How to make AC || Smart Air conditioner At Home || Mini powerful AC

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How to make AC || Smart air conditioner At Home || Mini powerful AC
Hi guy’s in today’s video I will be showing you how to make a powerful mini AC which works with the complete principal of an actual Air Conditioner (AC). Watch the video from beginning to end to learn how to make it.
Here is the link to the video that shows how to make the air or water pump which I used in this video. How to make a powerful mini air or water pump using DC motor
#aircooler #aircooled #diy

Thanks 🙏🏼 for watching guys and I will see you in my next video.
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Seems legit... The pump dumps high pressure into the hot side and that pressure goes through the small orifice which creates a pressure differential. the cold side is warmed up by the tiny fan and you get the cooling effect. The gas goes through the pump again, which is pressurized once more. So yeah... it works!


Fantastic example to explain how a fridge works.


Excellent. Congratulations. The butane gas compressed in the lighter tents to cooling down. You're a practical genius


Awesome video and an excellent DIY working model of a refrigerator. Those who try this out please remember that the Butane gas used as refrigerant here is highly flammable and so please refrain from exposure to high temperature and make sure you are in apt environment to this out.

Please also ensure there is less leakage by using proper sealant as joints or filling the has before joining components.
Thank you


I was wondering to use this in order to make my Peltier efficiency (wine cooler) better when ambient temperature raises. I'm now working on it. Great idea.
I have to ask you: When you are filling the system with gas, if you make a drainage hole for the air inside, could it be more efficient?


This won't work for several reasons. First, there is no way that pump can produce enough pressure. Butane requires over 100PSI to work as a refrigerant. Second, there isn't a properly sized orifice in the system. Third, you wouldn't be able to seal that tube off with glue because the pressure of the gas escaping would push it out of the way before it can harden. Fourth, the pressure in a functioning system like that would blow off the those vinyl hoses off or make them explode. While this is a very basic visual demonstration of a refrigeration system, there are a lot of smoke and mirrors in the background making it appear to function.


If you go the heat pump route, you just need to separate the hot side and cold side air wise, add a fan to the hot side. Butane gets pretty cold to liquify, so basically the pump acts a a condenser pump, and that narrow piece of tube is what is called a capillary tube. if you had something of a better tank piece up to an ounce size, and filled it with a few lighters worth in the same kinda way, you might get something that could handle more power, up to that of a mini fridge. Mind you, that little pump won't last forever, and it would all work better if you could make the system vaccuumed empty of air, but it is a good demo model of how all the basic parts work.


I don't comment very often but am compelled to here. Great job, totally legit, have high pressure low pressure with boil off point, just never thought about using butane as a coolant. GREAT


Very nicely made video. Yes it’s far from a perfect ac unit but we’re not talking about making a professional piece. It’s a great example of concept and principles of an ac unit.


Very cool but unfortunately the fire extinguisher was more expensive 😂

Я тоже так умею: заморозить один конец, потом заснять как тает и воспроизвести в обратном порядке.


uau, sempre quis fazer um desses, mas pensava ser muito dificil, mas voçê fez parecer bem mais facil, obrigado por esse video maravilhoso!!


You cannot use a water pump to compress gases, you need a compressor in a closed system (and no leaks!)
The compressor needs to be able to compress the gas into a liquid (in vaccum) for the expansion to even work for cooling
and the system needs to be able to handle such high pressures.
The expansion "tube" is not even that thin to create a high pressure difference to reach that performance.
Refrigerants exist for exactly that purpose.
I'm no engineer but we had classes about this in highschool.
Even a DIY air pump (with a piston) and a syringe needle could've been a better way to illustrate how heat pumps work.
Edit: Funnily enough you already used a syringe needle in the video but for a completely different purpose lmao


Waaaw... I see Reverse Video in end.. 5:02 The Freezing is not Real.. ! 😂 (you can see the drop water)


Excellent! I will use it as laptop cooler


Nice DIY if one can scale this up, you can install it in cars and have no worries of full consumption when using it problem is one has to find a way to dampen the fan noise


Use two fans on both coils and then you have the option of a heat pump and and AC. Place the hot coils in front of the cold ones and you have a dehumidifier which also serves as a water condenser.


really cool. the only thing i prob would change is not using superglue. would epoxy the joints or if i cant get epoxy then the superglue/baking soda combo if i remember when you mix the 2 it becomes rock hard. just to avoid the very small chance of the tubes comming undone from the pipes.


Well, that has to be the tiniest refrigeration circuit I have ever seen! Nice work!


M refrigeration machnic. And it's work but I do with little bit big moter dc 12v and use fire free R134a gas install with pin walv or filter also... And it's work parfect 🎉
