VICE's American regime propaganda: How 'A World in Disarray' glorifies US imperialism

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Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton continue reporting on Vice Media's transformation into a mouthpiece for American foreign policy.

With filmmaker Robbie Martin, we look specifically at "A World in Disarray," a documentary film VICE co-produced with Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass, which glorifies US imperialism and brings together the most notorious neoconservatives and neoliberals.

We also analyze VICE's propaganda on Venezuela and its whitewashing of US-backed neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

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I always wondered how VICE gets access to places and people a so called independent media would dream about. After listening to this report, it all make sense. Vice is nothing but Fox on Molly.


So herre I go again. I love you guys. If it wasn't for you I'd never know the history of Zionism. Noam Chomky led me to you Max. You and Ben are a great team. I gave up Bill Maher when he endorsed Trump making Jerusalem Israel's capital while admitting he's never been to Gaza. Dersowitz (however spelled) once said during the O.J. Simpson trial that "Wit whips truth". That's when I knew I hated his ugly ass. You've got a great sense of humor Max, even though a lot of it goes over my head. You guys are the "truth surveilance" and everyone is afraid of you (as well as Abby and her brother). Carry on guys and when I sell my house I'll subscribe. My old friend and I agreed the other night that just about everything we were taught to believe was a lie. I will do my best to turn people on to Moderate Rebels.


Remember subscribing to them when they started around 2011, being a freaky youngster pre-theory I thought their Libya coverage was brave, now I know it was stenography. They never regressed, they were always a hipster channel of empire, the precursor to it really, Vox and Huffpo was modeled on it later on.


Btw, Bill Maher is also a Vice producer. Isn't he?


*Max has used the phrase "New American Century". It has reminded me of yet another of maniacal neolib/neocon think tank called New America, * currently headed by a neocolonial imperialist Anne-Marie Slaughter -- a former Obama's policy director, who has infamously fired one of the employees of New America for his critiques of Google, which is their main funder along with Eric Schmidt personally, who is presiding in Pentagon committees and who was the main pusher of Hillary Clinton presidency. Google, by the way, also has a revolving door with StateDep, exchanging executives/deputies with them and taking their commands to assist regime change coups via social media spying and manipulation (through software later transferred to Qatar' and its Al Jazeera TV network), as well as with the suppression of unfriendly leaks such as private Manning-released "Iraq helicopter" video that showed the military mass murdering people, including Reuters' journalists, and making a "double tap" on the first responders.
The previous head of New America Steven Coll now heads Columbia School of Journalism, which has founded Center for Digital Journalism that is constantly pushing neo-MacCarthyite xenophobic Russiagate hysteria such as "discovering" "the Russians" on Trumblr through a method of matching of account names with Twitter accounts that were "possibly" connected to "the Russians", even though Twitter defines millions of non-Russian Americans that visited Russia, as well as 800K Americans of Russian origin, as well as non-Russian Americans (there were few scandals about that) as "Russians".


New sub, you made my day with this one 😎👍. Enjoying your other stuff now.


Max's caricature makes him look a bit like Vincent Van Gogh.


Vice was the way I got introduced to more consistently leftists politics. I started watching VICE"s coverage of Venezuelan guarimba protests back in 2014/15. I subscribed and eventually landed on the interview VICE did to Slavoj Zizek and the show Hamilton's Pharmacopeia. Those shows/videos led me to progressive perspectives on the issues those videos discussed. I still watch vice because I admit I like the aesthetic but this video is absolutely on point because I know people who have fallen down the alt-right/libertarian rabbit hole due to VICE'S hipster fascism.


Watching rt this morning. the new president of Sinn Fein who was elected over the weekend had a half hour interview. Did putin have a hand in it. Is Mary Lou a Russian agent. Is Russia pulling strings in Irish parliament. If so I'll be voting Sinn Fein from here on


Danny gold is back at it today on Twitter. smearing ben Norton with one the silliest blogs I've ever seen


I'd be interested to hear more details about your reason for saying Democracy Now aren't as anti-war as they used to be.


I just made a comment and found it deleted. What's going on?
