forbids. Getting laid? Not so much. Not if it's casual." Rael Averross, Dooku's first apprentice


There is gravity in space. That's what keep the planets in orbit. If the dreadnought was keeping the same position above the planet, you know to shoot the resistance base, then it would have to have its repulsors on to keep from falling. In other words, a stationary ship has to fight the planet's gravity. The bombs would fall because of this gravity.
